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RISC-V Single Cycle Example
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BinaryLiterals #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
module RISCV.SingleCycle (topEntity) where
import Clash.Prelude
import Clash.Debug
-- Top Entity
testProgram :: Vec 7 Insn
testProgram =
AddI 0x1 0x0 0x5 -- counter = 5
:> AddI 0x2 0x0 0x8 -- end = 8
:> AddI 0x3 0x0 0x1 -- sum = 0
:> BranchIfEq 0x1 0x2 0x4 -- if counter == end, jmp
:> Add 0x3 0x3 0x1 -- sum = sum + counter
:> AddI 0x1 0x1 0x1 -- counter = counter + 1
:> BranchIfEq 0x0 0x0 (0b111111111100)
:> Nil
testProgram2 :: Vec 1 Insn
testProgram2 =
Add 0x1 0x1 0x1
:> Nil
-- | 'topEntity' is Clash's equivalent of 'main' in other programming
-- languages. Clash will look for it when compiling 'Example.Project'
-- and translate it to HDL. While polymorphism can be used freely in
-- Clash projects, a 'topEntity' must be monomorphic and must use non-
-- recursive types. Or, to put it hand-wavily, a 'topEntity' must be
-- translatable to a static number of wires.
:: HiddenClockResetEnable dom
=> Signal dom (CpuOut, CpuIn)
topEntity =
case loadInsnMem testProgram2 of
Nothing -> errorX "Failed to initialize Instruction memory"
Just insnMem -> system insnMem
-- Abstract types of RV32I instruction bitfields
newtype ReadReg1 = ReadReg1 (BitVector 5)
deriving stock (Show, Generic)
deriving newtype (Enum, Num, ShowX, NFDataX)
deriving anyclass (BitPack)
newtype ReadReg2 = ReadReg2 (BitVector 5)
deriving stock (Show, Generic)
deriving newtype (Enum, Num, ShowX, NFDataX)
deriving anyclass (BitPack)
newtype WriteReg = WriteReg (BitVector 5)
deriving stock (Show, Generic)
deriving newtype (Enum, Num, ShowX, NFDataX)
deriving anyclass (BitPack)
newtype OpCode = OpCode (BitVector 7)
deriving stock (Show, Generic)
deriving newtype (Enum, Num, ShowX, NFDataX)
deriving anyclass (BitPack)
-- Instructions
type InsnImm = BitVector 12
data InsnType
= RType
| IType
| SType
| SBType
-- UType
-- UJType
data Insn
= Load { lw_rd :: !WriteReg, lw_rs1 :: !ReadReg1, lw_imm :: !InsnImm }
| Store { sw_rs1 :: !ReadReg1, sw_rs2 :: !ReadReg2, sw_imm :: !InsnImm }
| Add { add_rd :: !WriteReg, add_rs1 :: !ReadReg1, add_rs2 :: !ReadReg2 }
| AddI { addi_rd :: !WriteReg, addi_rs1 :: !ReadReg1, addi_imm :: !InsnImm }
| Sub { sub_rd :: !WriteReg, sub_rs1 :: !ReadReg1, sub_rs2 :: !ReadReg2 }
| And { and_rd :: !WriteReg, and_rs1 :: !ReadReg1, and_rs2 :: !ReadReg2 }
| Or { or_rd :: !WriteReg, or_rs1 :: !ReadReg1, or_rs2 :: !ReadReg2 }
| BranchIfEq { beq_rs1 :: !ReadReg1, beq_rs2 :: !ReadReg2, beq_imm :: !InsnImm }
deriving (Show)
-- | An instruction's decoded bit fields
data InsnBitFields
= InsnBitFields
{ opCode :: !OpCode -- ^ Bits [6:0]
, writeReg :: !WriteReg -- ^ Bits [11:7]
, funct3 :: !(BitVector 3) -- ^ Bits [14:12]
, readReg1 :: !ReadReg1 -- ^ Bits [19:15]
, readReg2 :: !ReadReg2 -- ^ Bits [24:20]
, funct7 :: !(BitVector 7) -- ^ Bits [31:25]
} deriving (Show, Generic, ShowX, NFDataX)
-- | By pattern matching on Insn, we can use InsnBitFields to reconstruct
-- the instruction's binary representation.
