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Created March 18, 2021 20:54
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Hookable Plugins with singleton action
* Trait Hookable
trait Hookable
* Add doc hooks.
public function addDocHooks()
// Get instanced class to relate the callback to.
$object = static::$instances[static::class];
// Start a reflector.
$reflector = new \ReflectionObject($object);
foreach ($reflector->getMethods() as $method) {
$phpdoc = $method->getDocComment();
$arg_count = $method->getNumberOfParameters();
if (preg_match_all(
'#\* @(?P<type>filter|action|shortcode)\s+(?P<name>[a-z0-9\/\=\-\._]+)(?:,\s+(?P<priority>\d+))?#',
)) {
foreach ($matches as $match) {
$type = $match['type'];
$name = $match['name'];
$priority = empty($match['priority']) ? 11 : intval($match['priority']);
$callback = [$this, $method->getName()];
'add' . ucfirst($type),
compact('priority', 'arg_count')
* Hooks a function on to a specific action.
* @param string $name The hook name.
* @param array $callback The class object and method.
* @param array $args An array with priority and arg_count.
* @return mixed
public function addAction(
$args = []
) {
// Merge defaults.
$args = array_merge(
'priority' => 10,
'arg_count' => PHP_INT_MAX,
return $this->addHook('action', $name, $callback, $args);
* Hooks a function on to a specific filter.
* @param string $name The hook name.
* @param array $callback The class object and method.
* @param array $args An array with priority and arg_count.
* @return mixed
public function addFilter(
$args = []
) {
// Merge defaults.
$args = array_merge(
'priority' => 10,
'arg_count' => PHP_INT_MAX,
return $this->addHook('filter', $name, $callback, $args);
* Hooks a function on to a specific shortcode.
* @param string $name The shortcode name.
* @param array $callback The class object and method.
* @return mixed
public function addShortcode(
) {
return $this->addHook('shortcode', $name, $callback);
* Hooks a function on to a specific action/filter.
* @param string $type The hook type. Options are action/filter.
* @param string $name The hook name.
* @param array $callback The class object and method.
* @param array $args An array with priority and arg_count.
* @return mixed
protected function addHook(
$args = []
) {
$priority = $args['priority'] ?? 10;
$arg_count = $args['arg_count'] ?? PHP_INT_MAX;
$fn = sprintf('\add_%s', $type);
return \call_user_func($fn, $name, $callback, $priority, $arg_count);
* Bootstrap class, for kicking things off.
class Loader
* Loader constructor.
public function __construct()
\add_action('muplugins_loaded', [__CLASS__, 'bootstrap']);
* Fire up our items.
public static function bootstrap()
Menu::instance(); // Create instance and load up all the hooks!
// Now just create a new instance of the Loader!
new Loader();
* Example Menu Class
class Menu extends Plugin
* Disable W3TC Menu Bar for non admins.
* @return string
* @see \W3TC\Generic_Plugin::admin_bar_menu
* @filter w3tc_capability_admin_bar
public function removeW3TCMenuForNonAdmins(): string
return 'manage_tech';
* Modify Admin Bar.
* @param \WP_Admin_Bar $wp_admin_bar
* @action admin_bar_menu, 999
public function modifyAdminBar($wp_admin_bar)
// Clean up items in the WP Admin Bar.
* Plugin abstract class.
abstract class Plugin extends Singleton
use Hookable;
* Gets the plugin directory path.
* @return string Plugin directory path.
public static function dir()
return plugin_dir_path(__FILE__);
* Gets the plugin file path.
* @return string Plugin file path.
public static function file()
return __FILE__;
* Gets the plugin url.
* @return string Plugin url.
public static function url()
return plugin_dir_url(__FILE__);
* Gets the plugin version.
* @return string Plugin version.
public static function version()
return get_file_data(self::file(), ['Version' => 'Version'], 'plugin')['Version'];
* Trait Singleton
abstract class Singleton
* @var self Reference to singleton instance.
protected static $instances = [];
* Creates a new instance of a singleton class (via late static binding), accepting a variable-length argument list.
* @param mixed ...$params
* @return self
final public static function instance(...$params): Singleton
if (!isset(static::$instances[static::class])) {
static::$instances[static::class] = new static();
// Call 'addDocHooks' to parse and fire object doc actions/filters.
if (method_exists(self::$instances[static::class], 'addDocHooks')) {
call_user_func_array([self::$instances[static::class], 'addDocHooks'], []);
// Call 'init' bootstrap method if it's defined in the inheriting class.
if (method_exists(self::$instances[static::class], 'init')) {
call_user_func_array([self::$instances[static::class], 'init'], func_get_args());
return static::$instances[static::class];
* Prevents direct instantiation.
* @return void
final private function __construct()
* Prevents cloning the singleton instance.
* @return void
final public function __clone()
* Prevents unserializing the singleton instance.
* @return void
final public function __wakeup()
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