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XIQSE Scripts - Update Password for EXOS/VOSS
This script is provided free of charge by Extreme. We hope such scripts are
helpful when used in conjunction with Extreme products and technology and can
be used as examples to modify and adapt for your ultimate requirements.
Extreme will not provide any official support for these scripts. If you do
have any questions or queries about any of these scripts you may post on
Extreme's community website "The Hub" (
under the scripting category.
# XIQ-SE Script: Change password for EXOS / VOSS / ERS #
# Written by Thibault Chevalleraud, Sr Extreme Networks #
__version__ = '1.0'
# This script ...
#@SectionStart (description = "Security account - EXOS")
# @VariableFieldLabel (
# description = "Username",
# type = string,
# required = no,
# name = "userInput_exos_username",
# )
# @VariableFieldLabel (
# description = "Old Password",
# type = string,
# required = no,
# name = "userInput_exos_password_old",
# )
# @VariableFieldLabel (
# description = "New Password",
# type = string,
# required = no,
# name = "userInput_exos_password_new",
# )
#@SectionStart (description = "Security account - VOSS")
# @VariableFieldLabel (
# description = "Account level",
# type = string,
# required = no,
# validValues = [read-write-all, read-write, read-only, layer1, layer2, layer3],
# name = "userInput_voss_level",
# )
# @VariableFieldLabel (
# description = "Username",
# type = string,
# required = no,
# name = "userInput_voss_username",
# )
# @VariableFieldLabel (
# description = "Old Password",
# type = string,
# required = no,
# name = "userInput_voss_password_old",
# )
# @VariableFieldLabel (
# description = "New Password",
# type = string,
# required = no,
# name = "userInput_voss_password_new",
# )
# Ludo Standard library; Version 4.02 #
# Written by Ludovico Stevens, TME Extreme Networks #
Debug = False # Enables debug messages
Sanity = False # If enabled, config commands are not sent to host (show commands are operational)
except: # If not running on XMC Jython...
# These lines only needed to run XMC Python script locally (on my laptop)
# They can also be pasted to XMC, but will not execute
import sys
import json
import java.util
import emc_cli # Own local replica
import emc_nbi # Own local replica
import emc_results # Own local replica
if len(sys.argv) > 1: # Json file as 1st argv
emc_vars = json.load(open(sys.argv[1]))
emc_vars = json.load(open('emc_vars.json'))
# IMPORTS: distributed amongst sections below
from distutils.version import LooseVersion
# Base functions
# v7
import re # Used by scriptName
import time # Used by exitError
ExitErrorSleep = 10
def debug(debugOutput): # v1 - Use function to include debugging in script; set above Debug variable to True or False to turn on or off debugging
if Debug:
print debugOutput
def exitError(errorOutput, sleep=ExitErrorSleep): # v3 - Exit script with error message and setting status appropriately
if 'workflowMessage' in emc_vars: # Workflow
time.sleep(sleep) # When workflow run on multiple devices, want ones that error to be last to complete, so THEY set the workflow message
emc_results.put("deviceMessage", errorOutput)
emc_results.put("activityMessage", errorOutput)
emc_results.put("workflowMessage", errorOutput)
raise RuntimeError(errorOutput)
def abortError(cmd, errorOutput): # v1 - A CLI command failed, before bombing out send any rollback commands which may have been set
print "Aborting script due to error on previous command"
print "Aborting because this command failed: {}".format(cmd)
def scriptName(): # v1 - Returns the assigned name of the Script or Workflow
name = None
if 'workflowName' in emc_vars: # Workflow
name = emc_vars['workflowName']
elif 'javax.script.filename' in emc_vars: # Script