-- encodeInsnBitFields :: InsnBitFields -> RawInsn
-- encodeInsnBitFields (InsnBitFields opcode rd f3 rs1 rs2 f7 ) =
-- unpack (f7 ++# pack rs2 ++# pack rs1 ++# f3 ++# pack rd ++# pack opcode)
encodeInsn :: Insn -> RawInsn
encodeInsn insn =
unpack (bits31to25 ++# bits24to20 ++# bits19to15 ++# bits14to12 ++# bits11to7 ++# opcode)
opcode = insnOpCode insn
bits11to7 = insnBits11to7 insn
bits14to12 = insnFunct3 insn
bits19to15 = insnBits19to15 insn
bits24to20 = insnBits24to20 insn
bits31to25 = insnFunct7 insn
insnOpCode :: Insn -> BitVector 7
insnOpCode (Load _ _ _) = 0b0110011
insnOpCode (Store _ _ _) = 0b0100011
insnOpCode (Add _ _ _) = 0b0110011
insnOpCode (AddI _ _ _) = 0b0010011
insnOpCode (Sub _ _ _) = 0b0110011
insnOpCode (And _ _ _) = 0b0110011
insnOpCode (Or _ _ _) = 0b0110011
insnOpCode (BranchIfEq _ _ _) = 0b1100011
insnBits11to7 :: Insn -> BitVector 5
insnBits11to7 (Load rd _ _) = pack rd
insnBits11to7 (Store _ _ imm) = slice d4 d0 imm
insnBits11to7 (Add rd _ _) = pack rd
insnBits11to7 (AddI rd _ _) = pack rd
insnBits11to7 (Sub rd _ _) = pack rd
insnBits11to7 (And rd _ _) = pack rd
insnBits11to7 (Or rd _ _) = pack rd
insnBits11to7 (BranchIfEq _ _ imm) = slice d3 d0 imm ++# pack (imm ! 10)
insnFunct3 :: Insn -> BitVector 3
insnFunct3 (Load _ _ _) = 0b010
insnFunct3 (Store _ _ _) = 0b010
insnFunct3 (Add _ _ _) = 0b000
insnFunct3 (AddI _ _ _) = 0b000
insnFunct3 (Sub _ _ _) = 0b000
insnFunct3 (And _ _ _) = 0b111
insnFunct3 (Or _ _ _) = 0b110
insnFunct3 (BranchIfEq _ _ _) = 0b000
insnBits19to15 :: Insn -> BitVector 5
insnBits19to15 (Load _ rs1 _) = pack rs1
insnBits19to15 (Store rs1 _ _) = pack rs1
insnBits19to15 (Add _ rs1 _) = pack rs1
insnBits19to15 (AddI _ rs1 _) = pack rs1
insnBits19to15 (Sub _ rs1 _) = pack rs1
insnBits19to15 (And _ rs1 _) = pack rs1
insnBits19to15 (Or _ rs1 _) = pack rs1
insnBits19to15 (BranchIfEq rs1 _ _) = pack rs1
insnBits24to20 :: Insn -> BitVector 5
insnBits24to20 (Load _ _ imm) = slice d4 d0 imm
insnBits24to20 (Store _ rs2 _) = pack rs2
insnBits24to20 (Add _ _ rs2) = pack rs2
insnBits24to20 (AddI _ _ imm) = slice d4 d0 imm
insnBits24to20 (Sub _ _ rs2) = pack rs2
insnBits24to20 (And _ _ rs2) = pack rs2
insnBits24to20 (Or _ _ rs2) = pack rs2
insnBits24to20 (BranchIfEq _ rs2 _) = pack rs2
insnFunct7 :: Insn -> BitVector 7
insnFunct7 (Load _ _ imm) = slice d11 d5 imm
insnFunct7 (Store _ _ imm) = slice d11 d5 imm
insnFunct7 (Add _ _ _) = 0b0000000
insnFunct7 (AddI _ _ imm) = slice d11 d5 imm
insnFunct7 (Sub _ _ _) = 0b0100000
insnFunct7 (And _ _ _) = 0b0000000
insnFunct7 (Or _ _ _) = 0b0000000
