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Created February 12, 2012 05:10
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Making CoffeeScript more Haskell-y
## The more functional way
head = (x) -> ((z,zs...) -> z) x...
tail = (x) -> ((z,zs...) -> zs) x...
last = (x) -> ((zs...,z) -> z) x...
init = (x) -> ((zs...,z) -> zs) x...
## OR, the more coffee-scripty way:
headCS = (xs) -> xs[0]
tailCS = (xs) -> xs[1..xs.length]
initCS = (xs) -> xs[0...xs.length-1]
lastCS = (xs) -> xs[xs.length-1]
reverse = (xs) -> foldl ((acc,x) -> [x].concat acc ),[],xs
## Folds, maps, filters
foldl = (fn,acc,xs) ->
acc = fn(acc,z) for z in xs
foldr = (fn,acc,xs) ->
ls = reverse xs
acc = fn(z,acc) for z in ls
map = (fn,xs) -> fn(x) for x in xs
filter = (pred,xs) -> x for x in xs when pred(x) is true
# Testing
foldSum = foldl ((acc,x) -> acc+x),0,[0..10]
filterGT5 = filter ((x) -> x > 5),[0..10]
mapX5 = map ((x) -> x*5),[0..10]
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