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Created September 23, 2013 17:40
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Save tcmacdonald/6674210 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Conditions provides a simple API for conditional JS behaviors. This allows a developer to show or hide certain sections of a stepped-form based on the user's response in previous sections. For every condition, a session cookie is set providing very basic persistance of control-flow for clients.
# **Conditions** provides a simple API for conditional behaviors within the <a href="/docs/form.js.html">Form</a> class. This allows a developer to show or hide certain sections of a stepped-form based on the user's response in previous sections.
# For every condition, a session cookie is set providing very basic persistance of control-flow for clients.
# ### Usage
# Every action item (button, link) that carries a condition must define the following attributes...
# <pre>
# data-condition="#target_selector"
# data-conditional-group="some_group"
# </pre>
# Every target of a condition must define the following attributes...
# <pre>
# id="target_selector"
# data-condition-group="some_group"
# </pre>
# Persist conditions across pages with the following attribute...
# <pre>data-previous-condition="target_selector"</pre>
# Force visibility with the following attr...
# <pre>data-visible="false"</pre>
class window.Conditions extends CoffeeCup
all_cookies: {}
debug: false
init: ->
@log "init()"
# Hide all conditional sections and then check cookies to determine what should appear by default.
setup: ->
@log "setup()"
# Event handlers for action items that define conditions.
events: ->
@log "events()"
ref = this
$("[data-condition]").click ->
false if $(this).nodeName == 'INPUT'
$("[data-hide]").click ->
el = $(this).data('hide')
$("select[data-condition-group]").change ->
target = $(this).find("option:selected").attr('data-condition')
group = $(this).attr('data-condition-group')
ref.clicked(target, group) unless $(this).find("option:selected").data('suppress')
# Temporary utility provides developers to clear all domain cookies.
$("a.cookie-monster").click =>
console.log @options
# Evaluate conditions for current action.
click: (el) ->
target = $(el).attr('data-condition')
group = $(el).attr('data-condition-group')
# If client is toggling, show/hide the conditional element.
if @last_clicked == el
@toggle(target, group)
@last_clicked = el
@clicked(target, group)
clicked: (target, group) ->
@log "toggle(#{target}, #{group})"
# Set cookie containing the value of the current selection.
$.cookie(group,target,{path: '/'});
# Shows or hides target of the current action, depending upon its current visibility
toggle: (target, group) ->
@log "toggle(#{target}, #{group})"
if $(target).css('display') == 'none'
return if $(target).attr('data-toggle') == 'false'
# Hide all conditions within a given condition group.
hide: (group) ->
@log "hide(#{group})"
if group == undefined
@conditional_wells = $("*[data-condition-group]").not("[data-condition]") unless @conditional_wells
@conditional_wells = $("*[data-condition-group*=#{group}]").not("[data-condition]")
@conditional_wells.each (i,el) ->
$(el).hide() unless $(el).attr('data-visible') == 'true'
# Check for the presence of pre-existing conditions and show/how the proper targets.
remember: ->
@log "remember()"
# Get all targets within each condition.
$("*[data-condition-group]").filter("[data-condition]").each (i,el) =>
group = $(el).attr('data-condition-group')
target = $.cookie(group)
# Default to showing the first target within a condition if there is no cookie.
target = $(el).attr('data-condition') if target == null && i == 0
#console.log $(target).attr('data-visible')
$.each $(target), (i,el) ->
$(el).show() unless $(el).attr('data-visible') == 'false'
@all_cookies[group] = target if target
# Evaluate cookies for previous conditions to persist choices across multiple pages.
cookie_groups = []
$('*[data-previous-condition]').each (i,el) =>
group = $(el).attr('data-previous-condition')
target = $.cookie(group)
if $(el).filter(target).length > 0
@all_cookies[group] = target if target
# Show all the targets that were previously defined by cookies.
if cookie_groups.length > 0
$(cookie_groups).each (i,el) ->
# Show the first target within a condition if there is no cookie.
# Cookie groups
cookies: ->
# Destroy all domain cookies.
eat_cookies: ->
@log "eat_cookies()"
cookies = document.cookie.split(";")
i = 0
while i < cookies.length
cookie = cookies[i]
eqPos = cookie.indexOf("=")
name = (if eqPos > -1 then cookie.substr(0, eqPos) else cookie)
document.cookie = name + "=;expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT"
alert('Cookie cleared.')
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