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Python object for Sharp 2Y0A21 InfraRed distance sensor (and similar). Includes calibration routine to calculate the coefficient and power for the distance equation
import Adafruit_BBIO.ADC as ADC
from time import sleep
import sys
# For the BeagleBone Black the input voltage has to be 0-1.8V
# The easiest way is with a voltage divider
# Ra Rb
# Vin -->--[== 1K ==]--+--[== 470 ==]----+
# | |
# V |
# | |
# Vout === Gnd
# -
# Rb
# Vout = --------- x Vin
# Ra + Rb
# scale factor for voltage divider to get original Vin: (Ra+Rb)/Rb
class SharpIR(object):
def __init__(self, AIN="AIN1", min=10, max=80, scale=2.5,const=1, coeff=28, power=-1):
min/max: minimum and maximum distances for the sensor
scale: scaling factor to apply to measured voltages to convert
measured voltage to actual voltage. If sampled voltage is
coming from a voltage divider then scale = (Ra+Rb)/Rb
coeff: coefficient determined from calibration
power: powerterm determined from calibration
self.AIN = AIN
self.min = min
self.max = max
self.scale = scale
self.coeff = coeff
self.power = power
def calibrate(self, numsteps):
Calculates the coefficient and power terms for the sensor by recording
voltage measurements at known distances and then performing an
exponential curve fit on the data.
numsteps: the number of measurements to take from min to max distance
more steps will give a more accurate curve
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
distances = range(self.min, self.max+1, (self.max-self.min)/numsteps)
voltages = []
def func(x, m, a, b):
Curve fitting function. Used to fit data points to the curve
y = m + a * x ^ b
return m + a * x ** b
print('IR Calibration')
print('\nThe calibration process requires you to place an object ' \
'(a flat piece of card is good) at a variety of distances from ' \
'the minumum distance to the maximum distance.\n\n' \
'Voltage readings will be taken at (cm):')
print distances
for d in distances:
print("Measure @ %d cm" % (d))
for x in range(5):
sys.stdout.write("%d " % (5-x))
print("\nReading @ %d cm" % (d))
value = 0.0
total = 0.0
for x in range(5):
value = * 1.8 * self.scale
total = total + value
print("#%d - %2.4f" % (x+1, value))
print("%d cm Average: %2.4f" % (d, total/5))
print"=" * 15
# fits measured voltages to y = m + a * x ^ B curve
popt, pcov = curve_fit(func, np.array(voltages), np.array(distances))
self.const = popt[0]
self.coeff = popt[1]
self.power = popt[2]
print "Calibration Data"
print "-" * 15
print "Constant :", self.const
print "Coefficient :", self.coeff
print "Power :", self.power
print "Err 1 std dev:", np.sqrt(np.diag(pcov))
print "\nEquation : distance = %2.2f + %2.2f * scaled_voltage ** %2.2f" % (self.const, self.coeff, self.power)
print "-" * 15
print "Example use:"
print ' IR = SharpIR("P9_36", scale=1560.0/560.0,const=%2.6f, coeff=%2.6f, power=%2.6f)' % (self.const, self.coeff, self.power)
print "-" * 15
def distance(self):
Returns the distance in cm using the calibration data
distance = self.const + self.coeff * ( * 1.8 * self.scale) ** self.power
if distance < self.min:
distance = -1 # invalid distance
elif distance > self.max:
distance = self.max
return distance
if __name__ == '__main__':
IR = SharpIR("P9_36", scale=1470.0/470.0, min=10, max=50, const=1, coeff=26.686363, power=-1.162602)
while 1:
print IR.distance()
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tdack commented Aug 28, 2014

  • Updated the distance equation to be a little more accurate
  • fixed the delays and count down display so it is a little nicer and doesn't take quiet as long

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