nameMatch ='\/([^\/\.]+)\.py$', emc_vars['javax.script.filename'])
name = if nameMatch else None
return name
def workflow_DeviceMessage(msg): # v1 - Set workflow messages appropriately; '<>' is replaced with device IP or list
singleDeviceMsg = manyDevicesMsg = msg
if '<>' in msg:
devicesListStr = emc_vars['devices'][1:-1]
singleDeviceMsg = msg.replace('<>', emc_vars['deviceIP']).replace('(s)', '').replace('(es)', '')
if len(devicesListStr.split(',')) > 1:
manyDevicesMsg = msg.replace('<>', devicesListStr).replace('(s)', 's').replace('(es)', 'es')
manyDevicesMsg = singleDeviceMsg
emc_results.put("deviceMessage", singleDeviceMsg)
emc_results.put("activityMessage", manyDevicesMsg)
emc_results.put("workflowMessage", manyDevicesMsg)
# Family functions
# v2
Family = None # This needs to get set by setFamily()
FamilyChildren = { # Children will be rolled into parent family for these scripts
'Extreme Access Series' : 'VSP Series',
'Unified Switching VOSS': 'VSP Series',
'Unified Switching EXOS': 'Summit Series',
'Universal Platform VOSS': 'VSP Series',
'Universal Platform EXOS': 'Summit Series',
'Universal Platform Fabric Engine': 'VSP Series',
'Universal Platform Switch Engine': 'Summit Series',
def setFamily(cliDict={}, family=None): # v2 - Set global Family variable; automatically handles family children, as far as this script is concerned
global Family
if family:
Family = family
elif emc_vars["family"] in FamilyChildren:
Family = FamilyChildren[emc_vars["family"]]
Family = emc_vars["family"]
print "Using family type '{}' for this script".format(Family)
if cliDict and Family not in cliDict:
exitError('This scripts only supports family types: {}'.format(", ".join(list(cliDict.keys()))))
return Family
# CLI functions
# v22
import re
RegexPrompt = re.compile('.*[\?\$%#>]\s?$')
RegexError = re.compile(
'^%|\x07|error|invalid|cannot|unable|bad|not found|not exist|not allowed|no such|out of range|incomplete|failed|denied|can\'t|ambiguous|do not|unrecognized',
RegexNoError = re.compile( # Messages which would be false positives for an error condition, when they are just a warning..
'Both ends of MACsec link cannot have the same key-parity value',
RegexContextPatterns = { # Ported from
'ERS Series' : [
re.compile('^(?:interface |router \w+$|route-map (?:\"[\w\d\s\.\+-]+\"|[\w\d\.-]+) \d+$|ip igmp profile \d+$|wireless|application|ipv6 dhcp guard policy |ipv6 nd raguard policy )'), # level0
re.compile('^(?:security|crypto|ap-profile |captive-portal |network-profile |radio-profile )'), # level1
re.compile('^(?:locale)'), # level2
'VSP Series' : [
re.compile('^ *(?:interface |router \w+$|router vrf|route-map (?:\"[\w\d\s\.\+-]+\"|[\w\d\.-]+) \d+$|application|i-sid \d+|wireless|logical-intf isis \d+|mgmt (?:\d|clip|vlan|oob)|ovsdb$)'), # level0
re.compile('^ *(?:route-map (?:\"[\w\d\s\.\+-]+\"|[\w\d\.-]+) \d+$)'), # level1
RegexExitInstance = re.compile('^ *(?:exit|back|end|config|save)(?:\s|$)')
Indent = 3 # Number of space characters for each indentation
LastError = None
ConfigHistory = []
def cliError(outputStr): # v1 - Check command output for CLI error message
if not and
return True
return False
def cleanOutput(outputStr): # v3 - Remove echoed command and final prompt from output
if cliError(outputStr): # Case where emc_cli.send timesout: "Error: session exceeded timeout: 30 secs"
return outputStr
lastLine = outputStr.splitlines()[-1:][0]
if RegexPrompt.match(lastLine):
lines = outputStr.splitlines()[1:-1]
lines = outputStr.splitlines()[1:]
return '\n'.join(lines)
def configChain(chainStr): # v2 - Produces a list of a set of concatenated commands (either with ';' or newlines)
chainStr = re.sub(r'\n(\w)(\x0d?\n|\s*;|$)', chr(0) + r'\1\2', chainStr) # Mask trailing "\ny" or "\nn" on commands before making list
