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Last active May 6, 2019 22:14
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Two logic changes in Car.php, and 2 unit tests needed modification

class Car {
public $make;
public $year;
public $mileage;
public $coverage_name;
public $coverage_terms;
public $coverage_miles;
public $condition;
public $suffix1;
public $suffix2;
public $base_warranty_term;
public $base_warranty_miles;
public $validation_result;
public $errors;
// public functions
// Retrieve json file by simulating API call
public function getCoverageArray($url) {
$results = $this->apiCall($url);
return $results;
// Validate make input from the command line
public function validateMake($make, $base_warranty, &$valid_makes){
foreach ($base_warranty as $item) {
if ($item["make"] == $make) {
return true;
return false;
// Validate year input from the command line
public function validateYear($year, $years, &$valid_years){
foreach ($years as $item) {
if ($item["modelyear"] == $year) {
return true;
return false;
// Validate mileage input from the command line
public function validateMileage($mileage){
return (($mileage>MIN_INPUT_MILEAGE) &&
($mileage<MAX_INPUT_MILEAGE) &&
($mileage%INC_MILEAGE==0)) ? true : false;
// Get basic info from the command line
public function getCarInputValues($base_warranty, $years){
return $this->getInputValues($base_warranty, $years);
// Set base warranty info for the car
public function getBaseWarrantyInfo($base_warranty)
foreach ($base_warranty as $item) {
if ($item["make"] != $this->make)
else {
$this->base_warranty_miles = $item["miles"];
$this->base_warranty_term = $item["term"];
return true;
// Checks the age condition of the car
public function getCondition(){
return ($this->mileage < $this->base_warranty_miles) ? "NEW" : "USED";
// Sets the correct suffix1 for the car
public function getSuffix1($years) {
foreach ($years as $item) {
if ($item["modelyear"]== $this->year) {
$formatted_suffix1 = sprintf("%02d", $item["suffix1"]);
return $formatted_suffix1;
array_push($this->errors, "Car model year is not on our list");
return "--";
// Sets the correct suffix2 for the car
public function getSuffix2($issue_mileage) {
foreach ($issue_mileage as $item) {
if ($this->mileage > $item["max"])
return $item["suffix2"];
array_push($this->errors, "Car mileage is not on our list");
return "-";
// Checks if the miles of the coverage contract expire before the base warranty miles of the
// vehicle has expired.
public function checkContractMileage($coverage){
// get number miles left on warranty
$num_miles_left_on_base_warranty = $this->base_warranty_miles - $this->mileage;
// if this is negative, adjust it to 0, to show we have no miles left under the base warranty
if ($num_miles_left_on_base_warranty < 0)
$num_miles_left_on_base_warranty = 0;
if ($coverage['miles'] <= $num_miles_left_on_base_warranty) {
array_push($this->errors, "Miles expires before warranty");
return false;
return true;
// Checks if the term of the coverage contract expire before the base warranty term of the
// vehicle has expired.
