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Created January 25, 2023 07:48
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) 2017-2022 The Bitcoin Core developers
# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
# file COPYING or
"""An example functional test
The module-level docstring should include a high-level description of
what the test is doing. It's the first thing people see when they open
the file and should give the reader information about *what* the test
is testing and *how* it's being tested
# Imports should be in PEP8 ordering (std library first, then third party
# libraries then local imports).
from collections import defaultdict
# Avoid wildcard * imports
# Use lexicographically sorted multi-line imports
from test_framework.blocktools import (
from test_framework.messages import (
from test_framework.p2p import (
from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework
from test_framework.util import (
# P2PInterface is a class containing callbacks to be executed when a P2P
# message is received from the node-under-test. Subclass P2PInterface and
# override the on_*() methods if you need custom behaviour.
class BaseNode(P2PInterface):
def __init__(self):
"""Initialize the P2PInterface
Used to initialize custom properties for the Node that aren't
included by default in the base class. Be aware that the P2PInterface
base class already stores a counter for each P2P message type and the
last received message of each type, which should be sufficient for the
needs of most tests.
Call super().__init__() first for standard initialization and then
initialize custom properties."""
# Stores a dictionary of all blocks received
self.block_receive_map = defaultdict(int)
def on_block(self, message):
"""Override the standard on_block callback
Store the hash of a received block in the dictionary."""
self.block_receive_map[message.block.sha256] += 1
def on_inv(self, message):
"""Override the standard on_inv callback"""
def custom_function():
"""Do some custom behaviour
If this function is more generally useful for other tests, consider
moving it to a module in test_framework."""
#"running custom_function") # Oops! Can't run self.log outside the BitcoinTestFramework
class ExampleTest(BitcoinTestFramework):
# Each functional test is a subclass of the BitcoinTestFramework class.
# Override the set_test_params(), skip_test_if_missing_module(), add_options(), setup_chain(), setup_network()
# and setup_nodes() methods to customize the test setup as required.
def add_options(self, parser):
def set_test_params(self):
"""Override test parameters for your individual test.
This method must be overridden and num_nodes must be explicitly set."""
# By default every test loads a pre-mined chain of 200 blocks from cache.
# Set setup_clean_chain to True to skip this and start from the Genesis
# block.
self.setup_clean_chain = True
self.num_nodes = 3
# Use self.extra_args to change command-line arguments for the nodes
self.extra_args = [[], ["-logips"], []]
#"I've finished set_test_params") # Oops! Can't run self.log before run_test()
# Use skip_test_if_missing_module() to skip the test if your test requires certain modules to be present.
# This test uses generate which requires wallet to be compiled
def skip_test_if_missing_module(self):
# Use add_options() to add specific command-line options for your test.
# In practice this is not used very much, since the tests are mostly written
# to be run in automated environments without command-line options.
# def add_options()
# pass
# Use setup_chain() to customize the node data directories. In practice
# this is not used very much since the default behaviour is almost always
# fine
# def setup_chain():
# pass
def setup_network(self):
"""Setup the test network topology
Often you won't need to override this, since the standard network topology
(linear: node0 <-> node1 <-> node2 <-> ...) is fine for most tests.
If you do override this method, remember to start the nodes, assign
them to self.nodes, connect them and then sync."""
# In this test, we're not connecting node2 to node0 or node1. Calls to
# sync_all() should not include node2, since we're not expecting it to
# sync.
self.connect_nodes(0, 1)
# Use setup_nodes() to customize the node start behaviour (for example if
# you don't want to start all nodes at the start of the test).
# def setup_nodes():
# pass
def from_one_to_two(self):
Generating a block using node 1, sending it to node 2 and confirming that node 2 has received it
""""\n\n-----------Running exercise for BPD seminar-----------\n\n")"-----------Before creating and syncing-----------")
n1_block_count = self.nodes[1].getblockcount()
tip1 = self.nodes[1].getbestblockhash()"Node 1 now has: {} blocks, tip at {}".format(n1_block_count, tip1))
n2_block_count = self.nodes[2].getblockcount()
tip2 = self.nodes[2].getbestblockhash()"Node 2 now has: {} blocks, tip at {}".format(n2_block_count, tip2))"Generating one block using node 1, and sync nodes 1 and 2 only")
self.generate(self.nodes[1], sync_fun=lambda: self.sync_all(self.nodes[1:3]), nblocks=1)"-----------After creating and syncing-----------")
n1_block_count = self.nodes[1].getblockcount()
tip1 = self.nodes[1].getbestblockhash()"Node 1 now has: {} blocks, tip at {}".format(n1_block_count, tip1))
n2_block_count = self.nodes[2].getblockcount()
tip2 = self.nodes[2].getbestblockhash()"Node 2 now has: {} blocks, tip at {}".format(n2_block_count, tip2))
# Assert block was sent
assert_equal(n1_block_count, n2_block_count)
def run_test(self):
"""Main test logic"""
# Create P2P connections will wait for a verack to make sure the connection is fully up
peer_messaging = self.nodes[0].add_p2p_connection(BaseNode())
# Generating a block on one of the nodes will get us out of IBD
blocks = [int(self.generate(self.nodes[0], sync_fun=lambda: self.sync_all(self.nodes[0:2]), nblocks=1)[0], 16)]
# Notice above how we called an RPC by calling a method with the same
# name on the node object. Notice also how we used a keyword argument
# to specify a named RPC argument. Neither of those are defined on the
# node object. Instead there's some __getattr__() magic going on under
# the covers to dispatch unrecognised attribute calls to the RPC
# interface.
# Logs are nice. Do plenty of them. They can be used in place of comments for
# breaking the test into sub-sections."Starting test!")"Calling a custom function")
custom_function()"Create some blocks")
self.tip = int(self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash(), 16)
self.block_time = self.nodes[0].getblock(self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash())['time'] + 1
height = self.nodes[0].getblockcount()
for _ in range(10):
# Use the blocktools functionality to manually build a block.
# Calling the generate() rpc is easier, but this allows us to exactly
# control the blocks and transactions.
block = create_block(self.tip, create_coinbase(height+1), self.block_time)
block_message = msg_block(block)
# Send message is used to send a P2P message to the node over our P2PInterface
self.tip = block.sha256
self.block_time += 1
height += 1"Wait for node1 to reach current tip (height 11) using RPC")
self.nodes[1].waitforblockheight(11)"Connect node2 and node1")
self.connect_nodes(1, 2)"Wait for node2 to receive all the blocks from node1")
self.sync_all()"Add P2P connection to node2")
peer_receiving = self.nodes[2].add_p2p_connection(BaseNode())"Test that node2 propagates all the blocks to us")
getdata_request = msg_getdata()
for block in blocks:
getdata_request.inv.append(CInv(MSG_BLOCK, block))
# wait_until() will loop until a predicate condition is met. Use it to test properties of the
# P2PInterface objects.
peer_receiving.wait_until(lambda: sorted(blocks) == sorted(list(peer_receiving.block_receive_map.keys())), timeout=5)"Check that each block was received only once")
# The network thread uses a global lock on data access to the P2PConnection objects when sending and receiving
# messages. The test thread should acquire the global lock before accessing any P2PConnection data to avoid locking
# and synchronization issues. Note p2p.wait_until() acquires this global lock internally when testing the predicate.
with p2p_lock:
for block in peer_receiving.block_receive_map.values():
assert_equal(block, 1)
# BPD exercise"Calling a BPD seminar exercise solution")
if __name__ == '__main__':
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