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Last active June 5, 2016 09:04
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Mac OS X ssh-askpass in AppleScript
if [ -s ~/.bashrc ]; then
. ~/.bashrc
# Additions to fix the lack of confirmation when keys are added from the Keychain
if [ -s ~/.ssh/ ]; then
. ~/.ssh/
if [ -n "$SSH_AGENT_PID" ] && ! kill -0 "$SSH_AGENT_PID" &>/dev/null; then
rm -f ~/.ssh/
unset -v SSH_AGENT_PID
if [ -z "$SSH_AGENT_PID" ]; then
if ssh-add -l &>/dev/null; then
declare _ssh_agent_bash_tmpfile="$(mktemp -q "${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/bash.XXXXXXXX" || echo ~/.ssh/bash.$$)"
printf > "$_ssh_agent_bash_tmpfile" -- '%s\n' 'declare -a sshKeyFiles'
ssh-add -l | awk >> "$_ssh_agent_bash_tmpfile" '
/^[[:digit:]]+ / {
sub(/^ /, "");
sub(/ $/, "");
sub(/\047/, "\047\\\047\047");
printf "sshKeyFiles+=(\047%s\047)\n", $0;
. "$_ssh_agent_bash_tmpfile" &&
ssh-add </dev/null -c "${sshKeyFiles[@]}"
rm -f "$_ssh_agent_bash_tmpfile"
unset -v sshKeyFiles _ssh_agent_bash_tmpfile
declare -x SSH_AGENT_PID="$(pgrep -U "$USER" -f -o -x '/usr/bin/ssh-agent -l')"
declare -p SSH_AGENT_PID > ~/.ssh/
#!/usr/bin/env osascript
# To be installed as: /opt/X11/bin/ssh-askpass
# If you don't already have XQuartz installed you might need to run:
# sudo /usr/libexec/x11-select /opt/X11
on run argv
set Approved to "no"
set notifyOnApproval to true
set argText to "Allow use of key in your SSH agent?"
if 0 < (count argv) then
set argText to my textJoin("\n", argv)
set parsedResults to my parsePrompts(argText)
if prompted of parsedResults or keychain of parsedResults then
return passphrase of parsedResults
end if
end if
set alertResult to display alert argText as critical buttons {"Reject", "Approve"} cancel button "Reject" giving up after 30
on error number -128
set alertResult to {gave up:false, button returned:"Reject"}
end try
if "Approve" is equal to button returned of alertResult then
set Approved to "yes"
set soundName to "Pop"
set reason to "Signing Request Authorized"
if not notifyOnApproval then
return Approved
end if
set soundName to "Basso"
set reason to "Access to key DENIED"
if gave up of alertResult then
set reason to "Timed Out"
set soundName to "Submarine"
end if
end if
set notifyText to my messageDisector(argText)
if soundName is equal to missing value then
display notification notifyText with title "ssh-askpass" subtitle reason
display notification notifyText with title "ssh-askpass" subtitle reason sound name soundName
end if
delay 1
return Approved
end run
to parsePrompts(argText)
set foundInKeychain to false
set inputPassphrase to missing value
set promptForPassphrase to false
if argText contains "Enter passphrase for" then
set keyPath to my parseKeyFile(argText)
# TODO: It'd be better to do this in AppleScript directly.
set inputPassphrase to do shell script "security find-generic-password -w -s SSH -a " & quoted form of keyPath
set foundInKeychain to true
on error number 44
set promptForPassphrase to true
end try
else if argText contains "Bad passphrase, try again for" then
set promptForPassphrase to true
end if
if promptForPassphrase then
set inputPassphrase to text returned of (display dialog argText default answer "" hidden answer true buttons {"Cancel", "OK"} default button "OK" cancel button "Cancel" with title "ssh-askpass" giving up after 600)
end if
return {keychain:foundInKeychain, passphrase:inputPassphrase, prompted:promptForPassphrase}
end parsePrompts
to parseKeyFile(argText)
if argText contains "(will confirm each use):" then
set argWords to my textSplit(" ", argText)
set endItem to ((count argWords) - 5)
set argColonParts to my textSplit(":", argText)
set withoutEndColon to my textJoin(":", items 1 thru ((count argColonParts) - 1) of argColonParts)
set argWords to my textSplit(" ", withoutEndColon)
set endItem to (count argWords)
end if
return my textJoin(" ", items 4 thru endItem of argWords)
end parseKeyFile
to messageDisector(argText)
copy argText to retText
set LinesList to my textSplit("\n", retText)
set parts to my textSplit("?", item 1 of LinesList)
set LineOne to item 1 of parts
set wordsLineOne to my textSplit(" ", LineOne)
if 5 ≤ (count wordsLineOne) then
set keyFile to my textJoin(" ", items 5 thru (count wordsLineOne) of wordsLineOne)
set parts to my textSplit("/", keyFile)
set keyFile to item (count parts) of parts
set retText to "Key " & keyFile
if 1 = (count parts) then
set retText to retText & "."
end if
end if
if 1 < (count LinesList) then
set wordsLineTwo to my textSplit(" ", item 2 of LinesList)
if 3 ≤ (count wordsLineTwo) then
set fingerprint to my textJoin(" ", items 3 thru (count wordsLineTwo) of wordsLineTwo)
set retText to retText & " with fingerprint " & fingerprint
end if
end if
return retText
end messageDisector
to textSplit(argDelim, argStr)
set savedDelims to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to argDelim
set retList to argStr's text items
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to savedDelims
return retList
end textSplit
to textJoin(argSep, argList)
set savedDelims to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to argSep
set retStr to argList as string
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to savedDelims
return retStr
end textJoin
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