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Created June 29, 2014 09:53
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#!/usr/bin/env python
from commands import getstatusoutput
from platform import node
from socket import socket, AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM
from sys import argv, exit
from time import sleep, time
from daemon import runner
import re
DELAY = 60
class Carbon:
def __init__(self, hostname, port):
self.s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)
self.hostname = hostname
self.port = int(port)
def connect(self):
self.s.connect((self.hostname, self.port))
except IOError, e:
print "connect: ", e
def disconnect(self): self.s.close()
def send(self, data):
self.s.sendall(data + "\n")
self.s.sendall(data + "\n")
class Host:
def __init__(self):
self.historical = {}
def get_all(self):
data = []
functions = dir(self)
for function in functions:
if not function.startswith("fetch_"): continue
for metric in eval("self.%s()" % (function)):
return data
def read_file(self, filename):
file_handle = open(filename)
contents = file_handle.readlines()
return contents
def delta_analyzer(self, measurements, data, now):
result = []
for line in data:
for measurement, loc in measurements.iteritems():
metric_name = "%s.%s" % (line[0], measurement)
try: value = line[loc]
except: continue
if self.historical.has_key(metric_name):
current = value
delta = int(value) - int(self.historical[metric_name][1])
timedelta = time() - self.historical[metric_name][0]
self.historical[metric_name] = (time(), current)
if timedelta < 1:
value = int( delta / timedelta )
if value > 0:
result.append("%s %d %d" % (metric_name, value, now))
self.historical[metric_name] = (time(), value)
return result
def fetch_loadavg(self):
data = []
now = int(time())
(loadavg_1, loadavg_5, loadavg_15) = self.read_file("/proc/loadavg")[0].strip().split()[:3]
data.append("load.1min %s %d" % (loadavg_1,now))
data.append("load.5min %s %d" % (loadavg_5,now))
data.append("load.15min %s %d" % (loadavg_15,now))
return data
def fetch_network_io(self):
measurements = {"rx_bytes": 1, "rx_packets": 2, "rx_errors": 3, "rx_dropped": 4, "tx_bytes": 9, "tx_packets": 10, "tx_errors": 11, "tx_dropped": 12}
now = int(time())
raw_data = self.read_file("/proc/net/dev")
prepared_data = []
for line in raw_data[2:]:
(interface, values) = line.strip().split(":")
values = values.split()
if interface == "lo": continue
values.insert(0, "network." + interface)
return self.delta_analyzer(measurements, prepared_data, now)
def fetch_disk_usage(self):
data = []
now = int(time())
(status, raw_data) = getstatusoutput("mount")
if status != 0: return data
for line in raw_data.split("\n"):
if not (line.startswith("/") or line.find("@o2ib") >= 0): continue
device = line.split()[2]
device_name = line.split()[0].split('/')[-1]
(status, device_data) = getstatusoutput("stat -c '%s %a %b %c %d %f' -f " + device)
if status != 0: continue
block_size, free_blocks_nonsu, total_blocks, total_file_nodes, free_file_nodes, free_blocks = [a.isdigit() and int(a) or 0 for a in device_data.split()]
data.append("disk.%s.available %d %d" % (device_name, free_blocks*block_size, now))
data.append("disk.%s.free_inodes %d %d" % (device_name, free_file_nodes, now))
data.append("disk.%s.available_percent %f %d" % (device_name, float(free_blocks)/total_blocks*100, now))
return data
def fetch_disk_io(self):
measurements = {"reads_issued": 3, "ms_spent_reading": 6, "writes_completed": 7, "ms_spent_writing": 10, "ios_in_progress": 11, "ms_spent_doing_io": 12, "weighted_ms_spent_doing_io": 13}
now = int(time())
raw_data = self.read_file("/proc/diskstats")
prepared_data = []
for line in raw_data:
values = line.split()
values[0] = "disk." + values[2]
return self.delta_analyzer(measurements, prepared_data, now)
def fetch_memory_usage(self):
metrics = {"MemFree": "memory_free", "Buffers": "buffers", "Cached": "cached", "SwapFree": "swap_free", "Slab": "slab"}
data = []
now = int(time())
raw_data = self.read_file("/proc/meminfo")
for line in raw_data:
metric, i = line.split(":")
value = int(i.strip().strip(" kB")) * 1024
if metric in metrics.keys():
data.append("memory.%s %d %d" % (metrics[metric], value, now))
return data
def fetch_smb_statistics(self):
measurements = {0: "clients", 2: "file_locks"}
data = []
now = int(time())
this_node = None
(status, raw_data) = getstatusoutput("/usr/bin/ctdb status")
if status == 0:
for line in raw_data.split("\n"):
if line.find("THIS NODE") > 0:
this_node = line.split()[0].split(":")[1]
if this_node is None: return
(status, raw_data) = getstatusoutput("/usr/bin/smbstatus")
if status != 0: return data
for i, block in enumerate(raw_data.split("\n\n")):
if i not in measurements.keys(): continue
raw_data = block.split("\n")
if this_node is not None:
this_node_count = [line.startswith(this_node + ":") for line in raw_data].count(True)
this_node_count = len(raw_data) - 4
if this_node_count < 0: this_node_count = 0
data.append("smb.%s %d %d" % (measurements[i], this_node_count, now))
return data
def fetch_cpu_temperature(self):
data = []
now = int(time())
raw_data = self.read_file("/sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp")
value = int(raw_data[0]) * 0.001
data.append("cpu.temp %d %d" % (value, now) )
return data
def fetch_gpu_temperature(self):
data = []
now = int(time())
(status, raw_data) = getstatusoutput('/opt/vc/bin/vcgencmd measure_temp')
if status == 0:
value = float(raw_data.replace('temp=','').replace('\'C',''))
value = float(0.0)
data.append("gpu.temp %d %d" % (value, now) )
return data
def fetch_logged_in_users(self):
data = []
now = int(time())
(status, raw_data) = getstatusoutput("/usr/bin/users")
value = len(raw_data.split(" "))
data.append("users.count %d %d" % (value, now) )
return data
def fetch_wireless_stats(self):
data = []
measurements = []
now = int(time())
(stats, raw_data) = getstatusoutput('/sbin/iwconfig wlan0 | grep -e "Bit\ Rate" -e "Link\ Quality"')
for line in raw_data.split("\n"):
for item in line.lstrip().rstrip().split(" "):
for item in measurements:
if item.find(":") > 0:
(key, value) = item.split(":")
elif item.find("=") > 0:
(key, value) = item.split("=")
value ='^([0-9]+)', value).group(0)
key = re.sub('\s+', '_', key).lower()
data.append('wireless.%s %d %d' % (key, int(value), now))
return data
class App():
def __init__(self):
self.stdin_path = '/dev/null'
self.stdout_path = '/dev/stdout'
self.stderr_path = '/dev/stderr'
self.pidfile_path = '/var/run/'
self.pidfile_timeout = 5
def run(self):
host = Host()
hostname = node().split('.')[0]
graphite = Carbon(CARBON_SERVER, CARBON_PORT);
while True:
data = host.get_all()
for datum in data:
metric = "system.%s.%s" % (hostname, datum)
if "-debug" in argv:
print metric
if __name__ == '__main__':
app = App()
daemon_runner = runner.DaemonRunner(app)
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