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Last active August 30, 2018 22:13
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vscode-styles for operator mono, fira code ligatures, and oceanic next italic
// Place your settngs in this file to overwrite the default settings
// test line
// Editor
"editor.tabSize": 2,
"editor.wordWrap": "on",
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div.window-title, div.panel-header div.title, a.editor-status-mode,
div.results-group, span.quick-open-entry-description>span.monaco-highlighted-label:first-child,
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.Equinusocio-vsc-material-theme-themes-Material-Theme-Palenight-json .mtk12,
.Equinusocio-vsc-material-theme-themes-Material-Theme-Palenight-json .mtk9,
.Equinusocio-vsc-material-theme-themes-Material-Theme-Palenight-json .mtk4,
.Equinusocio-vsc-material-theme-themes-Material-Theme-Palenight-json .mtk3.mtki.detected-link,
.Equinusocio-vsc-material-theme-themes-Material-Theme-Palenight-json span.mtk11.mtki,
.Tyriar-theme-sapphire-theme-bright-json .mtk6,
.zhuangtongfa-Material-theme-themes-OneDark-Pro-json .mtk6,
.zhuangtongfa-Material-theme-themes-OneDark-Pro-json .mtk3.mtki,
.zhuangtongfa-Material-theme-themes-OneDark-Pro-json .mtk9,
.zhuangtongfa-Material-theme-themes-OneDark-Pro-json .mtk29 {
font-style : italic;
font-family : 'Operator Mono';
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