# Checking for \x0d? is necessary when DOS text files are transferred to XIQ-SE, and read and processed locally..
cmdList = map(str.strip, re.split(r'[;\n]', chainStr))
cmdList = filter(None, cmdList) # Filter out empty lines, if any
cmdList = [re.sub(r'\x00(\w)(\x0d?\n|$)', r'\n\1\2', x) for x in cmdList] # Unmask after list made
return cmdList
def parseRegexInput(cmdRegexStr): # v1 - Parses input command regex for both sendCLI_showRegex() and xmcLinuxCommand()
# cmdRegexStr format: <type>://<cli-show-command> [& <additional-show-cmd>]||<regex-to-capture-with>
if re.match(r'\w+(?:-\w+)?://', cmdRegexStr):
mode, cmdRegexStr = map(str.strip, cmdRegexStr.split('://', 1))
mode = None
cmd, regex = map(str.strip, cmdRegexStr.split('||', 1))
cmdList = map(str.strip, cmd.split('&'))
return mode, cmdList, regex
def formatOutputData(data, mode): # v3 - Formats output data for both sendCLI_showRegex() and xmcLinuxCommand()
if not mode : value = data # Legacy behaviour same as list
elif mode == 'bool' : value = bool(data) # No regex capturing brackets required
elif mode == 'str' : value = str(data[0]) if data else None # Regex should have 1 capturing bracket at most
elif mode == 'str-lower' : value = str(data[0]).lower() if data else None # Same as str but string made all lowercase
elif mode == 'str-upper' : value = str(data[0]).upper() if data else None # Same as str but string made all uppercase
elif mode == 'str-join' : value = ''.join(data) # Regex with max 1 capturing bracket, joins list to string
elif mode == 'str-nwlnjoin' : value = "\n".join(data) # Regex with max 1 capturing bracket, joins list to multi-line string
elif mode == 'int' : value = int(data[0]) if data else None # Regex must have 1 capturing bracket at most
elif mode == 'list' : value = data # If > 1 capturing brackets, will be list of tuples
elif mode == 'list-reverse' : value = list(reversed(data)) # Same as list but in reverse order
elif mode == 'list-diagonal': value = [data[x][x] for x in range(len(data))] # Regex pat1|pat2 = list of tuples; want [0][0],[1][1],etc
elif mode == 'tuple' : value = data[0] if data else () # Regex > 1 capturing brackets, returns 1st tuple
elif mode == 'dict' : value = dict(data) # Regex must have 2 capturing brackets exactly
elif mode == 'dict-reverse' : value = dict(map(reversed, data)) # Same as dict, but key/values will be flipped
elif mode == 'dict-both' : value = dict(data), dict(map(reversed, data)) # Returns 2 dict: dict + dict-reverse
elif mode == 'dict-diagonal': value = dict((data[x][x*2],data[x][x*2+1]) for x in range(len(data))) # {[0][0]:[0][1], [1][2]:[1][3], etc}
elif mode == 'dict-sequence': value = dict((data[x*2][0],data[x*2+1][1]) for x in range(len(data)/2)) # {[0][0]:[1][1], [2][0]:[3][1], etc}
RuntimeError("formatOutputData: invalid scheme type '{}'".format(mode))
return value
def sendCLI_showCommand(cmd, returnCliError=False, msgOnError=None): # v2 - Send a CLI show command; return output
global LastError
resultObj = emc_cli.send(cmd)
if resultObj.isSuccess():
outputStr = cleanOutput(resultObj.getOutput())
if outputStr and cliError("\n".join(outputStr.split("\n")[:4])): # If there is output, check for error in 1st 4 lines only (timestamp banner might shift it by 3 lines)
if returnCliError: # If we asked to return upon CLI error, then the error message will be held in LastError
LastError = outputStr
if msgOnError:
print "==> Ignoring above error: {}\n\n".format(msgOnError)
return None
abortError(cmd, outputStr)
LastError = None
return outputStr
