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Created August 14, 2018 07:50
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vSphere CLI RDP Manager in $profile
function Get-VSPLabConnection {
$entries = @(Get-ItemProperty -Path $profilespath)
if ($entries.count -gt 0) {
$procentries = @()
foreach($entry in ($entries | Get-Member | ? { $ -match "@$address" } | % { $_.Name })) {
$item = Get-ItemPropertyValue -Path $profilespath -name $entry
$procentries += $item | ConvertFrom-Json
return $procentries
} else {
return @()
function Remove-VSPLabConnection {
begin {
process {
$entryname = ""
if ($entry -eq $null) {
if($address -ne $null -and $username -ne $null) {
$entryname = "$username@$address"
} else {
write-error "If there is no entry, please supply address and username"
} else {
$entryname = ("{0}@{1}" -f $entry.user,$entry.address)
if ($entryname -ne "") {
Remove-ItemProperty -Path $profilespath -Name $entryname
Write-Verbose "Removed $entry"
function New-VSPLabConnection {
if (-not (Test-Path $profilespath )) {
New-Item -Path $profilespath -ItemType Directory | Out-Null
Write-Verbose "Made $profilespath"
$keyname = "$user@$address"
$pwExport = ""
if($password -ne $null) {
$pwExport = ($password|Convertfrom-SecureString)
$profileExport = New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property @{user=$user;address=$address;password=$pwExport} | ConvertTo-Json
Write-Verbose $keyname
Write-Verbose $profileExport
$existingkey = Get-ItemProperty -Path $profilespath -Name $keyname -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($existingkey -eq $null) {
New-ItemProperty -Path $profilespath -PropertyType MultiString -name $keyname -Value $profileExport | Out-Null
Write-Verbose "New $keyname entry made"
} else {
Set-ItemProperty -Path $profilespath -name $keyname -Value $profileExport| Out-Null
Write-Verbose "$keyname exists, overwriting"
function Connect-Port {
$hammertime = {
try {
$r = ($s = [System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient]::new($hostname,$port)).Connected;
return $r
catch { return $false }
return $false
$res = $false
while ($retry -gt 0 -and (-not ($res = $hammertime.Invoke($hostname,$port)))) {
write-verbose "Retrying $retry"
$retry -= 1
start-sleep $sleep
return $res
function Connect-VSPLab {
if ((Get-Module VMware.VimAutomation.Cored -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -eq $null) {
Import-Module VMware.VimAutomation.Core
$connections = @(Get-VSPLabConnection)
if ($connections.Count -eq 0 ) {
write-error "Make a connection first please"
} else {
$connection = $connections[0]
if($connections.count -gt 1)
Write-host "To whome should we connect? (0 to exit)"
$choice = -1
while ($choice -eq -1) {
$i = 0
foreach ($c in $connections) {
write-host ("{2,2} {0}@{1}" -f $c.user,$c.address,$i)
[int]$choice = Read-Host -Prompt "Number : "
if (-not ($choice -ge 0 -and $choice -le $connections.count)) {
$choice = -1
if ($choice -eq 0) {
} else {
$connection = $connections[($choice-1)]
if((Connect-Port -hostname $connection.address -port 902)) {
$cred = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::new($connection.user,($connection.password|convertto-securestring))
connect-viserver -server $connection.address -credential $cred
} else {
write-error "Could not connect to port 902 so no vsp running on $server"
function wait-vmshutdown {
while(($l = (get-vm | ? { $_.PowerState -ne "PoweredOff" })) -ne $null) {
write-host (get-date)
$l | % { write-host ("{0,-15} {1,-15}" -f $_.Name,$_.PowerState)}
start-sleep -seconds 3
function shutdown-vsp {
Get-VMHost | Stop-VMHost -Force -confirm:$false
function shutdown-vm {
stop-vmguest -confirm:$false $vm
function shutdown-lab {
get-vm | ? { $_.powerstate -match "On" } | % { shutdown-vm $_ }
if ($(get-vm | ? { $_.powerstate -match "On" }) -eq $null) {
} else {
write-host "Could not safely shutdown"
function connect-vmrdp {
$rvms = @(get-vm | ? { $ -match $vm })
if ($rvms.count -gt 0) {
$rvm = $rvms[0]
if ($rvms.count -gt 1) {
Write-host "To whome should we connect? (0 to exit)"
$choice = -1
while ($choice -eq -1) {
$i = 0
foreach ($c in $rvms) {
write-host ("{0} {1}" -f $i,$
[int]$choice = Read-Host -Prompt "Number : "
if (-not ($choice -ge 0 -and $choice -le $rvms.count)) {
$choice = -1
if ($choice -eq 0) {
} else {
$rvm = $rvms[($choice-1)]
$connected = $false
$ct = 10
while (-not $connected -and $ct -gt 0) {
$vmguest = $rvm | Get-VMGuest
if($vmguest -ne $null -and $vmguest.IPAddress.count -gt 0) {
if ($vmguest.OSFullName -match "windows") {
Connect-Port -hostname $vmguest.IPAddress[0] -port 3389
Start-Process -FilePath mstsc -ArgumentList ("/v:{0}" -f $vmguest.IPAddress[0])
} else {
Connect-Port -hostname $vmguest.IPAddress[0] -port 22
start-process -filepath ssh -argumentlist ("-l $linuxusername",$vmguest.IPAddress[0])
$connected = $true
} else {
write-host ("Try {0}" -f $ct)
$ct = $ct -1
start-sleep -seconds 5
} else {
write-host "Can not find $vm"
function set-vmsnapshotlatest {
$rvm = get-vm $vm
if ($rvm -ne $null) {
$snaps = $rvm| Get-Snapshot
if ($snaps.count -gt 0) {
$snap = $snaps | Sort-Object -Property Created -Descending | select -first 1
set-vm -vm $rvm -snapshot $snap
} else {
write-host "Can not find $vm"
function new-vmwindows {
new-vmlinuxmini -os "windows9Server64Guest" -disksize 40 -mem 4
function new-vmlinuxmini {
$vsp = (@(Get-VMHost)[0]),
$datastore = (Get-Datastore -name ssd256),
$network = (Get-VirtualPortGroup -name "vm network"),
$diskformat = "Thin",
$vmname = (read-host "Name"),
$os = "debian9_64Guest",
$disksize = 5,
$reserveall = $true,
$mem = 1,
$cpu = 1
$newvm = New-VM -Name $vmname -ResourcePool $vsp -Datastore $datastore -NumCPU $cpu -MemoryGB $mem -DiskGB $disksize -portgroup $network -CD -DiskStorageFormat $diskformat -GuestID $os
if ($reserveall) {
$spec = New-Object VMware.Vim.VirtualMachineConfigSpec
$spec.memoryReservationLockedToMax = $true
return $newvm
set-alias -Name vspcon -Value connect-vsplab
set-alias -name vspdis -value Disconnect-VIServer
set-alias -name vspstop -value shutdown-vsp
set-alias -name vsphalt -value shutdown-vsp
set-alias -name vmls -value get-vm
set-alias -name vmlist -value get-vm
set-alias -name vmstart -value start-vm
set-alias -name vmstop -value shutdown-vm
set-alias -name vmhalt -value shutdown-vm
set-alias -name vmwait -value wait-vmshutdown
set-alias -name vmrdp -value connect-vmrdp
set-alias -name vmrevert -value set-vmsnapshotlatest
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