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Last active February 7, 2024 16:07
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tcodes0 commented May 5, 2020


extract type from relay type

type FragmentRefs<T extends string> = T

type FeedList_query = {
    readonly posts: {
        readonly endCursorOffset: number;
        readonly startCursorOffset: number;
        readonly count: number | null;
        readonly pageInfo: {
            readonly hasNextPage: boolean;
            readonly hasPreviousPage: boolean;
            readonly startCursor: string | null;
            readonly endCursor: string | null;
        readonly edges: ReadonlyArray<{
            readonly node: {
                readonly id: string;
                readonly " $fragmentRefs": FragmentRefs<"Post_post">;
            } | null;
        } | null>;
    readonly me: {
        readonly " $fragmentRefs": FragmentRefs<"Post_me">;
    } | null;
    readonly " $refType": "FeedList_query";

type ExtractNode<T extends {edges: any}> = NonNullable<NonNullable<T['edges'][number]>['node']>
type Post = ExtractNode<FeedList_query['posts']>

tsconfig.json typeroots needs to manually add node_modules/@types, like a default that is lost when you specify manually another path

"typeRoots": ["src/types", "node_modules/@types"]
ambinet vs local type declarations and different syntax to import in them

declare module 'repl.history' {
  // import some types from node
  type AddHistory = (repl: import('repl').REPLServer, file: import('fs').PathLike) => void
  declare const def: AddHistory
  export default def
type Primitive =
  | string
  | boolean
  | number
  | bigint
  | symbol
  | null
  | undefined;

type object = any non primitive.

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tcodes0 commented Sep 21, 2020

Sql and psql with docker

connect to posgress using psql inside docker
sudo docker-compose exec postgres psql -U postgres -d hub

describe table
\d table

connect to db


list all tables

list all dbs

delete row
DELETE FROM table_name WHERE condition;

clone db
create database new_database_name (Name of new database which we have cloning from another database) WITH TEMPLATE old_database_name

kill off containers and volumes using docker-compose
docker-compose down --rmi all -v

if fail, you may need to docker ps -a and remove any images that errored with docker rm <image id>

dump docker dp to local file
sudo docker-compose exec postgres pg_dump -h localhost -U "postgres" "hub" --format plain > "hub.dump.sql"
to restore
psql -d hub -f hub.dump.sql

docker cp from container to local fs

use sudo docker cp 5810d91ee2e5:/out.txt $PWD/out.txt
postgres is the container for docker-compose, and 5810d91ee2e5 is the container for docker
5810d91ee2e5 is from sudo docker ps
/out.txt is from sudo docker-compose exec postgres pwd which replies with / and out.txt is the file I want. exec postgres ls also works btw!

docker nuke

removecontainers() {
    docker stop $(docker ps -aq)
    docker rm $(docker ps -aq)

armageddon() {
    docker network prune -f
    docker rmi -f $(docker images --filter dangling=true -qa)
    docker volume rm $(docker volume ls --filter dangling=true -q)
    docker rmi -f $(docker images -qa)


-- seq error fix
SELECT MAX(the_primary_key) FROM the_table;   
SELECT nextval('the_primary_key_sequence');
-- nextval needs to be hight than tha table
SELECT setval('the_primary_key_sequence', (SELECT MAX(the_primary_key) FROM the_table)+1);
-- just getting the value fixes, or set it with setval
-- drop all tables quickly
GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA public TO postgres;
GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA public TO public;


psql -U postgres -d db-name-here
\dt to list definitions

psql -U hub-server -W -d hub -h /home/vacation/eleanor_sql_sockets/ele-qa-436057:us-east1:eleanor-postgres
-U user
-W prompt pass
-d dbname
-h host/socket

column information
SELECT column_name, is_nullable, data_type, column_default FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_name = 'foo';

postgres upgrade

systemctl stop postgresql
sudo -i
mv /var/lib/postgres/data /var/lib/postgres/olddata
mkdir /var/lib/postgres/data /var/lib/postgres/tmp
chown postgres:postgres /var/lib/postgres/data /var/lib/postgres/tmp
sudo -iu postgres
cd /var/lib/postgres/tmp
initdb -D /var/lib/postgres/data --encoding=UTF8
# it is the old version upgrading from, ls /opt might reveal it
pg_upgrade -b /opt/pgsql-14/bin -B /usr/bin -d /var/lib/postgres/olddata -D /var/lib/postgres/data
systemctl start postgresql
# 6 is number of cores
sudo -u postgres vacuumdb --all --analyze-in-stages --jobs=6
echo echoing cleanup commands
echo sudo -i
echo rm -fr /var/lib/postgres/olddata
echo rm -fr /var/lib/postgres/tmp
echo exit