public function checkContractTerms($coverage){
$current_year = date("Y");
// get car's age in months
$car_age = ($current_year - $this->year)*12;
// get number months left on warranty
$num_months_left_on_base_warranty = $this->base_warranty_term - $car_age;
// if this is negative, adjust it to 0, to show we have no time left on the base warranty
if ($num_months_left_on_base_warranty < 0)
$num_months_left_on_base_warranty = 0;
if ($coverage['terms'] <= $num_months_left_on_base_warranty) {
array_push($this->errors, "Term expires before warranty");
return false;
return true;
// Checks if car will be too old before contract expires
public function checkAge($coverage){
$current_year = date("Y");
// Get future age of car, in months, at the end of the term
$future_age = (12*($current_year - $this->year)) + $coverage['terms'];
// if future age is > 147 months, this car will be too old
if ($future_age > 147){
array_push($this->errors, "Vehicle age will be too old before contract ends");
return false;
return true;
// Checks if car will have too many miles before contract expires
public function checkMileage($coverage){
$current_year = date("Y");
$current_month = date("m");
// first get car current average miles per month
if ($this->year < $current_year)
$average_monthly_miles = $this->mileage / (12*($current_year - $this->year));
$average_monthly_miles = $this->mileage / $current_month;
// next get mileage expected during the term
$miles_expected_during_contract = $average_monthly_miles * $coverage["terms"];
// finally get total miles expected
$total_expected_miles = $miles_expected_during_contract + $this->mileage;
// if total expected miles is > MAX_MILEAGE miles, this car will be too high mileage
if ($total_expected_miles > MAX_MILEAGE) {
array_push($this->errors, "Vehicle mileage will be too high before contract ends");
return false;
return true;
// Returns values to print of general car information,
public function getPrintValues(){
$string_to_output =
$this->make.' '.$this->year.' '.$this->mileage.' '.$this->condition.' "'.$this->coverage_name.'" suffix1:'.$this->suffix1.' suffix2:'.$this->suffix2.' ';
return $string_to_output;
// Returns values to print of validation results
public function getPrintValidationResults(){
$num_errors = count($this->errors);
if ($num_errors == 0)
$string_to_output = "RESULT: SUCCESS";
else {
$string_to_output = "RESULT: FAILURE array('";
foreach($this->errors as $value) {
$string_to_output = $string_to_output.((++$cnt == $num_errors) ? "$value')" : "$value', '");
return $string_to_output;
// private functions
// simulate API call to get json file.
private function apiCall($url) {
$strJson = file_get_contents($url); //implemented with file_get_contents since file is in same directory
$result = json_decode($strJson, true);
return $result;
// Retrieve car's make from the command line
private function getCarMake($base_warranty){
$valid_input = false;
$valid_makes = array();
while (!$valid_input) {
echo "Enter car make: ";
$make = rtrim(fgets(STDIN), "\r\n");
$valid_input = $this->validateMake($make, $base_warranty, $valid_makes);
if (!$valid_input) {
echo "Invalid car make input, select from [ ";
while (count($valid_makes) > 0) {
echo array_shift($valid_makes) . " ";
echo "]. Please try again\n";
return $make;
// Retrieve car's year from the command line
private function getCarYear($years){
$valid_input = false;
$valid_years = array();
while (!$valid_input) {
echo "Enter car year: ";
$year = rtrim(fgets(STDIN), "\r\n");
$valid_input = $this->validateYear($year, $years, $valid_years);
if (!$valid_input){
echo "Invalid car year input, select from [ ";
while (count($valid_years) > 0) {
echo array_shift($valid_years) . " ";
echo "]. Please try again\n";
return $year;
// Retrieve car's issue mileage from the command line
private function getCarMileage(){
$valid_input = false;
while (!$valid_input) {
echo "Enter car issue mileage: ";
$mileage = rtrim(fgets(STDIN), "\r\n");
$valid_input = $this->validateMileage($mileage);
if (!$valid_input)
echo "Invalid car issue mileage input, select from [ ".MIN_INPUT_MILEAGE."-".MAX_INPUT_MILEAGE." ] in ".INC_MILEAGE." mile increments. Please try again\n";
