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Created November 27, 2020 06:34
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Observe Bluetooth advertisements for Govee H5075 and H5177 thermo-gygrometer and print out temperature, humidity, battery level
import datetime
from time import sleep
from bleson import get_provider, Observer
def c2f(val):
return round(32 + 9*val/5, 2)
last = {}
def temp_hum(values, battery, address):
global last
# print(values.hex())
values = int.from_bytes(values, 'big')
if address not in last or last[address] != values:
last[address] = values
temp = float(values / 10000)
hum = float((values % 1000) / 10)
print("{0} {1} Temp: {2} F Humidity: {3} % Battery: {4} %".format(, address, c2f(temp), hum, battery))
def on_advertisement(advertisement):
# print(dir(advertisement))
# ['__bytes__', '__class__', '__delattr__', '__dict__', '__dir__', '__doc__', '__eq__', '__format__', '__ge__', '__getattribute__', '__gt__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__init_subclass__', '__le__', '__len__', '__lt__', '__module__', '__ne__', '__new__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__setattr__', '__sizeof__', '__str__', '__subclasshook__', '__weakref__', '_name', 'address', 'address_type', 'adv_itvl', 'appearance', 'flags', 'mfg_data', 'name', 'name_is_complete', 'public_tgt_addr', 'raw_data', 'rssi', 'service_data', 'svc_data_uuid128', 'svc_data_uuid16', 'svc_data_uuid32', 'tx_pwr_lvl', 'type', 'uri', 'uuid128s', 'uuid16s', 'uuid32s']
mfg_data = advertisement.mfg_data
if mfg_data is not None:
# print(advertisement)
if == 'GVH5177_9835':
address = advertisement.address
temp_hum(mfg_data[4:7], mfg_data[7], address)
# elif mfg_data[0] == 0x88:
elif == 'GVH5075_391D':
address = advertisement.address
temp_hum(mfg_data[3:6], mfg_data[6], address)
# print(mfg_data.hex())
# device info
# Advertisement(flags=0x05, name='GVH5075_391D', txpower=None, uuid16s=[UUID16(0xec88)], uuid128s=[], rssi=-29, mfg_data=b'\x88\xec\x00\x03QOd\x00')
# Advertisement(flags=0x05, name='GVH5177_9835', txpower=None, uuid16s=[UUID16(0xec88)], uuid128s=[], rssi=-49, mfg_data=b'\x01\x00\x01\x01\x03l\xbfd')
adapter = get_provider().get_adapter()
observer = Observer(adapter)
observer.on_advertising_data = on_advertisement
while True:
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mukoan commented Jul 6, 2023

Hi @tchen I forked your gist and added support for the Govee H5102.
Thanks for your script.

By the way, on Linux if you use the setcap command as in the bleson instructions,, then you do not need root permissions.

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jer194 commented Dec 10, 2023

It also works nicely for my GVH5104_1F19, thanks a lot!

I have put my device into the freezer, bluetooth connection was still there.
Just the values returned didn't match the displayed values anymore, once going below 0 degC.

This has fixed the issue (I don't know much about python, it could be done in a better way probably):

        last[address] = values
        v1 = values & 0x7fffff
        temp = int( v1 / 1000 ) / 10.0
        if v1 != values: temp = -temp
        hum = float((v1 % 1000) / 10)

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tchen commented Jan 27, 2024

Hi @tchen I forked your gist and added support for the Govee H5102. Thanks for your script.

By the way, on Linux if you use the setcap command as in the bleson instructions,, then you do not need root permissions.

@mukoan Thank you for the tip!

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