insnFunct7 (BranchIfEq _ _ imm) =
let imm12 = pack (imm ! 11)
imm10to5 = slice d9 d4 imm
in imm12 ++# imm10to5
decodeInsn :: RawInsn -> (Insn, InsnBitFields)
decodeInsn insnBits = (insn, trace ("decodeInsn - insnFields: " <> show insnFields) insnFields)
-- Figure out which instruction it is here to simplify logic further down
-- the datapath
insn =
case opcodeBits of
0b0110011 -> -- Add/Sub/And/Or
case funct3Bits of
0b000 -> -- Add/Sub
case funct7Bits of
0b0000000 -> Add wrReg rdReg1 rdReg2
0b0100000 -> Sub wrReg rdReg1 rdReg2
_ -> errorX "Instruction decode error: Add/Sub"
0b111 -> And wrReg rdReg1 rdReg2
0b110 -> Or wrReg rdReg1 rdReg2
_ -> errorX "Instruction decode error: R-Type"
0b0010011 -> -- AddI
case funct3Bits of
0b000 ->
let addiImm = funct7Bits ++# rs2Bits
in AddI wrReg rdReg1 addiImm
_ -> errorX "Instruction decode error: I-Type"
0b0000011 -> -- Load
-- Note: funct3 differs based on type of "load" (e.g. 32/64b)
case funct3Bits of
0b010 ->
let lwImm = funct7Bits ++# rs2Bits
in Load wrReg rdReg1 lwImm
_ -> errorX "Instruction decode error: I-Type"
0b0100011 -> -- Store
-- Note: funct3 differs based on type of "store" (e.g. 32/64b)
case funct3Bits of
0b010 ->
let swImm = funct7Bits ++# rdBits
in Store rdReg1 rdReg2 swImm -- sw
_ -> errorX "Instruction decode error: S-Type"
0b1100011 -> -- Branch-If-Eq
case funct3Bits of
0b000 ->
-- TODO Extract immediate construction into function
let imm12 = pack (funct7Bits ! 6)
imm11 = pack (rdBits ! 0)
imm10to5 = slice d5 d0 funct7Bits
imm4to1 = slice d4 d1 rdBits
beqImm = imm12 ++# imm11 ++# imm10to5 ++# imm4to1
in BranchIfEq rdReg1 rdReg2 beqImm
_ -> errorX "Instruction decode error: SB-Type"
_ -> errorX "Instruction decode error: Invalid op code"
opcodeBits = slice d6 d0 insnBits
rdBits = slice d11 d7 insnBits
funct3Bits = slice d14 d12 insnBits
rs1Bits = slice d19 d15 insnBits
rs2Bits = slice d24 d20 insnBits
funct7Bits = slice d31 d25 insnBits
opcode = OpCode opcodeBits
wrReg = WriteReg rdBits
rdReg1 = ReadReg1 rs1Bits
rdReg2 = ReadReg2 rs2Bits
insnFields = InsnBitFields
{ opCode = opcode
, writeReg = wrReg
, funct3 = funct3Bits
, readReg1 = rdReg1
, readReg2 = rdReg2
, funct7 = funct7Bits
-- Control Unit
data CtrlLines
= CtrlLines
{ branch :: Bit
, memRead :: Bit
, memToReg :: Bit
--, aluOp :: Unsigned 2
, memWrite :: Bit
, aluSrc :: Bit
, regWrite :: Bit
control :: OpCode -> CtrlLines
control (OpCode opcode) =
case opcode of
0b0110011 -> -- R-Type instruction
{ branch = 0b0
, memRead = 0b0
, memToReg = 0b0
--, aluOp = 0b10
, memWrite = 0b0
