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Created February 10, 2017 17:04
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(defn -bool?
(boolean? x) x
(string? x) (case x
("true" "TRUE" "t" "T") true
("false" "FALSE" "f" "F") false
:else :clojure.spec/invalid))
(def bool?
(s/with-gen (s/conformer -bool? identity)
(constantly (gen/boolean))))
(s/def ::b bool?)
(s/def ::bmv (s/cat :b ::b))
(s/conform ::bmv ["true"])
;; => {:b true}
(s/unform ::bmv (s/conform ::bmv ["true"]))
;; => (true)
(s/unform ::bmv (s/conform ::bmv ["foo"]))
;; => contains? not supported on type: clojure.lang.Keyword
(defn coerce
[spec data]
(let [conformed (s/conform spec data)]
(if (= :clojure.spec/invalid conformed)
(s/unform spec conformed))))
(coerce ::bmv ["t"])
;; => (true)
(s/valid? ::bmv (coerce ::bmv ["t"]))
;; => true
(coerce ::bmv ["foo"])
;; => :clojure.spec/invalid
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