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Last active November 30, 2016 23:49
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data Query' f r where
AccountInfo' :: f A.Account -> Query' f A.Account
AccountByName' :: Text -> Query' f A.Account
QId' :: (ToJSON a, FromJSON a) => a -> Query' f a
QAnd' :: (ToJSON a, FromJSON a, ToJSON b, FromJSON b) => Query' f a -> Query' f b -> Query' f (a,b)
data QueryBox' where
Qbox :: (ToJSON r, FromJSON r) => Query' Keyed r -> QueryBox'
defineToJSONQuery ''Query' ''Keyed
instance forall a b c. (ToJSON a, FromJSON a, ToJSON b, FromJSON b, ToJSON c, FromJSON c) => FromJSON QueryBox' where
parseJSON (Object o) = do
conKey <- o .: "tag"
val <- o .: "contents"
case (conKey :: String) of
"AccountInfo'" -> Qbox . AccountInfo' <$> parseJSON val
"AccountByName'" -> Qbox . AccountByName' <$> parseJSON val
"QId'" -> Qbox . QId' <$> (parseJSON val :: Parser a)
"QAnd'" -> do
vs <- parseJSON val
(Qbox q) <- (parseJSON $ vs !! 0)
(Qbox q') <- (parseJSON $ vs !! 1)
return $ Qbox $ QAnd' (q :: Query' Keyed b) (q' :: Query' Keyed c)
anystring -> fail "Not implemented yet."
Could not deduce (ToJSON a) arising from a use of ‘parseJSON’
from the context (ToJSON a1,
FromJSON a1,
ToJSON b1,
FromJSON b1,
ToJSON c1,
FromJSON c1)
bound by the instance declaration
at lib/Beautilytics/TransH/Query.hs:202:10-111
The type variable ‘a’ is ambiguous
Note: there are several potential instances:
instance ToJSON AdGoal -- Defined in ‘Beautilytics.AdTypes’
instance ToJSON AdInterest -- Defined in ‘Beautilytics.AdTypes’
instance ToJSON AdPlacement -- Defined in ‘Beautilytics.AdTypes’ 417 others
In the expression: parseJSON
In a stmt of a 'do' block: (Qbox q) <- (parseJSON $ vs !! 0)
In the expression:
do { vs <- parseJSON val;
(Qbox q) <- (parseJSON $ vs !! 0);
(Qbox q') <- (parseJSON $ vs !! 1);
$ Qbox $ QAnd' (q :: Query' Keyed b) (q' :: Query' Keyed c) }
Couldn't match type ‘r’ with ‘b1’
‘r’ is a rigid type variable bound by
a pattern with constructor
Qbox :: forall r.
(ToJSON r, FromJSON r) =>
Query' Keyed r -> QueryBox',
in a pattern binding in
'do' block
at lib/Beautilytics/TransH/Query.hs:212:10
‘b1’ is a rigid type variable bound by
the instance declaration at lib/Beautilytics/TransH/Query.hs:202:10
Expected type: Query' Keyed b1
Actual type: Query' Keyed r
Relevant bindings include
q :: Query' Keyed r
(bound at lib/Beautilytics/TransH/Query.hs:212:15)
In the first argument of ‘QAnd'’, namely ‘(q :: Query' Keyed b)’
In the second argument of ‘($)’, namely
‘QAnd' (q :: Query' Keyed b) (q' :: Query' Keyed c)’
Couldn't match type ‘r1’ with ‘c1’
‘r1’ is a rigid type variable bound by
a pattern with constructor
Qbox :: forall r.
(ToJSON r, FromJSON r) =>
Query' Keyed r -> QueryBox',
in a pattern binding in
'do' block
at lib/Beautilytics/TransH/Query.hs:213:10
‘c1’ is a rigid type variable bound by
the instance declaration at lib/Beautilytics/TransH/Query.hs:202:10
Expected type: Query' Keyed c1
Actual type: Query' Keyed r1
Relevant bindings include
q' :: Query' Keyed r1
(bound at lib/Beautilytics/TransH/Query.hs:213:15)
In the second argument of ‘QAnd'’, namely ‘(q' :: Query' Keyed c)’
In the second argument of ‘($)’, namely
‘QAnd' (q :: Query' Keyed b) (q' :: Query' Keyed c)’
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