def sendCLI_showRegex(cmdRegexStr, debugKey=None, returnCliError=False, msgOnError=None): # v1 - Send show command and extract values from output using regex
# Regex is by default case-sensitive; for case-insensitive include (?i) at beginning of regex on input string
mode, cmdList, regex = parseRegexInput(cmdRegexStr)
for cmd in cmdList:
# If cmdList we try each command in turn until one works; we don't want to bomb out on cmds before the last one in the list
ignoreCliError = True if len(cmdList) > 1 and cmd != cmdList[-1] else returnCliError
outputStr = sendCLI_showCommand(cmd, ignoreCliError, msgOnError)
if outputStr:
if not outputStr: # returnCliError true
return None
data = re.findall(regex, outputStr, re.MULTILINE)
debug("sendCLI_showRegex() raw data = {}".format(data))
# Format we return data in depends on what '<type>://' was pre-pended to the cmd & regex
value = formatOutputData(data, mode)
if Debug:
if debugKey: debug("{} = {}".format(debugKey, value))
else: debug("sendCLI_showRegex OUT = {}".format(value))
return value
def sendCLI_configCommand(cmd, returnCliError=False, msgOnError=None, waitForPrompt=True): # v3 - Send a CLI config command
global LastError
cmdStore = re.sub(r'\n.+$', '', cmd) # Strip added CR+y or similar
if Sanity:
print "SANITY> {}".format(cmd)
LastError = None
return True
resultObj = emc_cli.send(cmd, waitForPrompt)
if resultObj.isSuccess():
outputStr = cleanOutput(resultObj.getOutput())
if outputStr and cliError("\n".join(outputStr.split("\n")[:4])): # If there is output, check for error in 1st 4 lines only
if returnCliError: # If we asked to return upon CLI error, then the error message will be held in LastError
LastError = outputStr
if msgOnError:
print "==> Ignoring above error: {}\n\n".format(msgOnError)
return False
abortError(cmd, outputStr)
LastError = None
return True
def sendCLI_configChain(chainStr, returnCliError=False, msgOnError=None, waitForPrompt=True, abortOnError=True): # v4 - Send a list of config commands
# Syntax: chainStr can be a multi-line string where individual commands are on new lines or separated by the semi-colon ";" character
# Some embedded directive commands are allowed, these must always begin with the hash "#" character:
# #error fail : If a subsequent command generates an error, make the entire script fail
# #error stop : If a subsequent command generates an error, do not fail the script but stop processing firther commands
# #error continue : If a subsequent command generates an error, ignore it and continue executing remaining commands
cmdList = configChain(chainStr)
successStatus = True
for cmd in cmdList[:-1]: # All but last
embedded = re.match(r'^#error +(fail|stop|continue) *$', cmd)
if embedded:
errorMode =
returnCliError = False if errorMode == 'fail' else True
abortOnError = True if errorMode == 'stop' else False
continue # After setting the above, we skip the embedded command
success = sendCLI_configCommand(cmd, returnCliError, msgOnError)
if not success:
successStatus = False
if abortOnError:
return False
# Last now
success = sendCLI_configCommand(cmdList[-1], returnCliError, msgOnError, waitForPrompt)
if not success:
return False
return successStatus
def printConfigSummary(): # v3 - Print summary of all config commands executed with context indentation
global ConfigHistory
if not len(ConfigHistory):
print "No configuration was performed"
print "The following configuration was successfully performed on switch:"
indent = ''
level = 0
if Family in RegexContextPatterns:
maxLevel = len(RegexContextPatterns[Family])
for cmd in ConfigHistory:
