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Created August 8, 2014 02:14
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change ip and mac address of specified nic
set -o nounset
real_macaddr=$(cat /sys/class/net/${nic}/address);
current_ip=$(hostname -I | cut -d ' ' -f1);
generate_ip() {
local ip;
for i in $(shuf <(seq $1 $2) | head -n1 ); do ip="${network}${i}"; done;
echo "$ip";
generate_rand_hex() {
local words="$1";
local word;
word=$(strings /dev/urandom | egrep -o "[a-f0-9]" | head -n "$words" | tr -d "\n" | sed -e "s/\(.\{2\}\)/&:/g" -e "s/:$//g");
echo "$word";
generate_macaddr() {
local macaddr;
local high4_1st_oct;
local low4_1st_oct;
local the_rest;
high4_1st_oct=$(generate_rand_hex 1);
low4_1st_oct=$(shuf -e 0 2 4 6 8 a c e | head -n1);
the_rest=$(generate_rand_hex 10);
echo "$macaddr";
check_duplicate() {
local ip="$1";
local macaddr="$2";
sudo arping -i "$nic" -c1 -r "${ip}" > /dev/null || sudo arping -i "$nic" -c1 -r "$macaddr" > /dev/null;
while true; do
echo "$real_macaddr" >> hopip.log;
ip=$(generate_ip "$2" "$3");
check_duplicate "$ip" "$macaddr" || echo "$ip" "$macaddr"; break;
sudo ip addr delete "${current_ip}/${network_bits}" dev "$nic";
sudo ip link set "$nic" down;
sudo ip link set "$nic" address "$macaddr";
sudo ip link set "$nic" up;
sudo ip addr add "${ip}/${network_bits}" dev "$nic";
sudo ip route add default via "$gateway";
sudo arp -s "$gateway" "$gateway_mac";
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