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Last active December 11, 2016 01:24
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Kimono Example
var moment = require('moment-range');
var request = require('request');
var _ = require('lodash');
var url = require('url');
var start = new Date(2014, 9, 8);
var end = new Date();
var range = moment().range(start, end);
// Gets boxscore links from scores page
var scoresApi = '';
// Gets data from PBP report
var pbpApi = '';
// Loop through each date from `start` to `end`
//'days', function(m) {
// m is simply the moment.js object (eg. Date)
// });
// Scrapes the scores page to locate boxscore URLs and extract game IDs for games on a given date
function collectBoxscoreUrls(date, done) {
request(scoresApi + date.format('MM/DD/YYYY'), function(err, response, body) {
if (err) {
var parsed = JSON.parse(body);
// now parse each url and pull out the game IDs to pass to the next Kimono API
var gameIds =, function(o) {
// ==> 2014020004
var id = url.parse(o.boxscoreLink.href, true);
// the game ID used to retrieve the play-by-play report does not include the year (first 4 characters)
// 2014020004 ==> 020004
return id.substr(4);
// gameIds ==> [ '020001', '020002', '020003', '020004' ]
done(null, gameIds);
// Scrape data from a play-by-play report.
// The parameter passed to Kimono (kimpath4) is the HTML filename which uses the game ID
function collectPlayByPlayData(gameId, done) {
var kimpath4 = 'PL' + gameId + '.HTM';
request(pbpApi + kimpath4, function(err, response, body) {
if (err) {
var parsed = JSON.parse(body);
var pbpLogs =, function(o) {
return o;
done(null, pbpLogs);
// Get all game data for a single date
function getGames(date) {
collectBoxscoreUrls(date, function(err, gameIds) {
collectPlayByPlayData(gameIds[0], function(err, pbpLogs) {
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for this last function that starts w/'days', .... is there a way to slow down the calls? How many calls are being made in what period of time?

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tcrosen commented Dec 17, 2014

Okay I did a bit of work to clean it up and updated to a working version which at the moment collects games for a single date then gets the play-by-play data for a single one of those games. So now the questions are:

  1. How to run for each game in a day?
  2. How to run for multiple days?

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tcrosen commented Dec 17, 2014

Okay I think I've figured it out. I didn't realize I could update my APIs via API (confusing!).
Here's an updated version that sets the list of Play by Play report URLs to crawl from games for a day. The only question now is what is the best way to do this for many days...

var moment = require('moment-range');
var request = require('request');
var _ = require('lodash');
var url = require('url');
var fs = require('fs');

var start = new Date(2014, 9, 8);
var end = new Date();
var range = moment().range(start, end);

var apiKey = 'abe6b22285a4d123b8d3ed875ac78331';

// Gets boxscore links from scores page
var scoresApi = '' + apiKey + '&date=';

// Gets data from PBP report
var pbpApi = '' + apiKey;

// Loop through each date from `start` to `end`
//'days', function(m) {
  // m is simply the moment.js object (eg. Date)
// });

// Scrapes the scores page to locate boxscore URLs and extract game IDs for games on a given date
function collectBoxscoreUrls(date, done) {
  request(scoresApi + date.format('MM/DD/YYYY'), function(err, response, body) {
    if (err) {

    var parsed = JSON.parse(body);

    // now parse each url and pull out the game IDs to pass to the next Kimono API
    var gameIds =, function(o) {
      // ==> 2014020004
      var id = url.parse(o.boxscoreLink.href, true);

      // the game ID used to retrieve the play-by-play report does not include the year (first 4 characters)
      // 2014020004 ==> 020004
      return id.substr(4);

    // gameIds ==> [ '020001', '020002', '020003', '020004' ]
    done(null, gameIds);

// Update the PBP API source URLs to crawl each play-by-play report
function setPbpApiSourceUrls(gameIds, done) {
  var sourceUrls =, function(gameId) {
    return '' + gameId + '.HTM';

    url: '',
    method: 'POST',
    json: true,
    body: {
      apikey: apiKey,
      urls: sourceUrls
  }, done);

// Start crawling PBP reports
function startPbpCrawl(done) {
    url: '',
    method: 'POST',
    json: true,
    body: {
      apikey: apiKey
  }, done);

// Scrape data from play-by-play reports.
function collectPlayByPlayData(done) {
  request(pbpApi, function(err, response, body) {
    if (err) {

    var parsed = JSON.parse(body);

    fs.writeFile('pbp.json', body);

    var pbpLogs =, function(o) {
      return o;

    done(null, pbpLogs);

// Get all game data for a single date
function getGames(date) {
  collectBoxscoreUrls(date, function(err, gameIds) {

    setPbpApiSourceUrls(gameIds, function(err, resp, body) {
      if (err) {
      } else {
        console.log('API updated to crawl these URLS: ', body.api.instructions.urls);

      startPbpCrawl(function(err, resp, body) {
        if (err) {
        } else {

        // collectPlayByPlayData(function(err, pbpLogs) {
        //   //console.log(pbpLogs);
        // });


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