, aluSrc = 0b0
, regWrite = 0b1
0b0000011 -> -- Load Instruction
{ branch = 0b0
, memRead = 0b1
, memToReg = 0b1
--, aluOp = 0b00
, memWrite = 0b0
, aluSrc = 0b1
, regWrite = 0b1
0b0010011 -> -- AddI Instruction
{ branch = 0b0
, memRead = 0b0
, memToReg = 0b0
--, aluOp = 0b00
, memWrite = 0b0
, aluSrc = 0b1
, regWrite = 0b1
0b0100011 -> -- S-Type Instruction
{ branch = 0b0
, memRead = 0b1
, memToReg = 0b0
--, aluOp = 0b00
, memWrite = 0b1
, aluSrc = 0b1
, regWrite = 0b0
0b1100011 -> -- B-Type Instruction
{ branch = 0b1
, memRead = 0b0
, memToReg = 0b0
--, aluOp = 0b01
, memWrite = 0b0
, aluSrc = 0b0
, regWrite = 0b0
_ -> errorX $ mconcat
[ "Invalid bit pattern to control unit... ", show opcode ]
-- Register File
-- The type of values that inhabit the CPU datapath
type Data = Signed 32
type Registers = Vec 32 Data
initRegisters :: Registers
initRegisters = replicate d32 0x0
-- |
-- Everything has to be stateless for a single cycle processor; tie the knot in
-- the CPU "top" function, with a single clock driving everything
:: Registers
-> (ReadReg1, ReadReg2, Maybe (WriteReg, Data))
-> (Registers, (Data, Data))
registerFile regs (rdReg1, rdReg2, mWrReg) =
case mWrReg of
Just (wrReg, wrData) ->
let wrRegs = replace 0x0 0x0 (replace wrReg wrData regs)
regReads = (wrRegs !! rdReg1, wrRegs !! rdReg2)
in trace ("registerFile - RW - regReads: " <> show regReads) (wrRegs, regReads)
Nothing ->
let regReads = (regs !! rdReg1, regs !! rdReg2)
in trace ("registerFile - RO - regReads: " <> show regReads) (regs, regReads)
-- ALU
-- | ALU unit
alu :: Insn -> Data -> Data -> (Data, Bool)
alu insn a b = (aluOut, aluZero)
-- No need to generate ALUOp signals from the Control unit as we can just reuse
-- the Insn value from the instruction decoder
-- TODO make function `aluCtrl :: Insn -> AluOp`
aluOut :: Data
aluOut =
case insn of
And _ _ _ -> a .&. b
Or _ _ _ -> a .|. b
Load _ _ _ -> a + b
Store _ _ _ -> a + b
Add _ _ _ -> a + b
AddI _ _ _ -> a + b
Sub _ _ _ -> a - b
BranchIfEq _ _ _ -> a - b
aluZero = aluOut == 0
-- Immediate Generation
-- | In the case of "data transfer" isnstructions (Load + Store), opcode bit [6]
-- = 0, but for conditional branches bit [6] = 1. In the case of 'store' opcode
-- bit [5] = 1, whereas for 'load' bit [5] = 0 Thus, a 3:1 mux can select the
-- appropriate bit fields comprising the immediate value (see above).
-- Bit fields comprising the immediate to sign extend depend on the instruction:
-- - Load: [31:20]
-- - Store: [31:25]+[11:7]
-- - Cond-Branch: [31]+[7]+[30:25]+[11:8]
-- - R-Type: None...