if Family in RegexContextPatterns:
if RegexContextPatterns[Family][level].match(cmd):
print "-> {}{}".format(indent, cmd)
if level + 1 < maxLevel:
level += 1
indent = ' ' * Indent * level
elif RegexExitInstance.match(cmd):
if level > 0:
level -= 1
indent = ' ' * Indent * level
print "-> {}{}".format(indent, cmd)
ConfigHistory = []
# XMC GraphQl NBI functions
# v11
from java.util import LinkedHashMap # Used by nbiQuery
LastNbiError = None
NbiUrl = None
def recursionKeySearch(nestedDict, returnKey): # v1 - Used by both nbiQuery() and nbiMutation()
for key, value in nestedDict.iteritems():
if key == returnKey:
return True, value
for key, value in nestedDict.iteritems():
if isinstance(value, (dict, LinkedHashMap)): # XMC Python is Jython where a dict is in fact a java.util.LinkedHashMap
foundKey, foundValue = recursionKeySearch(value, returnKey)
if foundKey:
return True, foundValue
return [None, None] # If we find nothing
def nbiQuery(jsonQueryDict, debugKey=None, returnKeyError=False, **kwargs): # v5 - Makes a GraphQl query of XMC NBI; if returnKey provided returns that key value, else return whole response
global LastNbiError
jsonQuery = jsonQueryDict['json']
for key in kwargs:
jsonQuery = jsonQuery.replace('<'+key+'>', kwargs[key])
returnKey = jsonQueryDict['key'] if 'key' in jsonQueryDict else None
response = nbiSessionPost(jsonQuery, returnKeyError) if NbiUrl else emc_nbi.query(jsonQuery)
debug("nbiQuery response = {}".format(response))
if response == None: # Should only happen from nbiSessionPost if returnKeyError=True
return None
if 'errors' in response: # Query response contains errors
if returnKeyError: # If we asked to return upon NBI error, then the error message will be held in LastNbiError
LastNbiError = response['errors'][0].message
return None
abortError("nbiQuery for\n{}".format(jsonQuery), response['errors'][0].message)
LastNbiError = None
if returnKey: # If a specific key requested, we find it
foundKey, returnValue = recursionKeySearch(response, returnKey)
if foundKey:
if Debug:
if debugKey: debug("{} = {}".format(debugKey, returnValue))
else: debug("nbiQuery {} = {}".format(returnKey, returnValue))
return returnValue
if returnKeyError:
return None
# If requested key not found, raise error
abortError("nbiQuery for\n{}".format(jsonQuery), 'Key "{}" was not found in query response'.format(returnKey))
# Else, return the full response
if Debug:
if debugKey: debug("{} = {}".format(debugKey, response))
else: debug("nbiQuery response = {}".format(response))
return response
def nbiMutation(jsonQueryDict, returnKeyError=False, debugKey=None, **kwargs): # v5 - Makes a GraphQl mutation query of XMC NBI; returns true on success
global LastNbiError
jsonQuery = jsonQueryDict['json']
for key in kwargs:
jsonQuery = jsonQuery.replace('<'+key+'>', kwargs[key])
returnKey = jsonQueryDict['key'] if 'key' in jsonQueryDict else None
if Sanity:
print "SANITY - NBI Mutation:\n{}\n".format(jsonQuery)
LastNbiError = None
return True
print "NBI Mutation Query:\n{}\n".format(jsonQuery)
response = nbiSessionPost(jsonQuery, returnKeyError) if NbiUrl else emc_nbi.query(jsonQuery)
debug("nbiQuery response = {}".format(response))
if 'errors' in response: # Query response contains errors
if returnKeyError: # If we asked to return upon NBI error, then the error message will be held in LastNbiError
LastNbiError = response['errors'][0].message
return None
abortError("nbiQuery for\n{}".format(jsonQuery), response['errors'][0].message)
def recursionStatusSearch(nestedDict):
