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Created August 26, 2021 06:08
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enum HookType {
type EffectHook = {
type: HookType.EFFECT;
cleanup?: () => void;
dependencies?: any[];
type StateHook = {
type: HookType.STATE;
state: any;
type Hook = StateHook | EffectHook;
enum NodeType {
type ComponentElement = {
kind: NodeType.COMPONENT;
component: (props: Props) => ReactElement;
props: Props;
type HostElement = {
kind: NodeType.HOST;
tag: string;
props: Props;
type TextElement = {
kind: NodeType.TEXT;
content: string;
type ReactElement = ComponentElement | HostElement | TextElement;
type BaseNode = {
parent: ReactNode | null;
descendants: ReactNode[];
type ComponentNode = ComponentElement & BaseNode & { hooks: Hook[] };
type HostNode = HostElement & BaseNode & { dom: any };
type TextNode = TextElement & { parent: ReactNode; dom: any };
type ReactNode = ComponentNode | HostNode | TextNode;
type Props = {
children?: ReactElement[];
[key: string]: any;
type Job = {
node: ReactNode;
element: ReactElement | null;
export function createElement(
component: any,
props: any,
...children: (ReactElement | string | number | null)[]
): ReactElement {
const p = {
...(props || {}),
children: children
.map((child: ReactElement | string | number | null) => {
if (typeof child === "string") {
return {
kind: NodeType.TEXT,
content: child,
} else if (typeof child === "number") {
return {
kind: NodeType.TEXT,
content: child.toString(),
} else {
// Null and false will be passed here and filtered below.
return child;
if (typeof component === "function") {
return {
kind: NodeType.COMPONENT,
props: p,
} else if (typeof component === "string") {
return {
kind: NodeType.HOST,
tag: component,
props: p,
throw new Error("Something went wrong.");
// We assume something is event when it follow onSomething naming pattern.
const isEvent = (key: string): boolean => !!key.match(new RegExp("on[A-Z].*"));
// Event is transformed to browser event name by removing 'on' and lowercasing.
// 'onInput' becomes 'input'.
const eventToKeyword = (key: string): string =>
key.replace("on", "").toLowerCase();
// camelCaseWillBecome kebab-case-with-dashes.
const camelCaseToKebab = (str: string) =>
str.replace(/([a-z])([A-Z])/g, "$1-$2").toLowerCase();
function findClosestHostNode(node: ReactNode): HostNode {
let current = node;
while (current.kind !== NodeType.HOST && current.parent) {
current = current.parent;
// Only interested in looking for host node as text node wouldn't have
// children anyway.
if (current.kind !== NodeType.HOST) {
throw new Error("Couldn't find node.");
return current;
function createDom(element: HostElement): Element {
const html = document.createElement(element.tag);
Object.entries(element.props).forEach(([key, value]) => {
if (key === "children" || key === "ref") {
// Skip.
} else if (isEvent(key)) {
// We want to translate 'onClick' to 'click'.
html.addEventListener(eventToKeyword(key), value);
} else {
html.setAttribute(camelCaseToKebab(key), value);
return html;
function createTextNode(text: string): Text {
return document.createTextNode(text);
function updateTextNode(current: TextNode, text: string) {
current.dom.nodeValue = text;
function updateDom(current: HostNode, expected: HostElement) {
const html = current.dom as HTMLElement;
// First we iterate over current props, which means we might either update
// them or decide to remove them.
Object.keys(current.props).forEach((key) => {
if (key === "children" || key === "ref") {
// Skip.
} else if (isEvent(key)) {
html.removeEventListener(eventToKeyword(key), current.props[key]);
} else {
// Prop will be removed.
if (!expected.props[key]) {
// Prop will be updated.
if (expected.props[key]) {
html.setAttribute(camelCaseToKebab(key), expected.props[key] as string);
// Now, iterating over new props we will overwrite the ones we have in
// expected object.
Object.keys(expected.props).forEach((key) => {
if (key === "children" || key === "ref") {
// Skip.
