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Last active January 30, 2023 17:55
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Outlook to Teams Group Chat - AutoHotkey
Outlook_GetCurrentItem(olApp:="") {
If (olApp = "")
olApp := ComObjActive("Outlook.Application")
olItem := olApp.ActiveWindow.CurrentItem
olItem := olApp.ActiveExplorer.Selection.Item(1)
return olItem
} ; eofun
Outlook_Item2Emails(oItem:="",sMode :="",validate:=False) {
; sEmailList := Outlook_Item2Emails(oItem:="",sMode:="",validate:= False)
; If oItem is empty, GetCurrentItem
; If sMode is empty, user will be prompted for selection noFrom|noTo|noCc
; sMode string containing noFrom, noTo, noCc
; validate: if True user will have the possibility to edit the email List in an InputBox
olApp := ComObjActive("Outlook.Application")
If (oItem == "")
oItem := Outlook_GetCurrentItem(olApp)
If (sMode == "") { ; Prompt user for selection
sMode := ListView("To Chat","Select Fields to exclude","noCc|noFrom|noTo","Fields",False)
If (sMode == "ListViewCancel")
; Loop on Recipients
cnt := oItem.Recipients.Count
Loop, %cnt%
oRecip := oItem.Recipients.Item(A_Index)
If ((oRecip.Type == 1) and !InStr(sMode,"noTo"))
or ((oRecip.Type == 2) and !InStr(sMode,"noCc"))
or ((oRecip.Type == 0) and !InStr(sMode,"noFrom"))
sEmail := Outlook_Recipient2Email(oRecip)
sEmailList := sEmailList . ";" . sEmail
RegExReplace(sEmailList, ";" , , nCount)
sEmailList := SubStr(sEmailList,2) ; remove starting ;
If (validate) {
sEMailList:=MultiLineInputBox("Edit Email List (" . nCount . "):", sEmailList, "To Chat")
if (ErrorLevel)
return sEmailList
} ; eofun
Outlook_Recipient2Email(oRecip) {
; takes a Display Name (i.e. "James Smith") and turns it into an email address (
; necessary because the Outlook address is a long, convoluted string when the email is going to someone in the organization.
; source:
Address := oRecip.Address
If (SubStr(Address, 1,1) == "/") { ; Inside Organization -> Resolve to SMTP email
If oRecip.Resolved {
Switch oRecip.AddressEntry.AddressEntryUserType
Case 0,5: ;olExchangeUserAddressEntry & olExchangeRemoteUserAddressEntry
oEU := oRecip.AddressEntry.GetExchangeUser
return oEU.PrimarySmtpAddress
Case 10, 30: ;olOutlookContactAddressEntry & 'olSmtpAddressEntry
return oRecip.AddressEntry.Address
} ; end switch
} ; End If
} Else
return Address
} ; eofun
Teams_Emails2Chat(sEmailList,sTopicName :=""){
; Open Teams 1-1 Chat or Group Chat from list of Emails
; See
sLink := "msteams:/l/chat/0/0?users=" . StrReplace(sEmailList, ";",",") ; msteams:
If InStr(sEmailList,";") { ; Group Chat
InputBox, sTopicName , To Chat, Enter Group Chat Name, , , , , , , ,%sTopicName%
if (ErrorLevel=0) { ; TopicName defined
sLink := sLink . "&topicName=" . StrReplace(sTopicName, ":", "")
Run, %sLink%
} ; eofun
Teams_OpenChat(sSelection := "") {
; Use Selection or Outlook Object
If WinActive("ahk_exe Outlook.exe") {
olApp := ComObjActive("Outlook.Application")
oItem := Outlook_GetCurrentItem(olApp)
Switch Outlook_Item2Type(oItem) {
Case "Mail":
sTopicName := "[Email] " . oItem.Subject
Case "Meeting": ; From Inbox Meeting Request
oItem := oItem.GetAssociatedAppointment(False)
sTopicName := "[Meeting] " . oItem.Subject
Case "Appointment":
sTopicName := "[Meeting] " . oItem.Subject
sEmailList := Outlook_Item2Emails(oItem,,True)
If (sEmailList=="") {
} Else {
} ; eofun
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