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Last active May 19, 2024 21:05
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Imports a csv of Teams or gets all Teams, iterates through each one, then adds the Orchestry app and correct "Team Information" tab on the General channel.
## Add-OrchestryTeamTabToGeneralChannel.ps1
## 2024-05-19
## Imports a csv of Teams or gets all Teams, iterates through each one, then adds the Orchestry app and correct "Team Information" tab on the General channel.
## Requires Teams Administrator permissions in Entra ID/AAD, Powershell 7, Teams Preview Powershell module, and PnPPowershell module installed and configured in Entra ID/AAD.
## Teams Preview help from:
## Environment setup and config commands.
Set-Executionpolicy Unrestricted
winget install --id Microsoft.Powershell --source winget
& 'C:\Program Files\PowerShell\7\pwsh.exe'
Install-module -name 'pnp.powershell' -RequiredVersion 2.4.0
Install-Module -Name MicrosoftTeams -RequiredVersion 1.1.3-preview -AllowPrerelease
Import-Module -name 'Pnp.Powershell' -RequiredVersion 2.4.0
Connect-PnPOnline -Interactive -url ''
cd D:\ # To get around issue with apostrophe in my username
Import-Module -name 'MicrosoftTeams' -RequiredVersion 1.1.3-preview -AllowPrerelease
## Get the Orchestry App ID
$orchestryappid = (Get-TeamsApp -displayname 'Orchestry').Id
## Import all Teams or from a CSV.
$teams = Get-team
## CSV format
## TeamName, MailNickName
## KPI Task Force [EXT], KPITaskForceEXT
## IMP Shared Workspace [EXT], imp-shared-workspace-ext
#$teams = import-csv -path D:\teams1.csv
foreach ($team in $teams) {
$groupid = (Get-PnpTeamsTeam -Identity $team.MailNickName).GroupId
if ($groupid) {
Add-TeamsAppInstallation -appid $orchestryappid -teamid $groupid
Remove-PnPTeamsTab -team $groupid -channel 'General' -Identity 'Team Information' -force:$true -Erroraction SilentlyContinue
add-pnpteamstab -team $groupid -channel 'General' -DisplayName 'Team Information' -Type custom -TeamsAppId $orchestryappid -Contenturl "$($groupid)&siteinfo=true&owners=true&members=true"
else {
Write-Error 'Team not found: $($team.DisplayName)'
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