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Last active January 23, 2017 12:36
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#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
from time import sleep
from twisted.internet.defer import Deferred
from zope.interface import implements
from twisted.internet import reactor
from twisted.web.client import Agent
from twisted.web.http_headers import Headers
from twisted.internet.defer import succeed
from twisted.web.iweb import IBodyProducer
from twisted.python import log
#log.startLogging(sys.stdout, setStdout=False)
from trigger.netdevices import NetDevices
def handle_results(results, device):
if "SOME VALUE" in results:
return device.run_commands(['blah some ios command'])
# Create reference to upgraded switch.
nd = NetDevices()
dev = nd.find('pe1.demo.localdomain')
# Open connection to device.
# Pause due to timing inconsistencies experienced in some devices.
# Initialise our results and kick off our main loop.
r11 = result = None
while True:
# The purpose here is to continually check for the string GO in our configuration and if we do
# we notify the current users the Animal hierarchy
r11 = dev.run_commands(['show run | in GO'])
if 'GO' in r11.result[0]:
print "You must obey your pythonic overlord."
r11 = dev.run_commands(['send *\rPYTHONS EAT GOPHERS\r\x1a'])
r11.addCallback(handle_results, dev)
result = r11.result[0]
print "Did you know I am running in a while True loop?!?!?!"
print result
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