} else if (isEvent(key)) {
html.addEventListener(eventToKeyword(key), expected.props[key]);
} else {
// Prop will be added.
if (!current.props[key]) {
html.setAttribute(camelCaseToKebab(key), expected.props[key] as string);
function removeDom(node: ReactNode) {
if (node.kind === NodeType.HOST || node.kind === NodeType.TEXT) {
} else {
node.descendants.forEach((child) => {
let _currentNode: ReactNode | null;
let _hookIndex = 0;
const _tasks: Job[] = [];
const _effects: (() => void)[] = [];
let _updating = false;
function update(node: ReactNode, element: ReactElement | null) {
const previousNode = _currentNode;
const previousIndex = _hookIndex;
let elements: ReactElement[] = [];
// First we find out what to work on. For component we have to call render
// function to find out what what React elements it will return this time.
if (node.kind === NodeType.COMPONENT) {
_currentNode = node;
_hookIndex = 0;
elements = [node.component(node.props)];
} else if (element && "props" in element && node.kind === NodeType.HOST) {
elements = element.props.children || [];
} else if (
(element && element.kind === NodeType.TEXT) ||
node.kind === NodeType.TEXT
) {
// Operations for the text node were done in the parent node.
const length = Math.max(node.descendants.length, elements.length);
const pairs: [
left: ReactNode | undefined,
right: ReactElement | undefined
][] = [];
for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
pairs.push([node.descendants[i], elements[i]]);
for (const [current, expected] of pairs) {
const shouldUpdate =
// Both are defined and...
current &&
expected &&
// was and still is component and previous and current functional
// component function is the same one (which means we are rerendering) or...
((current.kind === NodeType.COMPONENT &&
expected.kind === NodeType.COMPONENT &&
current.component === expected.component) ||
// ... it was and still is host node and tag has not changed (which means
// we just need to update props) or...
(current.kind === NodeType.HOST &&
expected.kind === NodeType.HOST &&
current.tag === expected.tag) ||
// was and is text node (hich means we update text content).
(current.kind === NodeType.TEXT && expected.kind === NodeType.TEXT));
const shouldReplace = current && expected;
const shouldAdd = !current && expected !== undefined;
const shouldRemove = current !== undefined && !expected;
if (shouldUpdate) {
updateNode(current!, expected!);
} else if (shouldReplace) {
replaceNode(node, current!, expected!);
} else if (shouldAdd) {
addNode(node, expected!);
} else if (shouldRemove) {
removeNode(node, current!);
_currentNode = previousNode;
_hookIndex = previousIndex;
function addNode(node: ComponentNode | HostNode, expected: ReactElement) {
let newNode: ReactNode;
if (expected.kind === NodeType.COMPONENT) {
newNode = {
parent: node,
descendants: [],
hooks: [],
} else if (expected.kind === NodeType.HOST) {
const nodeConstruction: any = {
parent: node,
descendants: [],
const dom = createDom(expected);
const hostNodeParent = findClosestHostNode(node);
nodeConstruction.dom = dom;
newNode = nodeConstruction;
} else if (expected.kind === NodeType.TEXT) {
const nodeConstruction: any = {
parent: node,
descendants: [],
const dom = createTextNode(expected.content);
const hostNodeParent = findClosestHostNode(node);
nodeConstruction.dom = dom;
newNode = nodeConstruction;
} else {
throw new Error("Unknown node type.");
update(newNode, expected);
function updateNode(current: ReactNode, expected: ReactElement) {
if (current.kind === NodeType.HOST && expected.kind === NodeType.HOST) {
updateDom(current, expected);
} else if (
// Text value changed.
current.kind === NodeType.TEXT &&
expected.kind === NodeType.TEXT &&
current.content !== expected.content
) {
current.content = expected.content;
updateTextNode(current, expected.content);
// Props can be replaced.
