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#!/usr/bin/env python3
Author: Teddy Xinyuan Chen
Date: 2020-08-17
from functools import cache
from pathlib import Path
from subprocess import run
import re
PIPX_VIRTUALENV_DIR = Path('~/.local/pipx/venvs').expanduser()
def get_pipx_version() -> str:
version = run(['pipx', '--version'], capture_output=True).stdout.decode().strip()
return version
def re_symlink_python(src: Path) -> str:
pipx_version = get_pipx_version()
orig_target = str(src.readlink())
new_target, subs_made = re.subn(
r'/pipx/[^/]+/', f'/pipx/{pipx_version}/', orig_target, count=1
if subs_made == 1:
return new_target
return orig_target
def main() -> None:
link_src = list(PIPX_VIRTUALENV_DIR.rglob('*/bin/python3.*'))
for src in link_src:
new_target = re_symlink_python(src)
print(f'symlinked {str(src)} to {new_target}')
if __name__ == '__main__':
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tddschn commented Aug 17, 2022

My script to resolve pipx upgrade from 1.0.0 to 1.1.0 breaks python executable symlinks and breaks all installed apps issue by re-symlinking to the correct python executables, see pypa/pipx#886.

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