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Created June 1, 2020 15:09
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Preparation for tethered docking
import argparse, os, sys, json, traceback
from rdkit import Chem
from rdkit.Chem import AllChem
from rdkit.Chem import rdFMCS
from rdkit.Chem import rdMolTransforms
from rdkit.Chem.rdMolAlign import *
from rdkit.Chem.rdForceFieldHelpers import *
from rdkit import RDLogger
from rdkit import rdBase
from dimorphite_dl import run_with_mol_list
def log(*args, **kwargs):
"""Log output to STDERR
print(*args, file=sys.stderr, ** kwargs)
def enumerate_charges(mol, min_ph, max_ph):
Enumerate the charge states of this mol
:param mol:
mol_list = [ mol ]
protonated_mols = run_with_mol_list(mol_list, min_ph=min_ph, max_ph=max_ph)
return protonated_mols
chunk_size = 0
writers = {}
molecule_counts = {}
file_counts = {}
def get_writer(id, outfile_base):
global writers
global molecule_counts
global file_counts
if id in writers:
writer = writers[id]
count = molecule_counts[id]
if count <= chunk_size:
#print(' Using existing writer for', id, writer)
return writer
# we need to create a new writer
# re-set the molecule count
molecule_counts[id] = 0
# close the old writer if it exists
if id in writers:
file_count = file_counts[id]
print('Closing writer', id, file_count)
file_count = file_count + 1
file_count = 0
writer = Chem.SDWriter(id + '_' + outfile_base + '_' + f'{file_count:03}' + '.sdf')
writers[id] = writer
file_counts[id] = file_count
#print(' Using new writer for', id, writer)
return writer
def get_h_bonds(atom):
l = []
for b in atom.GetBonds():
o = b.GetOtherAtom(atom)
if o.GetAtomicNum() == 1:
return tuple(l)
def get_num_h_neighbours(atom):
count = 0
for n in atom.GetNeighbors():
if n.GetAtomicNum() != 1:
count += 1
return len(atom.GetNeighbors()) - count
def count_h_attachments_for_match(mol, match):
res = []
for m in match:
atom = mol.GetAtomWithIdx(m)
return tuple(res)
def count_h_attachements_for_mol(mol):
molh = Chem.AddHs(mol)
res = []
for atom in molh.GetAtoms():
if atom.GetAtomicNum() != 1:
return tuple(res)
def count_attachments(mol, match):
res = []
for m in match:
atom = mol.GetAtomWithIdx(m)
return tuple(res)
num_swap_success = 0
# This is the rdkit ConstrainedEmbed function from AllChem
# Have edited to make it a bit shorter by deleting the instructions
def MultiConstrainedEmbed(mol, core, getForceField=UFFGetMoleculeForceField):
global num_swap_success
print(Chem.MolToSmiles(mol), Chem.MolToSmiles(core))
# In original constrained function, only a single match was found.
# Here we look for multiple matches
matches = mol.GetSubstructMatches(core, uniquify=False)
if not matches:
raise ValueError("molecule doesn't match the core")
print(' found', len(matches), 'SSS matches')
mols_matches = []
hs_for_core = count_h_attachements_for_mol(core)
print(' COREHS', hs_for_core)
# loop over our matches
nhas = []
for match in matches:
nha = count_h_attachments_for_match(mol, match)
atoms_to_switch = []
if nha in nhas:
print(' NHA', nha, 'SSS', match, 'EXISTING')
for idx in range(len(hs_for_core)):
hs_on_core_atoms = hs_for_core[idx]
hs_on_matched_atoms = nha[idx]
# check if the number of H atoms is different e.g. the atom is substituted compared to the core
if hs_on_core_atoms != hs_on_matched_atoms:
#print(' ',idx, hs_on_core_atoms, hs_on_matched_atoms,c)
# Do we have at least one H on the atom - if so there is potential for swapping the substitutions
if hs_on_matched_atoms > 0:
atomidx = match[idx]
atom = mol.GetAtomWithIdx(atomidx)
free_atoms = []
free_symbols = []
tethered_atoms = []
tethered_symbols = []
for other_atom in atom.GetNeighbors():
o_idx = other_atom.GetIdx()
o_sym = other_atom.GetSymbol() + str(other_atom.GetIdx())
if other_atom.GetIdx() in match:
#print(' tethered', o_sym)
#print(' free', o_sym)
print(' Atom:', atom.GetSymbol() + str(atomidx), 'Free:', free_symbols, 'Tethered:', tethered_symbols)
# Include if there are 2 or more tethered atoms
# - otherwise it's free to rotate
if len(tethered_atoms) > 1:
print(' GT1')
atoms_to_switch.append((idx, atomidx, hs_on_matched_atoms, tuple(free_atoms), tuple(tethered_atoms)))
# Handle the special case of where there is only one tether but the bond is not rotatable
# e.g. a double bond, but not a methyl group where the 3 Hs are equivalent
if len(tethered_atoms) == 1:
print(' EQ1')
bond = mol.GetBondBetweenAtoms(match[idx], tethered_atoms[0])