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tcodes0 commented Oct 25, 2020


get list from website

// do not use really sucks. need to concat with paragraphs and titles
re = []
sel = ".JobOpeningListItem_JobDescription__1DPoi''
document.querySelectorAll(sel).forEach(x => re.push(x.innerText))
('vaga: ' + re.join('\n\n vaga: ')).replace(/Learn more >>/g, '')
// real dolar
var makeBrlToUsd = rate => brl => Math.round(brl*rate)

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tcodes0 commented Mar 13, 2021

High level


In posts talking about how someone made something fast, I see the same idea repeat time after time: it has linear time complexity, has great cache locality, and saturates all available processors.

Interview questions

technical, high-level

How do you handle the diversity of patterns within the JS ecosystem? maybe follow-up: What are some good solutions or patterns you have used that worked for you?
What's your thoughts on JS itself and it's current direction?

execution and team work

Have you worked with designers? what were some highlights there?
We all know it's very hard to give estimates, how to do you approach that? what's your attitude?
What is a big mistake in product process you've seen or committed yourself?
Your favorite meeting and why?
Tell me a good idea for a project that your company should take on, but will not. Explain from both sides, even if they are wrong.
Walk me through a project you enjoyed start to finish. Explain design decisions (why x and not y?)

code review

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tcodes0 commented Apr 15, 2022


APM traces

query samples

Service:hub-server @url:*drivers-license*


search for logs using kubectl, find trace id, then do{id}

if code looks like this

infra.Logger.Info().Str("event", "")

query to find field would be

RUM custom actions

find with

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tcodes0 commented Jul 13, 2022

Cookie cliker

// node
prestigeLvls = Math.cbrt((allTimeCookies + popingWrinklers + sellingBuildings + difference) * 10 ** 18 /* 18 for quintilion cookies*/)/10000
// load cookie monster into cookie clicker

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tcodes0 commented Mar 8, 2023


Installing private repos as packages

update ~/.gitconfig with

[url "ssh://"]
      insteadOf =

run go env -w* and add to shell init file export*
run ssh-keyscan > ~/.ssh/known_hosts
try to run go mod download "<latest commit on main>" and see if you get no errors, if so, run go get "<latest commit on main>" to add the package


omitting the commit hash doesn't work
ssh-key add may be needed on mac, it will prompt you for password
code must be merged to main

coverage unit

go get
go test -race -coverprofile .coverage ./svc/server/application/application/...
go tool cover -html=.coverage

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tcodes0 commented Jul 30, 2023

 * Maybe captures the result of some operation that may fail.
 * If there is an non null error, attempting to retrieve result will throw.
export class Maybe<T> {
    #result: T | null
    #error: Error | null

    // constructor(data: Data | null, error: Error | null) {
    constructor() {
        this.#result = null
        this.#error = null

     * throws unless error() returns null.
    result(): T {
        if (this.#error) {
            throw this.#error

        if (this.#result === null) {
            throw new Error("null data")

        return this.#result

     * if null, result() is safe to call
    error() {
        return this.#error

     * error must be null for result to be read
    setResult(data: T) {
        this.#result = data

     * blocks result from being read
    setError(message: string) {
        this.#error = new Error(message)

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tcodes0 commented Aug 24, 2023


52.7k words on member-server codebase
244 non mock non test files
find . -type f -name *.go | grep -Ev test.go | grep -Ev mock
avg 314 words per file (handlers)
avg 215 word per file (codebase)
say 5k words for a massive conversation context with ai
have 59k words of context to use with ai

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