for key, value in nestedDict.iteritems():
if key == 'status':
if 'message' in nestedDict:
return True, value, nestedDict['message']
return True, value, None
for key, value in nestedDict.iteritems():
if isinstance(value, (dict, LinkedHashMap)): # XMC Python is Jython where a dict is in fact a java.util.LinkedHashMap
foundKey, foundValue, foundMsg = recursionStatusSearch(value)
if foundKey:
return True, foundValue, foundMsg
return [None, None, None] # If we find nothing
foundKey, returnStatus, returnMessage = recursionStatusSearch(response)
if foundKey:
debug("nbiMutation status = {} / message = {}".format(returnStatus, returnMessage))
elif not returnKeyError:
# If status key not found, raise error
abortError("nbiMutation for\n{}".format(jsonQuery), 'Key "status" was not found in query response')
if returnStatus == "SUCCESS":
LastNbiError = None
if returnKey: # If a specific key requested, we find it
foundKey, returnValue = recursionKeySearch(response, returnKey)
if foundKey:
if Debug:
if debugKey: debug("{} = {}".format(debugKey, returnValue))
else: debug("nbiQuery {} = {}".format(returnKey, returnValue))
return returnValue
if returnKeyError:
return None
# If requested key not found, raise error
abortError("nbiMutation for\n{}".format(jsonQuery), 'Key "{}" was not found in mutation response'.format(returnKey))
return True
LastNbiError = returnMessage
return False
# Port processing functions
# v5
RegexPort = re.compile('^(?:[1-9]\d{0,2}[/:])?\d+(?:[/:]\d)?$')
RegexPortRange = re.compile('^(?:([1-9]\d{0,2})([/:]))?(\d+)(?:[/:](\d))?-(?:([1-9]\d{0,2})[/:])?(\d+)(?:[/:](\d))?$')
RegexStarRange = re.compile('^([1-9]\d{0,2})(:)\*$') # XOS only
SlotPortRange = None # Gets set to dict by getSlotPortRanges()
def portValue(port): # v1 - Function to pass to sorted(key) to sort port lists
slotPort = re.split('[/:]', port)
if len(slotPort) == 3: # slot/port/chan format
idx = int(slotPort[0])*400 + int(slotPort[1])*4 + int(slotPort[2])
elif len(slotPort) == 2: # slot/port format
idx = int(slotPort[0])*400 + int(slotPort[1])*4
else: # standalone port (no slot)
idx = int(slotPort[0])*4
return idx
def getSlotPortRanges(): # v1 - Populates the SlotPortRange dict
global SlotPortRange
slotCommand = {'Summit Series': 'dict://show slot||^Slot-(\d+) +\S+ +\S+ +\S+ +(\d+)'} # Only XOS supported
if Family not in slotCommand:
SlotPortRange = {}
SlotPortRange = sendCLI_showRegex(slotCommand[Family])
debug("getSlotPortRanges = {}".format(SlotPortRange))
def generatePortList(portStr, debugKey=None): # v2 - Given a port list/range, validates it and returns an ordered port list with no duplicates (can also be used for VLAN-id ranges)
# This version of this function will not handle port ranges which span slots
debug("generatePortList IN = {}".format(portStr))
portDict = {} # Use a dict, will ensure no port duplicate keys
for port in portStr.split(','):
port = re.sub(r'^[\s\(]+', '', port) # Remove leading spaces [ or '(' ]
port = re.sub(r'[\s\)]+$', '', port) # Remove trailing spaces [ or ')' => XMC bug on ERS standalone units]
if not len(port): # Skip empty string
rangeMatch = RegexPortRange.match(port)
starMatch = RegexStarRange.match(port)
if rangeMatch: # We have a range of ports
startSlot =
separator =
startPort = int(
startChan = int(
endSlot =
endPort = int(
endChan = int(
if endSlot and startSlot != endSlot:
print "ERROR! generatePortList no support for ranges spanning slots: {}".format(port)
elif (startChan or endChan) and endPort and startPort != endPort:
print "ERROR! generatePortList no support for ranges spanning channelized ports: {}".format(port)