return $mileage;
// Retrieve car make, year, and issue mileage from the command line
private function getInputValues($base_warranty, $years){
$this->make = $this->getCarMake($base_warranty);
$this->year = $this->getCarYear($years);
$this->mileage = $this->getCarMileage();
return true;
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
const MAX_INPUT_MILEAGE = 150000;
const INC_MILEAGE = 1000;
const MAX_MILEAGE = 153000;
class CarTest extends TestCase
public $years = array(
array("modelyear" => 2003, "suffix1" => 15),
array("modelyear" => 2004, "suffix1" => 14),
array("modelyear" => 2005, "suffix1" => 13),
array("modelyear" => 2006, "suffix1" => 12),
array("modelyear" => 2007, "suffix1" => 11),
array("modelyear" => 2008, "suffix1" => 10),
array("modelyear" => 2009, "suffix1" => 9),
array("modelyear" => 2010, "suffix1" => 8),
array("modelyear" => 2011, "suffix1" => 7),
array("modelyear" => 2012, "suffix1" => 6),
array("modelyear" => 2013, "suffix1" => 5),
array("modelyear" => 2014, "suffix1" => 4),
array("modelyear" => 2015, "suffix1" => 3),
array("modelyear" => 2016, "suffix1" => 2),
array("modelyear" => 2017, "suffix1" => 1),
array("modelyear" => 2018, "suffix1" => 0),
array("modelyear" => 2019, "suffix1" => 0));
// mileage of the vehicle at the time the contract is rated
public $issue_mileage = array(
array("min" => 0, "max" => 12000, "suffix2" => "A"),
array("min" => 12001, "max" => 24000, "suffix2" => "A"),
array("min" => 24001, "max" => 36000, "suffix2" => "B"),
array("min" => 36001, "max" => 48000, "suffix2" => "C"),
array("min" => 48001, "max" => 60000, "suffix2" => "D"),
array("min" => 60001, "max" => 72000, "suffix2" => "E"),
array("min" => 72001, "max" => 84000, "suffix2" => "F"),
array("min" => 84001, "max" => 96000, "suffix2" => "G"),
array("min" => 96001, "max" => 108000, "suffix2" => "H"),
array("min" => 108001, "max" => 120000, "suffix2" => "I"),
array("min" => 120001, "max" => 132000, "suffix2" => "J"),
array("min" => 132001, "max" => 144000, "suffix2" => "K"),
array("min" => 144001, "max" => 150000, "suffix2" => "L")
public $base_warranty = array(
array("make" => "BMW", "term" => 36, "miles" => 48000),
array("make" => "Volkswagen", "term" => 72, "miles" => 100000)
public $coverage = array(
array("name" => "3 Months/3,000 Miles", "terms" => 3, "miles" => 3000),
array("name" => "6 Months/12,000 Miles", "terms" => 6, "miles" => 12000),
array("name" => "12 Months/24,000 Miles", "terms" => 12, "miles" => 24000),
array("name" => "24 Months/30,000 Miles", "terms" => 24, "miles" => 30000),
array("name" => "24 Months/36,000 Miles", "terms" => 24, "miles" => 36000),
array("name" => "36 Months/36,000 Miles", "terms" => 36, "miles" => 36000),
array("name" => "36 Months/45,000 Miles", "terms" => 36, "miles" => 45000),
array("name" => "36 Months/50,000 Miles", "terms" => 36, "miles" => 50000),
array("name" => "48 Months/50,000 Miles", "terms" => 48, "miles" => 50000),
array("name" => "48 Months/60,000 Miles", "terms" => 48, "miles" => 60000),
array("name" => "60 Months/72,000 Miles", "terms" => 60, "miles" => 72000),
array("name" => "60 Months/75,000 Miles", "terms" => 60, "miles" => 75000),
array("name" => "72 Months/100,000 Miles", "terms" => 72, "miles" => 100000),
array("name" => "84 Months/84,000 Miles", "terms" => 84, "miles" => 84000),
array("name" => "84 Months/96,000 Miles", "terms" => 84, "miles" => 96000),
array("name" => "100 Months/100,000 Miles", "terms" => 100, "miles" => 100000),
array("name" => "100 Months/120,000 Miles", "terms" => 100, "miles" => 120000),
array("name" => "120 Months/120,000 Miles", "terms" => 120, "miles" => 120000)
protected $car;
protected function setUp(): void {
$this->car = new Car;
public function testCoverageArrayReturnedCorrectly(){
$url = "src/devTest.json";
$this->assertEquals($this->coverage, $this->car->getCoverageArray($url));
public function testCarMakeIsValid(){
$make = "BMC";
$valid_makes = array();
$this->assertEquals(false, $this->car->validateMake($make, $this->base_warranty, $valid_makes));
$this->assertEquals(2, count($valid_makes));
$make = "BMW";
$valid_makes = array();
