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Created October 1, 2013 19:07
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import csv
class Grid(object):
'''Parses a csv file into a grid. Each cell in the grid is a list of strings, corresponding to
the string that was in the corresponding cell in the spreadsheet split by the given
'cell_item_separator', which defaults to a comma'''
def __init__(self, csv_text, width=0, height=0, cell_item_separator=','):
lines = list(csv.reader(csv_text.splitlines()))
self.height = height if height > 0 else len(lines)
if self.height <= 0:
raise Exception("height must be > 0 [height=%d]" % self.height)
# each cell is a list of 0 or more strings, separated by our cell_item_separator
self.rows = []
for line in lines:
row = []
# split the row into comma-separated cells;
# split each cell into |-separated strings;
# strip whitespace from each string;
# drop empty cells
for cell in [cell.split(cell_item_separator) for cell in line]:
row.append([cell_text.strip() for cell_text in cell if len(cell_text.strip()) > 0])
self.width = width if width > 0 else max([len(row) for row in self.rows])
if self.width <= 0:
raise Exception("width must be > 0 [width=%d]" % self.width)
# make all rows the same length
for ii in xrange(len(self.rows)):
row = self.rows[ii]
# trim
if len(row) > self.width:
self.rows[ii] = row[:self.width]
# extend
while len(row) < self.width:
def cells(self):
'''a generator that returns tuples in the form (x, y, cell) for each cell in the grid'''
for y in xrange(self.height):
for x in xrange(self.width):
yield (x, y, self.rows[y][x])
def symbols(self):
'''a generator that returns tuples in the form (x, y, symbol) for each symbol in the grid
(each cell contains a list of 0 or more symbols, so this will only yield results for
non-empty cells)'''
for (x, y, cell) in self.cells:
for symbol in cell:
yield (x, y, symbol)
def get_cell(self, x, y):
if x < 0 or x >= self.width or y < 0 or y >= self.height:
raise Exception("bad coordinate")
return self.rows[y][x]
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