-- After extracting the proper bit fields comprising the 12 bit immediate value,
-- shift the result 12 bit value left by 1 for a half-word offset. The RISC-V
-- ISA spec requires byte-addressable memory, and shifting the immediate value
-- left by one increases the effective range of the offsets of instructions with
-- base or PC-relative addressing schemes while limiting the precision of the
-- address to every half-word. *This left bit shift happens in the CPU
-- datapath*.
:: InsnBitFields
-> Maybe Data
immGen ibfs = signExtend . unpack <$> trace ("imm: " <> show imm) imm
OpCode opcode = opCode ibfs
ReadReg2 rdReg2 = readReg2 ibfs
WriteReg wrReg = writeReg ibfs
f7 = funct7 ibfs
imm :: Maybe (BitVector 12)
imm =
case slice d6 d5 opcode of
$(bitPattern "00") -> Just (f7 ++# rdReg2) -- Load/AddI Insn / I-Type
$(bitPattern "01") -> Just (f7 ++# wrReg) -- Store Insn / R-Type
$(bitPattern "11") -> -- BranchIfEq Insn (most complicated, SB-Type)
let imm12_10to5 = f7
imm4to1_11 = wrReg
beqImm =
Just $ pack (imm12_10to5 ! 6)
++# pack (imm4to1_11 ! 0)
++# slice d5 d0 imm12_10to5
++# slice d4 d1 imm4to1_11
in beqImm -- trace ("beqImm: " <> show beqImm) beqImm
_ -> Nothing
-- Memory
-- TODO Equate InsnMem and InsnAddr sizes
-- TODO Equate DataMem and DataAddr sizes
type RawInsn = BitVector 32
type InsnAddr = Unsigned 8
-- For Instruction Memory 2^8'
type InsnMemSize = 256
insnMemSize :: SNat InsnMemSize
insnMemSize = SNat
type InsnMem = Vec InsnMemSize RawInsn
:: forall n m.
(KnownNat n, KnownNat m, n <= InsnMemSize, m ~ (InsnMemSize - n))
=> Vec n Insn
-> Maybe InsnMem
loadInsnMem = loadInsnMemRaw . map (\insn -> trace ("loadInsnMem: " <> show insn) $ encodeInsn insn)
:: forall n m.
(KnownNat n, KnownNat m, n <= InsnMemSize, m ~ (InsnMemSize - n))
=> Vec n RawInsn
-> Maybe InsnMem
loadInsnMemRaw insns =
case lengthS insns of
snat@SNat ->
case subSNat insnMemSize snat of
sizeDiff@(SNat :: SNat m) -> Just (insns ++ replicate sizeDiff 0x0)
:: InsnMem
-> InsnAddr
-> RawInsn
readInsnMem insnMem = asyncRom insnMem . flip div 4
type DataAddr = Unsigned 8
type DataMemSize = 256
:: HiddenClockResetEnable dom
=> Signal dom DataAddr
-> Signal dom (Maybe (DataAddr, Data))
-> Signal dom Data
dataMem = blockRam (replicate (SNat :: SNat DataMemSize) 0x0)
-- CPU
newtype PC = PC InsnAddr
deriving stock (Show, Generic)
deriving newtype (Enum, Num)
deriving anyclass (ShowX, BitPack, NFDataX)
data CpuState
= CpuState
{ currPC :: PC
, regFile :: Registers
} deriving (Generic, NFDataX)
initCpuState :: CpuState
initCpuState = CpuState (PC 0) initRegisters
-- | Potential data and write register from previous cycle
type CpuIn = Maybe (WriteReg, Data)
type CpuOut =
( DataAddr -- DataMem Read addr
, Data -- ALU Out
, Maybe (DataAddr, Data) -- DataMem Write addr and data
, Maybe (Either WriteReg (WriteReg, Data)) -- WriteReg Data
, PC -- Program Counter
, RawInsn -- Raw Instruction bits
, Registers
, Maybe Data
-- | Single cycle central processing unit transition function
