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Last active March 29, 2023 22:07
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from typing import Iterator
HereditaryRepresentation = list[tuple[int, "HereditaryRepresentation"]]
def to_base(n: int, base: int, prefix: bool = False) -> list[int]:
Computes the representation of n in the specified base.
if n == 0:
return [] if prefix else [0]
q, r = divmod(n, base)
return to_base(q, base, True) + [r]
def hereditary(n: int, base: int) -> HereditaryRepresentation:
Returns the hereditary representation of n in the specified base.
Note that HereditaryRepresentation doesn't make a reference to the
specific base in this implementation.
base_repr = to_base(n, base)
if len(base_repr) == 1:
return [(base_repr[0], [])]
her_repr = []
for pos, i in enumerate(base_repr):
her_repr.append((i, hereditary(len(base_repr) - pos - 1, base)))
return her_repr
def evaluate(her_repr: HereditaryRepresentation, base: int) -> int:
Evaluates an hereditary representation in the specified base.
return sum(a * base**evaluate(b, base) for a, b in her_repr)
def to_string(hereditary_repr: HereditaryRepresentation, base: int | str) -> str:
Returns a latex-friendly representation of the hereditary representation,
with the specified base displayed.
Pass base="ω" to obtain a representation of the corresponding ordinal.
parts = []
for a, b in hereditary_repr:
if a == 0:
exp = to_string(b, base)
if exp == "0":
elif a == 1:
elif a > 1:
parts.append(f"{base}^{{{exp}}} \\times {a}")
if not parts:
return "0"
return " + ".join(parts)
def g_seq(n: int) -> Iterator[tuple[int, int, HereditaryRepresentation]]:
Iterates over the Goodstein sequence with seed n, yielding tuples
corresponding to the base, the value and the hereditary representation.
base = 2
while True:
her_repr = hereditary(n, base)
yield base, n, her_repr
if n == 0:
base += 1
n = evaluate(her_repr, base) - 1
def explain_g_seq(m: int, k: int, base_symbol="b") -> None:
Displays the detail of the k first values of the Goodstein sequence of seed m,
in a Markdown table format (without headers).
seq = g_seq(m)
for n in range(k):
base, value, her_repr = next(seq)
print(f"|$G({m}, {n})$|b={base}|${to_string(her_repr, base_symbol)}$|{value}|")
# See
seq4 = g_seq(4)
expected = [4, 26, 41, 60, 83, 109, 139, 173, 211, 253, 299, 348]
assert [next(seq4)[1] for _ in range(len(expected))] == expected
seq19 = g_seq(19)
assert next(seq19)[1] == 19
assert next(seq19)[1] == 7625597484990
seq3 = g_seq(3)
expected = [3, 3, 3, 2, 1, 0, 0]
assert [next(seq3)[1] for _ in range(len(expected))] == expected
# explain_g_seq(3, 6)
# explain_g_seq(7, 7)
# explain_g_seq(7, 7, "ω")
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