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Last active March 10, 2022 21:45
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Reorder one or several columns of a dataframe #pandas
def change_column_order(df, col_position):
'''Reorder one or several columns of a dataframe.
Based on the function described at
df : pandas dataframe
col_position : dict
{'Column' : index where the column should be}
The daframe with columns reordered.
def reorder(df, col_name, idx):
cols = df.columns.tolist()
cols.insert(idx, col_name)
return df[cols]
for key, value in col_position.items():
col_name = key
idx = value
df = reorder(df, col_name, idx)
return df
# Other ways to reorder columns
## Reordering Pandas DataFrame Columns
df = df[['names','Score','Room','Grade','Teacher','Hobby']]
## Leveraging handy Pandas methods
### Another standard solution to is to pair the pd.drop() and the pd.insert() methods. The main limitation of this option is that it only works when moving one column at a time to a specific location.
mid = df['Hobby']
df.drop(labels=['Hobby'], axis=1, inplace = True)
df.insert(1, 'Hobby', mid)
## Another function using a reference column to position other columns
def movecol(df, cols_to_move=[], ref_col='', place='After'):
cols = df.columns.tolist()
if place == 'After':
seg1 = cols[:list(cols).index(ref_col) + 1]
seg2 = cols_to_move
if place == 'Before':
seg1 = cols[:list(cols).index(ref_col)]
seg2 = cols_to_move + [ref_col]
seg1 = [i for i in seg1 if i not in seg2]
seg3 = [i for i in cols if i not in seg1 + seg2]
return(df[seg1 + seg2 + seg3])
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