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Last active December 4, 2020 21:45
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HACK.ART Demo 1 (Processing + Wifi Pineapple + Arduino)
* HACK.ART Demo 1
* by tchnmncr @
* This Processing sketch demonstrates interaction with
* Hak5's WiFi Pineapple and Arduino.
* Made with Processing 3.2.1.
import http.requests.*;
import processing.serial.*;
String API_TOKEN = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
PostRequest startScan, // POST to initiate scan
scanStatus; // POST to retrieve scan results
Serial arduino; // Arduino serial port
void setup() {
size(640, 640);
noLoop(); // I am running through the draw() loop once only and using delay(); in reality you would probably
// repeat through it with a timer and use millis() to create a delay between scans
String portName = Serial.list()[0]; //change the 0 to a 1 or 2 etc. to match your port
arduino = new Serial(this, portName, 9600);
void draw() {
/*** Instruct the Pineapple to perform a 15-second scan for only access points (no clients) ***/
// build and send the POST request
// {
// "module": "Recon",
// "action": "startScan",
// "scanType": "apOnly",
// "scanDuration": "15"
// "apiToken": API_TOKEN
// }
PostRequest startScan = new PostRequest("");
startScan.addHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
startScan.addJson("{\"module\":\"Recon\",\"action\":\"startScan\",\"scanType\":\"apOnly\",\"scanDuration\":\"15\",\"apiToken\":\"" + API_TOKEN + "\"}");
// wait 20 seconds for scan to complete; I am only using this with noLoop();
// otherwise, you could continue to send() until the response includes "completed":true
// get the POST response
String startScanResponse = startScan.getContent();
String startScanResponseClean = startScanResponse.substring(6); // strip off ")]}',"
// create a JSON object from the POST response
JSONObject jsonStartScan = parseJSONObject(startScanResponseClean);
// check to see if scan was successful
if (jsonStartScan.getBoolean("success") == false) {
println("There was a problem requesting the scan.");
return; // break out of draw() loop if scan failed
// get scan ID from JSON object
int scanId = jsonStartScan.getInt("scanID");
/*** Retrieve scan results from the Pineapple ***/
// build and send the POST request
// {
// "module": "Recon",
// "action": "scanStatus",
// "scanID": scanId,
// "apiToken": API_TOKEN
// }
PostRequest scanStatus = new PostRequest("");
scanStatus.addHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
scanStatus.addJson("{\"module\":\"Recon\",\"action\":\"scanStatus\",\"scanID\":" + scanId + ",\"apiToken\":\"" + API_TOKEN + "\"}");
// get the POST response
String scanStatusResponse = scanStatus.getContent();
String scanStatusResponseClean = scanStatusResponse.substring(6); // strip off ")]}',"
// create a JSON object from the POST response
JSONObject jsonScanStatus = parseJSONObject(scanStatusResponseClean);
// further parse the JSON data
JSONObject results = jsonScanStatus.getJSONObject("results");
JSONArray apList = results.getJSONArray("ap_list");
// write the BSSID (MAC) and power (dBm) values to arrays
String[] bssid = {};
int[] power = {};
for (int i = 0; i < apList.size(); i++) {
JSONObject ap = apList.getJSONObject(i);
bssid = append(bssid, ap.getString("bssid"));
power = append(power, ap.getInt("power"));
/*** Draw rectangles representing access points ***/
// calculate height of all rectangles according to total # of access points
float h = (height * 1.0) / bssid.length;
for (int i = 0; i < bssid.length; i++) {
// set rectangle's color based on first three octets of MAC
int r = unhex(bssid[i].substring(0, 2));
int g = unhex(bssid[i].substring(3, 5));
int b = unhex(bssid[i].substring(6, 8));
fill(r, g, b);
// calculate length of rectangle according to its power (in dBm)
float l = map(100 + power[i], 0, 100, 0, width);
rect(0, h * i, 100 + l, h);
/*** Send a signal to Arduino if target BSSID was found in scan ***/
String target = "00:FF:00:FF:00:FF"; // replace with target BSSID
boolean targetFound = false;
// loop through bssid array, searching for target
for (int i = 0; i < bssid.length; i++) {
if (bssid[i].equals(target)) {
targetFound = true;
if (targetFound == true) {
println("Target found!");
} else {
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