elif not (startChan or endChan) and startPort >= endPort:
print "ERROR! generatePortList invalid range: {}".format(port)
elif (startChan or endChan) and startChan >= endChan:
print "ERROR! generatePortList invalid range: {}".format(port)
else: # We are good
if startChan:
for portCount in range(startChan, endChan + 1):
portDict[startSlot + separator + str(startPort) + separator + str(portCount)] = 1
for portCount in range(startPort, endPort + 1):
if startSlot: # slot-based range
portDict[startSlot + separator + str(portCount)] = 1
else: # simple port range (no slot info)
portDict[str(portCount)] = 1
elif starMatch: # We have a slot/* range
slot =
separator =
if SlotPortRange == None: # Structure not populated
if SlotPortRange:
if slot in SlotPortRange:
for portCount in range(1, int(SlotPortRange[slot]) + 1):
portDict[slot + separator + str(portCount)] = 1
print "Warning: no range for slot {}; skipping: {}".format(slot, port)
print "Warning: generatePortList skipping star range as not supported on this switch type: {}".format(port)
elif RegexPort.match(port): # Port is in valid format
portDict[port] = 1
else: # Port is in an invalid format; don't add to dict, print an error message, don't raise exception
print "Warning: generatePortList skipping unexpected port format: {}".format(port)
# Sort and return the list as a comma separated string
portList = sorted(portDict, key=portValue)
if Debug:
if debugKey: debug("{} = {}".format(debugKey, portList))
else: debug("generatePortList OUT = {}".format(portList))
return portList
def generatePortRange(portList, debugKey=None): # v2 - Given a list of ports, generates a compacted port list/range string for use on CLI commands
# Ported from; this version of this function only compacts ranges within same slot
debug("generatePortRange IN = {}".format(portList))
rangeMode = {'VSP Series': 2, 'ERS Series': 1, 'Summit Series': 1}
elementList = []
elementBuild = None
currentType = None
currentSlot = None
currentPort = None
currentChan = None
rangeLast = None
# First off, sort the list
portList = sorted(portList, key=portValue)
for port in portList:
slotPort = re.split("([/:])", port) # Split on '/' (ERS/VSP) or ':'(XOS)
# slotPort[0] = slot / slotPort[1] = separator ('/' or ':') / slotPort[2] = port / slotPort[4] = channel
if len(slotPort) == 5: # slot/port/chan
if elementBuild:
if currentType == 's/p' and slotPort[0] == currentSlot and slotPort[2] == currentPort and slotPort[4] == str(int(currentChan)+1):
currentChan = slotPort[4]
if rangeMode[Family] == 1:
rangeLast = currentChan
else: # rangeMode = 2
rangeLast = currentSlot + slotPort[1] + currentPort + slotPort[1] + currentChan
else: # Range complete
if rangeLast:
elementBuild += '-' + rangeLast
elementBuild = None
rangeLast = None
# Fall through below
currentType = 's/p'
currentSlot = slotPort[0]
currentPort = slotPort[2]
currentChan = slotPort[4]
elementBuild = port
if len(slotPort) == 3: # slot/port
if elementBuild:
if currentType == 's/p' and slotPort[0] == currentSlot and slotPort[2] == str(int(currentPort)+1) and not currentChan:
currentPort = slotPort[2]
if rangeMode[Family] == 1:
rangeLast = currentPort
else: # rangeMode = 2
rangeLast = currentSlot + slotPort[1] + currentPort
else: # Range complete
if rangeLast:
elementBuild += '-' + rangeLast
elementBuild = None
rangeLast = None
# Fall through below
currentType = 's/p'
currentSlot = slotPort[0]
currentPort = slotPort[2]
currentChan = None
elementBuild = port
if len(slotPort) == 1: # simple port (no slot)