if bond: # should always be one, but just in case
# Don't know how to ask if a bond is rotatable.
# So instead ask if it is a double bond which won't be rotatable
if bond.GetBondType() == Chem.BondType.DOUBLE:
print(' NON-ROTATABLE', bond.GetBondType(), atom.GetSymbol() + '->' + bond.GetOtherAtom(atom).GetSymbol())
atoms_to_switch.append((idx, atomidx, match[idx], hs_on_matched_atoms, tuple(free_atoms), tuple(tethered_atoms)))
print(' NHA', nha, 'SSS', match, 'NEW', atoms_to_switch)
new_mol = Chem.RWMol(mol)
coreConf = core.GetConformer(-1)
for i, idxI in enumerate(match):
coordMap[idxI] = coreConf.GetAtomPosition(i)
ci = AllChem.EmbedMolecule(new_mol, coordMap=coordMap)
if ci < 0:
raise ValueError('Could not embed molecule.')
algMap=[(j,i) for i,j in enumerate(match)]
# rotate the embedded conformation onto the core:
rms = AlignMol(new_mol, core, atomMap=algMap)
# process the original embedded molecule
minimize_mol(new_mol, core, match, algMap, getForceField)
mols_matches.append((new_mol, match))
# If there are atoms that need swapping then do so
for ate in atoms_to_switch:
if len(ate[3]) == 2: # we'll ignore others cases for now. 5 valent atoms?
m2 = Chem.RWMol(new_mol)
conf = m2.GetConformer(-1)
m2.SetProp('Status', 'before')
angle = rdMolTransforms.GetAngleDeg(conf, ate[3][0], ate[1], ate[3][1])
print(' Swapping atoms',
m2.GetAtomWithIdx(ate[3][0]).GetSymbol() + str(ate[3][0]), 'and',
m2.GetAtomWithIdx(ate[3][1]).GetSymbol() + str(ate[3][1]), 'on atom',
m2.GetAtomWithIdx(ate[1]).GetSymbol() + str(ate[1]),
'using angle', angle)
# find a free H atom
if m2.GetAtomWithIdx(ate[3][0]).GetAtomicNum() == 1:
a = ate[3][0]
b = ate[3][1]
elif m2.GetAtomWithIdx(ate[3][1]).GetAtomicNum() == 1:
a = ate[3][1]
b = ate[3][0]
# both are heavy atoms - don't know how to handle these yet so we give up
# grab the position of the heavy atom and the bond length of the H atom
pos = conf.GetAtomPosition(b)
hBondLength = rdMolTransforms.GetBondLength(conf, atomidx, a)
rdMolTransforms.SetAngleDeg(conf, a, ate[1], b, 0.0)
m2.SetProp('Status', 'during')
print(' angle is now', rdMolTransforms.GetAngleDeg(conf, a, ate[1], b))
conf.SetAtomPosition(a, pos)
rdMolTransforms.SetBondLength(conf, ate[1], a, hBondLength)
print(' angle is now', rdMolTransforms.GetAngleDeg(conf, a, ate[1], b))
m2.SetProp('Status', 'flipped')
minimize_mol(m2, core, match, algMap, getForceField)
m2.SetProp('Status', 'minimized')
mols_matches.append((m2, match))
num_swap_success += 1
print(' WARNING: more than 2 atoms to switch')
# Return a list of tuples of (mol, match)
return mols_matches
def minimize_mol(mol, core, match, algMap, getForceField):
ff = getForceField(mol, confId=0)
conf = core.GetConformer()
for i in range(core.GetNumAtoms()):
p = conf.GetAtomPosition(i)
pIdx = ff.AddExtraPoint(p.x, p.y, p.z, fixed=True) - 1
ff.AddDistanceConstraint(pIdx, match[i], 0, 0, 100.)