if ("props" in current && "props" in expected) {
current.props = expected.props;
update(current, expected);
function replaceNode(
node: ComponentNode | HostNode,
current: ReactNode,
expected: ReactElement
) {
let newNode: ReactNode;
if (expected.kind === NodeType.COMPONENT) {
newNode = {
parent: node,
descendants: [],
hooks: [],
} else if (expected.kind === NodeType.HOST) {
const firstParentWithHostNode = findClosestHostNode(node);
const nodeConstruction: any = {
parent: node,
descendants: [],
const dom = createDom(expected);
if (current.kind === NodeType.HOST || current.kind === NodeType.TEXT) {
firstParentWithHostNode.dom.replaceChild(dom, current.dom);
} else {
nodeConstruction.dom = dom;
newNode = nodeConstruction;
} else if (expected.kind === NodeType.TEXT) {
const firstParentWithHostNode = findClosestHostNode(node);
const nodeConstruction: any = {
parent: node,
const dom = createTextNode(expected.content);
if (current.kind === NodeType.TEXT) {
throw new Error("Update should have happened on this node.");
} else if (current.kind === NodeType.HOST) {
firstParentWithHostNode.dom.replaceChild(dom, current.dom);
nodeConstruction.dom = dom;
} else {
nodeConstruction.dom = dom;
newNode = nodeConstruction;
} else {
throw new Error("Couldn't resolve node kind.");
node.descendants[node.descendants.indexOf(current)] = newNode;
update(newNode, expected);
function removeNode(node: ComponentNode | HostNode, current: ReactNode) {
const indexOfCurrent = node.descendants.indexOf(current);
node.descendants.splice(indexOfCurrent, 1);
function useState<T>(initial: T): [T, (next: T | ((current: T) => T)) => void] {
const c = _currentNode;
const i = _hookIndex;
if (!c || c.kind !== NodeType.COMPONENT) {
throw new Error("Executing useState for non-function element.");
if (c.hooks[i] === undefined) {
c.hooks[i] = {
type: HookType.STATE,
state: initial,
const hook = c.hooks[i];
// Just for type correctness but also good place to spot implementation bugs.
if (hook.type !== HookType.STATE) {
throw new Error("Something went wrong.");
const setState = (next: T | ((current: T) => T)) => {
// In case of a different iframe, window or realm, next won't be instance
// of the same Function and will be saved instead of treated as callback.
if (next instanceof Function) {
hook.state = next(hook.state);
} else {
hook.state = next;
runUpdateLoop(c, null);
_hookIndex += 1;
return [hook.state, setState];
function useEffect(
callback: () => void | (() => void),
dependencies?: any[]
): void {
const c = _currentNode;
const i = _hookIndex;
if (!c || c.kind !== NodeType.COMPONENT) {
throw new Error("Executing useEffect for non-function element.");
_effects.push(() => {
if (c.hooks[i] === undefined) {
const hook: EffectHook = {
type: HookType.EFFECT,
cleanup: undefined,
c.hooks[i] = hook;
const cleanup = callback();
hook.cleanup = cleanup ? cleanup : undefined;
} else if (dependencies) {
const hook = c.hooks[i];
if (hook.type !== HookType.EFFECT || hook.dependencies === undefined) {
throw new Error("Something went wrong.");
let shouldRun = false;
for (let j = 0; j < dependencies.length; j++) {
if (dependencies[j] !== hook.dependencies[j]) {
shouldRun = true;
if (shouldRun) {
const cleanup = callback();
c.hooks[i] = {
type: HookType.EFFECT,
cleanup: cleanup ? cleanup : undefined,
} else if (!dependencies) {
const cleanup = callback();
c.hooks[i] = {
type: HookType.EFFECT,
cleanup: cleanup ? cleanup : undefined,
_hookIndex += 1;
function render(element: ReactElement, dom: HTMLElement) {
const rootNode: HostNode = {
kind: NodeType.HOST,
tag: dom.tagName.toLowerCase(),
props: {
children: [element],
parent: null,
descendants: [],
runUpdateLoop(rootNode, createElement(rootNode.tag, rootNode.props, element));
function runUpdateLoop(node: ReactNode, element: ReactElement | null) {
_tasks.push({ node, element });
if (_updating) {
_updating = true;
let current: Job | undefined;
while ((current = _tasks.shift())) {
update(current.node, current.element);
// Run all effects queued for this update.
let effect: (() => void) | undefined;
while ((effect = _effects.shift())) {
_updating = false;
const c = createElement;
const App = () => {
return (
{[1, 2, 3].map((i) => (
<div key={i}>{i}</div>
<div>{false && "test"}</div>
render(<App />, document.getElementById("app")!);
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