if elementBuild:
if currentType == 'p' and port == str(int(currentPort)+1):
currentPort = port
rangeLast = currentPort
else: # Range complete
if rangeLast:
elementBuild += '-' + rangeLast
elementBuild = None
rangeLast = None
# Fall through below
currentType = 'p'
currentPort = port
elementBuild = port
if elementBuild: # Close off last element we were holding
if rangeLast:
elementBuild += '-' + rangeLast
portStr = ','.join(elementList)
if Debug:
if debugKey: debug("{} = {}".format(debugKey, portStr))
else: debug("generatePortRange OUT = {}".format(portStr))
return portStr
# INIT: Init Debug &amp; Sanity flags based on input combos
if emc_vars['userInput_sanity'].lower() == 'enable':
Sanity = True
elif emc_vars['userInput_sanity'].lower() == 'disable':
Sanity = False
if emc_vars['userInput_debug'].lower() == 'enable':
Debug = True
elif emc_vars['userInput_debug'].lower() == 'disable':
Debug = False
# --> Insert Ludo Threads library here if required <--
# --> XMC Python script actually starts here <--
# Imports:
# Variables:
CLI_Dict = {
'Cisco': {
'VSP Series': {
'disable_more_paging' : 'terminal more disable',
'enable_context' : 'enable',
'config_context' : 'config term',
'exit_config_context' : 'exit',
'end_config' : 'end',
'save_config' : 'save config',
'Summit Series': {
'disable_more_paging' : 'disable cli paging',
'save_config' : 'save configuration',
'ERS Series': {
'disable_more_paging' : 'terminal length 0',
'enable_context' : 'enable',
'config_context' : 'config term',
'end_config' : 'end',
'save_config' : 'copy config nvram',
# Functions:
def main():
print "Configure banner for ERS / EXOS / VOSS version {}".format(__version__)
setFamily() # Sets global Family variable
exos_username = emc_vars["userInput_exos_username"].strip()
exos_oldPassword = emc_vars["userInput_exos_password_old"].strip()
exos_newPassword = emc_vars["userInput_exos_password_new"].strip()
voss_level = emc_vars["userInput_voss_level"].strip()
voss_username = emc_vars["userInput_voss_username"].strip()
voss_oldPassword = emc_vars["userInput_voss_password_old"].strip()
voss_newPassword = emc_vars["userInput_voss_password_new"].strip()
print "#################################################"
print "Information account EXOS"
print " - Username : {}".format(exos_username)
print " - Old password : {}".format(exos_oldPassword)
print " - New password : {}".format(exos_newPassword)
print "#################################################"
print "Information account VOSS"
print " - Level : {}".format(voss_level)
print " - Username : {}".format(voss_username)
print " - Old password : {}".format(voss_oldPassword)
print " - New password : {}".format(voss_newPassword)
print "#################################################"
if 'enable_context' in CLI_Dict[Family]:
if 'config_context' in CLI_Dict[Family]:
if Family == 'Summit Series':
sendCLI_configCommand("configure account " + exos_username + " password", False, None, False)
sendCLI_configCommand(exos_oldPassword, False, None, False)
sendCLI_configCommand(exos_newPassword, False, None, False)
sendCLI_configCommand(exos_newPassword, False, None, False)
if Family == 'VSP Series':
sendCLI_configCommand("cli password " + voss_username + " " + voss_level, False, None, False)
sendCLI_configCommand(voss_oldPassword, False, None, False)
sendCLI_configCommand(voss_newPassword, False, None, False)
sendCLI_configCommand(voss_newPassword, False, None, False)
if 'end_config' in CLI_Dict[Family]:
# Print summary of config performed
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