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Last active February 19, 2024 01:32
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Number of Islands - JavaScript
const numIslands = grid => {
// need variable to count islands
let islands = 0
// create a function to search for 1 and use recursion to search surrounding cells
const findIslands = (row, col, grid) => {
// first check if row and col exist on grid and if grid[row][col] 0
if (
row < 0 ||
col < 0 ||
row > grid.length - 1 ||
col > grid[row].length - 1 ||
grid[row][col] === '0'
) {
// use recursion to search surrounding cells
grid[row][col] = '0'
findIslands(row - 1, col, grid)
findIslands(row, col - 1, grid)
findIslands(row + 1, col, grid)
findIslands(row, col + 1, grid)
// use forEach to loop through grid and use findIslands function
grid.forEach((row, index) => {
row.forEach((value, i) => {
// check if value === '1' and if so, use findIslands to check surrounding cells
if (value === '1') {
findIslands(index, i, grid)
islands ++
// return number of islands
return islands
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