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Forked from ahmozkya/
Last active November 13, 2017 12:15
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Homebrew with DNSMasq + DNSCrypt-proxy (OpenDNS)

Install & Configure

  1. Install DNSMasq
$ brew install dnsmasq
  1. Install DNSCrypt-proxy
$ brew install dnscrypt-proxy
  1. Configure

  2. /usr/local/etc/dnsmasq.conf ⬇

  3. /Library/LaunchDaemons/homebrew.mxcl.dnscrypt-proxy.plist ⬇

  4. /Library/LaunchDaemons/homebrew.mxcl.dnsmasq.plist ⬇

  5. Reload dnscrypt-proxy service

    $ cd /Library/LaunchDaemons/
    $ sudo launchctl unload homebrew.mxcl.dnscrypt-proxy.plist && sudo launchctl load homebrew.mxcl.dnscrypt-proxy.plist
  6. Reload dnsmasq service

    $ sudo launchctl unload homebrew.mxcl.dnsmasq.plist && sudo launchctl load homebrew.mxcl.dnsmasq.plist
  7. Set DNS IP:


DNS Configuration

$ scutil --dns
resolver #1
  search domain[0] : openvpn
  nameserver[0] :
  flags    : Request A records, Request AAAA records
  reach    : Reachable,Local Address


$ nslookup -type=txt

Non-authoritative answer:	text = "server 7.ams"	text = "flags 20 0 2f4 800000000000000"	text = "id 0"	text = "source"	text = "dnscrypt enabled (xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)"

Authoritative answers can be found from:

Useful links:

# #
# Sample configuration file for dnscrypt-proxy #
# #
############## Resolver settings ##############
## [CHANGE THIS] Short name of the resolver to use
## Usually the only thing you need to change in this configuration file.
## This corresponds to the first column in the dnscrypt-resolvers.csv file.
## Alternatively, "random" (without quotes) picks a random random resolver
## accessible over IPv4, that doesn't log and supports DNSSEC.
#ResolverName random
#ResolverName d0wn-au-ns1
#ResolverName d0wn-id-ns1
#ResolverName d0wn-sg-ns1
ResolverName okturtles
## Full path to the list of available DNSCrypt resolvers (dnscrypt-resolvers.csv)
## An up-to-date list is available here:
## and the script can be used in order to
## automatically download and verify updates.
ResolversList /usr/local/opt/dnscrypt-proxy/share/dnscrypt-proxy/dnscrypt-resolvers.csv
## Manual settings, only for a custom resolver not present in the CSV file
# ProviderName 2.dnscrypt.resolver.example
# ProviderKey E801:B84E:A606:BFB0:BAC0:CE43:445B:B15E:BA64:B02F:A3C4:AA31:AE10:636A:0790:324D
# ResolverAddress
############## Process options ##############
## [NOT AVAILABLE ON WINDOWS] Run the proxy as a background process.
## Unless you are using systemd, you probably want to change this to "yes"
## after having verified that the rest of the configuration works as expected.
Daemonize no
## Write the PID number to a file
PidFile /var/run/
## [NOT AVAILABLE ON WINDOWS] Start the process, bind the required ports, and
## run the server as a less-privileged system user.
## The value for this parameter is a user name.
User nobody
############## Network/protocol settings ##############
## Local address and port to listen to.
## A 127.0.0.x address is recommended for local use, but or
## a specific interface address can be used on a router, or to
## configure a single machine to act as a DNS proxy for different
## devices.
## If the socket is created by systemd, the proxy cannot change the address
## using this option. You should edit systemd's dnscrypt-proxy.socket file
## instead.
## Cache DNS responses to avoid outgoing traffic when the same queries
## are repeated multiple times in a row.
# LocalCache on
## Creates a new key pair for every query.
## This prevents logging servers from correlating client public keys with
## IP addresses. However, this option implies extra CPU load, and is not
## very useful with trusted/non-logging servers.
# EphemeralKeys on
EphemeralKeys off
## Maximum number of active requests waiting for a response.
## Keep it reasonable relative to the expected number of clients.
# MaxActiveRequests 250
## This is the maximum payload size allowed when using the UDP protocol.
## The default is safe, and rarely needs to be changed.
# EDNSPayloadSize 1252
## Ignore the time stamps when checking the certificates
## Do not enable this option ever, unless you know that you need it.
# IgnoreTimestamps no
## Do not send queries using UDP. Only use TCP.
## Even if some resolvers mitigate this, DNS over TCP is almost always slower
## than UDP and doesn't offer additional security.
## Only enable this option if UDP doesn't work on your network.
# TCPOnly no
## Forward queries for specific domains to one or more non-DNSCrypt resolvers.
## For instance, this can be used to redirect queries for local domains to
## the router, or queries for an internal domain to an internal DNS server.
## Multiple whitespace-delimited domains and IP addresses can be specified.
## Do not enable this unless you absolutely know you need it.
## If you see useless queries to these domains, you'd better block them with
## the BlackList feature instead of sending them in clear text to the router.
## This uses a plugin that requires dnscrypt-proxy to be compiled with
## the ldns library.
# Forward domains:"test private localdomain lan" to:""
############## Logging ##############
## Log the received DNS queries to a file, so you can watch in real-time what
## is happening on the network.
## The value for this parameter is a full path to the log file.
## The file name can be prefixed with ltsv: in order to store logs using the
## LTSV format (ex: ltsv:/tmp/dns-queries.log).
#QueryLogFile /tmp/dns-queries.log
## Log file to write server errors and information to.
## If you use this tool for privacy, keeping logs of any kind is usually not
## a good idea.
#LogFile /var/log/dnscrypt-proxy.log
## Don't log events with priority above this log level after the service has
## been started up. Default is 6.
## Valid values are between 0 (critical) to 7 (debug-level messages).
#LogLevel 6
## [NOT AVAILABLE ON WINDOWS] Send server logs to the syslog daemon
## Log entries can optionally be prefixed with a string.
# Syslog off
# SyslogPrefix dnscrypt
############## Local filtering ##############
## If your network doesn't support IPv6, chances are that your
## applications are still constantly trying to resolve IPv6 addresses,
## causing unnecessary slowdowns.
## This causes the proxy to immediately reply to IPv6 requests,
## without having to send a useless request to upstream resolvers, and
## having to wait for a response.
## This uses a plugin that requires dnscrypt-proxy to be compiled with
## the ldns library.
BlockIPv6 no
## Want to filter ads, malware, sensitive or inappropriate websites and
## domain names? This feature can block lists of IP addresses and names
## matching a list of patterns. The list of rules remains private, and
## the filtering process directly happens on your own network. In order
## to filter IP addresses, the list of IPs has to be put into a text
## file, with one IP address per line. Lists of domain names can also be
## blocked as well. Put the list into a text file, one domain per line.
## Domains can include wildcards (*) in order to match patterns. For
## example *sex* will match any name that contains the sex substring, and
## ads.* will match anything starting with ads. The Internet has plenty
## of free feeds of IP addresses and domain names used for malware,
## phishing and spam that you can use with this feature.
## This uses a plugin that requires dnscrypt-proxy to be compiled with
## the ldns library.
## To enable, uncomment one of the following definitions:
## Block query names matching the rules stored in that file:
# BlackList domains:"/etc/dnscrypt-blacklist-domains.txt"
## Block responses whose IP addresses match IPs stored in that file:
# BlackList ips:"/etc/dnscrypt-blacklist-ips.txt"
## Block both domain names and IP addresses:
# BlackList domains:"/etc/dnscrypt-blacklist-domains.txt" ips:"/etc/dnscrypt-blacklist-ips.txt"
## Same as the above + log the blocked queries in a file.
## The log file can be prefixed with ltsv: (ex: ltsv:/tmp/log.txt) in order to
## store logs using the LTSV format.
# BlackList domains:"/etc/dnscrypt-blacklist-domains.txt" logfile:"/var/log/dnscrypt-blocked.log"
# BlackList ips:"/etc/dnscrypt-blacklist-ips.txt" logfile:"/var/log/dnscrypt-blocked.log"
# BlackList domains:"/etc/dnscrypt-blacklist-domains.txt" ips:"/etc/dnscrypt-blacklist-ips.txt" logfile:"/var/log/dnscrypt-blocked.log"
############## User identification ##############
## Use a client public key for identification
## By default, the client uses a randomized key pair in order to make tracking
## more difficult. This option does the opposite and uses a static key pair, so
## that DNS providers can offer premium services to queries signed with a known
## set of public keys. A client cannot decrypt the received responses without
## also knowing the secret key.
## The value for this property is the path to a file containing the secret key,
## encoded as a hexadecimal string. The corresponding public key is computed
## automatically.
# ClientKey /etc/dnscrypt-client-secret.key
############## Monitoring ##############
## Do not actually start the proxy, but check that a valid certificate can be
## retrieved from the server and that it will remain valid for the specified
## time period. The process exit code is 0 if a valid certificate can be used,
## 2 if no valid certificates can be used, 3 if a timeout occurred, and 4 if a
## currently valid certificate is going to expire before the given margin.
## Useful in a cron job to monitor your own dnscrypt-servers.
## The margin is specified in minutes.
# Test 2880
############## Recursive configuration ##############
## A configuration file can include other configuration files by inserting
## the `Include` directive anywhere (the full path required, no quotes):
# Include /etc/dnscrypt-proxy-common.conf
# Configuration file for dnsmasq.
# Format is one option per line, legal options are the same
# as the long options legal on the command line. See
# "/usr/sbin/dnsmasq --help" or "man 8 dnsmasq" for details.
# Custom development domains
# Upstream DNSCrypt
# Don't read the hostnames in /etc/hosts.
# Do not go into the background at startup but otherwise run as
# normal.
# Do not provide DHCP or TFTP on the loopback interface.
# Only listen on the loopback interface.
# Only bind to interfaces dnsmasq is listening on.
# Never forward addresses in the non-routed address spaces.
# Don't read /etc/resolv.conf.
# Reject (and log) addresses from upstream nameservers which are in
# the private IP ranges. This blocks an attack where a browser behind
# a firewall is used to probe machines on the local network.
# Exempt from rebinding checks. This address range is
# returned by realtime black hole servers, so blocking it may disable
# these services.
# Never forward plain names (without a dot or domain part).
# domain-needed
# Set the cache size here. If you don't use spam blocking add-ons such
# Adblock Plus or Ghostery, you may want to increase this value as you
# will be resolving more domain names.
# Pass through DNSSEC validation results from dnscrypt-proxy.
# log-queries
# log-facility=/var/log/dnsmasq.log
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-/Apple/DTD PLIST 1.0/EN" "http:/">
<plist version="1.0">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
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