:: HiddenClockResetEnable dom
=> InsnMem
-> CpuState
-> CpuIn
-> (CpuState, CpuOut)
cpu insnMem (CpuState pc@(PC insnAddr) regs) ~mWrData =
(cpuState, cpuOut)
-- Instruction Fetch
insnRaw = readInsnMem insnMem insnAddr
-- Instruction Decode
(insn, ibfs) = decodeInsn insnRaw
rdReg1 = readReg1 ibfs
rdReg2 = readReg2 ibfs
wrReg = writeReg ibfs
-- Immediate Generation
mImmGenOut = immGen ibfs
-- Compute control lines
ctrlLines = control (opCode ibfs)
ctrlMemToReg = memToReg ctrlLines
ctrlMemWrite = memWrite ctrlLines
ctrlRegWrite = regWrite ctrlLines
ctrlBranch = branch ctrlLines
ctrlAluSrc = aluSrc ctrlLines
-- Read registers based on decoded instruction
(nextRegFile, (readData1, readData2)) =
trace ("cpu - regs: " <> show regs)$
registerFile regs (rdReg1, rdReg2, mWrData)
-- Compute result from ALU
| bitToBool ctrlAluSrc =
case mImmGenOut of
Nothing -> errorX "ImmGen should not have Nothing result"
Just immGenOut -> immGenOut
| otherwise = readData2
(aluOut, aluZero) =
alu insn readData1 aluIn
aluAddr :: DataAddr
aluAddr = bitCoerce . resize $ aluOut
-- PC calculation
-- TODO Byte Addressing (Currently insnMem divides PC by 4)
incrPC = pc + 4
nextPC = case mImmGenOut of
Nothing -> incrPC
Just immGenOut
| aluZero && bitToBool ctrlBranch ->
let immGenSext = resize (shiftL immGenOut 1)
-- We must treat insnAddr as signed in this case, then convert the
-- result back to unsigned.
in PC (bitCoerce (bitCoerce insnAddr + immGenSext))
| otherwise -> incrPC
-- CpuOut value calculation
readDataMem = aluAddr
| bitToBool ctrlMemWrite = Just (aluAddr, readData2)
| otherwise = Nothing
| bitToBool ctrlRegWrite =
if bitToBool ctrlMemToReg
then Just (Left wrReg)
else Just (Right (wrReg, aluOut))
| otherwise = Nothing
cpuOut = (readDataMem, aluOut, writeDataMem, writeRegFile, pc, insnRaw, nextRegFile, mImmGenOut)
cpuState =
{ currPC = nextPC
, regFile = lazyV nextRegFile
-- System
:: HiddenClockResetEnable dom
=> InsnMem
-> Signal dom (CpuOut, CpuIn)
system insnMem = bundle (bundle cpuOut, cpuIn)
~cpuOut@(readDataMem, aluOut, writeDataMem, ~writeRegFile, pc, rawInsn, regs, mImmGenOut) =
mealyB (cpu insnMem) initCpuState cpuIn
dataMemOut = dataMem readDataMem writeDataMem
~cpuIn = liftA2 cpuInCtrl writeRegFile dataMemOut
-- If the 'writeReg' control signal is low
-- then: don't write to the register file
-- else:
-- If 'memToReg' is high
-- then: return the data read from DataMem
-- else: return the data computed from the ALU
-- * Nothing = No write to register file
-- * Just (Left _) = Write result of data mem to the write register
-- * Just (Right _) = Write alu out data to the write register
cpuInCtrl :: Maybe (Either WriteReg (WriteReg, Data)) -> Data -> Maybe (WriteReg, Data)
cpuInCtrl meWrReg readMemData =
case meWrReg of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just (Left wrReg) -> Just (wrReg, readMemData)
Just (Right (wrReg, aluOut)) -> Just (wrReg, aluOut)
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