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Created February 6, 2012 19:31
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Using CLI in clojure
;; from
(defn tool-run
"Provides the main function needed to bootstrap the Hadoop application."
[^Tool this args-in]
;; define our command line flags and parse out the provided
;; arguments
(let [[options args banner]
(cli args-in
["-h" "--help"
"Show usage information" :default false :flag true]
["-p" "--path" "HDFS path of data to consume"]
["-o" "--output" "HDFS path for the output report"])]
;; display the help message
(if (:help options)
(do (println banner) 0)
;; setup and run our job
(doto (Job.)
(.setJarByClass (.getClass this))
(.setJobName "crawl-log-load")
(.setOutputKeyClass Text)
(.setOutputValueClass LongWritable)
(.setMapperClass (Class/forName "crawl-log-loader.core_mapper"))
(.setReducerClass (Class/forName "crawl-log-loader.core_reducer"))
(.setInputFormatClass TextInputFormat)
(.setOutputFormatClass TextOutputFormat)
(FileInputFormat/setInputPaths (:path options))
(FileOutputFormat/setOutputPath (Path. (:output options)))
(.waitForCompletion true))
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