n = 4
more = ff.Minimize(energyTol=1e-4, forceTol=1e-3)
while more and n:
more = ff.Minimize(energyTol=1e-4, forceTol=1e-3)
n -= 1
# realign
rms = AlignMol(mol, core, atomMap=algMap)
mol.SetDoubleProp('EmbedRMS', rms)
def execute(candidates_json, outfile_base, min_ph=None, max_ph=None, max_inputs=0, max_outputs=0, modulus=0):
global molecule_counts
GetFF=lambda x,confId=-1:AllChem.MMFFGetMoleculeForceField(x,AllChem.MMFFGetMoleculeProperties(x),confId=confId)
with open(candidates_json, 'r') as f:
candidates = json.load(f)
queries = candidates['queries']['molecules']
results = candidates['results']
print(len(queries), len(results))
num_mols = 0
num_processed = 0
num_outputs = 0
num_errors = 0
hits = {}
for query in queries:
id = query['id']
molfile = query['originalMol']
# print(molfile)
hit = Chem.MolFromMolBlock(molfile)
print("Examining hit", id, Chem.MolToSmiles(hit))
hits[id] = hit
for result in results:
if 0 < modulus and num_mols % modulus != 0:
num_mols += 1
if 0 < max_inputs <= num_mols:
if 0 < max_outputs <= num_processed:
ids = []
for id in result['sourceMols']:
w = get_writer(id, outfile_base)
smiles = result['smiles']
hit = hits[id]
print('Processing', smiles)
mol = Chem.MolFromSmiles(smiles)
if min_ph and max_ph:
enumerated_mols = enumerate_charges(mol, min_ph, max_ph)
print(' Enumerated', len(enumerated_mols), [Chem.MolToSmiles(x) for x in enumerated_mols])
enumerated_mols = [mol]
mcs0 = rdFMCS.FindMCS([hit, mol], completeRingsOnly=True, matchValences=False,
replaced = AllChem.ReplaceSidechains(hit, mcs0.queryMol)
core = AllChem.DeleteSubstructs(replaced, Chem.MolFromSmiles('*'))
if id in molecule_counts:
current_mol_count = molecule_counts[id]
current_mol_count = 0
for ligand in enumerated_mols:
molh = Chem.AddHs(ligand)
# mol_match_tuple = MultiConstrainedEmbed(molh, core, getForceField=GetFF)
mol_match_tuple = MultiConstrainedEmbed(molh, core)
print(' ', len(mol_match_tuple), 'mols tethered to', hit.GetProp('_Name'))
for t_mol, match in mol_match_tuple:
t_mol.SetProp('_Name', smiles)
t_mol.SetProp('Hit', id)
tethers = ','.join([str(x + 1) for x in match])
t_mol.SetProp('TETHERED ATOMS', tethers)
print(' Tethers: ', tethers)
num_outputs += 1
current_mol_count += len(enumerated_mols)
molecule_counts[id] = current_mol_count
except Exception as e:
num_errors += 1
print(' Error: ', smiles, e)
print(' processed mol', num_processed, 'Targets:', ','.join(ids))
num_processed += 1
num_mols += 1
for w in writers.values():
print('Totals - count:', num_processed, 'total:', num_outputs, 'errors:', num_errors)
def main():
Example usage:
python scripts/transfs/ -i targets/mpro/expts/transfs/expanded-22_hac0-10_rac0-3_hops2.json --max-inputs 5000 --chunk-size 100
global chunk_size
# Suppress basic RDKit logging...
print('RDKit version:', rdBase.rdkitVersion)
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Tether prep - prepare candidates for docking')
parser.add_argument('-i', '--input', help='JSON containing the expanded candidates)')
parser.add_argument('-o', '--outfile', default='tethered', help='Name for results (will generate something like Mpro-x0072_tethered_000.sdf)')
parser.add_argument('--min-ph', type=float, help='The min pH to consider')
parser.add_argument('--max-ph', type=float, help='The max pH to consider')
parser.add_argument('-c', '--chunk-size', type=int, default=200, help='Chunk size for files')
parser.add_argument('--max-inputs', type=int, default=0, help='Max number of molecules to process')
parser.add_argument('--max-outputs', type=int, default=0, help='Max number of records to output')
parser.add_argument('--modulus', type=int, default=0, help='Process only mols with this modulus')
args = parser.parse_args()
log("Tether prep args: ", args)
chunk_size = args.chunk_size
min_ph = args.min_ph
max_ph = args.max_ph
infile = args.input
outfile = args.outfile
max_inputs = args.max_inputs
max_outputs = args.max_outputs
modulus = args.modulus
# Dimporphite needs to use argparse with its own arguments, not messed up with our arguments
# so we store the original args
orig_sys_argv = sys.argv[:]
# Remove all the parameters, keeping only the filename (first one) so that
# dimorphite is unaware of any previous commandline parameters.
sys.argv = sys.argv[:1]
execute(infile, outfile, min_ph=min_ph, max_ph=max_ph, max_inputs=max_inputs, max_outputs=max_outputs, modulus=modulus)
print('Swap successes:', num_swap_success)
total = 0
for id, count in molecule_counts.items():
print(id, 'generated', count )
total += count
print("Total", total)
if __name__ == "__main__":
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