$this->assertEquals(true, $this->car->validateMake($make, $this->base_warranty, $valid_makes));
public function testCarYearIsValid(){
$valid_years = array();
$year = 2002;
$this->assertEquals(false, $this->car->validateYear($year, $this->years, $valid_years));
$this->assertEquals(17, count($valid_years));
$valid_years = array();
$year = 2018;
$this->assertEquals(true, $this->car->validateYear($year, $this->years, $valid_years));
public function testCarMileageIsValid(){
$mileage = 90000;
$this->assertEquals(true, $this->car->validateMileage($mileage));
$mileage = 90500;
$this->assertEquals(false, $this->car->validateMileage($mileage));
public function testRetrievalOfBaseWarrantyInformation(){
$this->car->make = "BMW" ;
$this->assertEquals(true, $this->car->getBaseWarrantyInfo($this->base_warranty));
$this->assertEquals(48000, $this->car->base_warranty_miles);
$this->assertEquals(36, $this->car->base_warranty_term);
public function testConditionReturnsNewAndUsed(){
$this->car->mileage = 52000 ;
$this->car->base_warranty_miles= 48000;
$this->assertEquals("USED", $this->car->getCondition());
$this->car->mileage = 44000 ;
$this->assertEquals("NEW", $this->car->getCondition());
public function testSuffix1returnsValidValue() {
$this->car->year = 2019;
$this->assertEquals("00", $this->car->getSuffix1($this->years));
$this->car->year = 2012;
$this->assertEquals("06", $this->car->getSuffix1($this->years));
$this->car->year = 2007;
$this->assertEquals("11", $this->car->getSuffix1($this->years));
public function testSuffix2returnsValidValue() {
$this->car->mileage = 44000 ;
$this->assertEquals("C", $this->car->getSuffix2($this->issue_mileage));
public function testCheckIfContractMilesExpiresBeforeBaseWarrantyMiles() {
$this->car->errors = [];
$this->car->mileage = 36000;
$this->car->base_warranty_miles = 48000;
$this->assertEquals(true, $this->car->checkContractMileage($this->coverage[7]));
$this->assertEquals(0, count($this->car->errors));
$this->car->mileage = 40000;
$this->car->base_warranty_miles = 48000;
$this->assertEquals(false, $this->car->checkContractMileage($this->coverage[0]));
$this->assertEquals(1, count($this->car->errors));
public function testCheckIfContractTermExpiresBeforeBaseWarrantyTerm() {
$this->car->errors = [];
$this->car->year = 2018;
$this->car->base_warranty_term= 36;
$this->assertEquals(true, $this->car->checkContractTerms($this->coverage[8]));
$this->assertEquals(0, count($this->car->errors));
$this->car->year = 2017;
$this->car->base_warranty_term= 36;
$this->assertEquals(false, $this->car->checkContractTerms($this->coverage[0]));
$this->assertEquals(1, count($this->car->errors));
public function testCheckIfCarWillBeTooOldBeforeContractExpires() {
$this->car->errors = [];
$this->car->year = 2018;
$this->assertEquals(true, $this->car->checkAge($this->coverage[8]));
$this->assertEquals(0, count($this->car->errors));
$this->car->year = 2010;
$this->assertEquals(false, $this->car->checkAge($this->coverage[8]));
$this->assertEquals(1, count($this->car->errors));
public function testCheckIfCarWillHaveTooManyMilesBeforeContractExpires() {
$this->car->errors = [];
$this->car->year = 2018;
$this->car->mileage = 1000;
$this->assertEquals(true, $this->car->checkMileage($this->coverage[8]));
$this->assertEquals(0, count($this->car->errors));
$this->car->errors = [];
$this->car->year = 2010;
$this->car->mileage = 80000;
$this->assertEquals(false, $this->car->checkMileage($this->coverage[17]));
$this->assertEquals(1, count($this->car->errors));
public function testPrintedOutputIsValid(){
$this->car->make = "BMW";
$this->car->year ="2018";
$this->car->mileage = "1000";
$this->car->condition ="NEW";
$this->car->coverage_name = "3 Months/3,000 Miles";
$this->car->suffix1 = "00";
$this->car->suffix2 = "A";
print 'BMW 2018 1000 NEW "3 Months/3,000 Miles" suffix1:00 suffix2:A ';
public function testPrintedValidationOutputIsValidSuccess(){
$this->car->errors = array();
public function testPrintedValidationOutputIsValidFailure(){
$this->car->errors = array();
array_push($this->car->errors,'Term expires before warranty');
print "RESULT: FAILURE array('Term expires before warranty')";
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