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Last active June 9, 2024 12:39
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Python port of the factor command from GNU Coreutils. Supports both Python 2 and 3.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Teal Dulcet
# Run: python3 -OO <numbers(s)>...
# Run: python2 -OO <numbers(s)>...
# Run: pypy3 -OO <numbers(s)>...
# Run: pypy -OO <numbers(s)>...
# python3 -X dev {2..100}
# diff <(factor {2..100}) <(python3 -X dev {2..100})
from __future__ import division, print_function, unicode_literals
import optparse
import sys
from collections import Counter
from math import gcd
except ImportError:
from fractions import gcd
# Python 3.8+
from math import isqrt
except ImportError:
from math import sqrt
def isqrt(x):
return int(sqrt(x))
exponents = ("⁰", "¹", "²", "³", "⁴", "⁵", "⁶", "⁷", "⁸", "⁹", "⁻") # 0-9, -
# debugging for developers. Enables devmsg().
dev_debug = False
# Prove primality or run probabilistic tests.
flag_prove_primality = True
# Number of Miller-Rabin tests to run when not proving primality.
MR_REPS = 25
def primes(limit):
if not limit & 1:
limit -= 1
size = (limit - 1) // 2
sieve = bytearray((1,)) * size
for i in range(isqrt(size) + 1):
if sieve[i]:
p = 3 + 2 * i
j = (p * p - 3) // 2
# sieve[j : size : p] = bytes(len(range(j, size, p)))
sieve[j: size: p] = bytearray(len(range(j, size, p)))
# nprimes = sieve.count(bytearray((1,)))
nprimes = sum(sieve)
primes = bytearray(nprimes)
# magic = array('Q', [0] * nprimes)
p = 2
j = 0
for i in range(size):
if sieve[i]:
ap = 3 + 2 * i
primes[j] = ap - p
# magic[j] = sys.maxsize // ap + 1
j += 1
p = ap
p = limit
is_prime = False
while not is_prime:
p += 2
is_prime = True
i = 0
ap = 2
while is_prime and ap * ap <= p:
# if (magic[i] * p) % sys.maxsize < magic[i]:
if not p % ap:
is_prime = False
ap += primes[i]
i += 1
return primes, p
# primes_diff, FIRST_OMITTED_PRIME = primes(5000)
# primes_diff, FIRST_OMITTED_PRIME = primes(50000)
primes_diff, FIRST_OMITTED_PRIME = primes(1 << 16) # 2^16 = 65536
# primes_diff, FIRST_OMITTED_PRIME = primes(500000)
# print(repr(tuple(primes_diff)), FIRST_OMITTED_PRIME)
PRIMES_PTAB_ENTRIES = len(primes_diff)
# assert PRIMES_PTAB_ENTRIES == 669 - 1
# assert FIRST_OMITTED_PRIME == 5003 # 4999
# assert PRIMES_PTAB_ENTRIES == 5133 - 1
# assert FIRST_OMITTED_PRIME == 50021 # 49999
assert PRIMES_PTAB_ENTRIES == 6542 - 1
assert FIRST_OMITTED_PRIME == 65537 # 65521
# assert PRIMES_PTAB_ENTRIES == 41538 - 1
# assert FIRST_OMITTED_PRIME == 500009 # 499979
# Output number as exponent
def outputexponent(number):
base = 10
anumber = abs(number)
astr = ""
while True:
anumber, index = divmod(anumber, base)
astr = exponents[index] + astr
if anumber <= 0:
if number < 0:
astr = exponents[-1] + astr
return astr
def factor_using_division(t, factors):
if dev_debug:
print("[trial division] ", end="", file=sys.stderr)
p = 0
while not t & 1:
t >>= 1
p += 1
if p:
factors.update({2: p})
p = 3
i = 1
if t % p:
p += primes_diff[i]
i += 1
if t < p * p:
t //= p
return t
def millerrabin(n, nm1, x, y, q, k):
y = pow(x, q, n)
if y in {1, nm1}:
return True
for _ in range(1, k):
y = pow(y, 2, n)
if y == nm1:
return True
if y == 1:
return False
return False
def prime_p(n):
is_prime = False
tmp = 0
factors = Counter()
if n <= 1:
return False
# We have already casted out small primes.
return True
# Precomputation for Miller-Rabin.
nm1 = n - 1
# Find q and k, where q is odd and n = 1 + 2**k * q.
k = 0
q = nm1
while not q & 1:
q >>= 1
k += 1
a = 2
# Perform a Miller-Rabin test, finds most composites quickly.
if not millerrabin(n, nm1, a, tmp, q, k):
return False
if flag_prove_primality:
# Factor n-1 for Lucas.
tmp = nm1
factor(tmp, factors)
# Loop until Lucas proves our number prime, or Miller-Rabin proves our
# number composite.
for r in range(PRIMES_PTAB_ENTRIES):
if flag_prove_primality:
is_prime = True
# for p, e in factors.items():
for p in factors:
tmp = pow(a, nm1 // p, n)
is_prime = tmp != 1
if not is_prime:
# After enough Miller-Rabin runs, be content.
is_prime = r == MR_REPS - 1
if is_prime:
return is_prime
a += primes_diff[r] # Establish new base.
if not millerrabin(n, nm1, a, tmp, q, k):
return False
print("Lucas prime test failure. This should not happen", file=sys.stderr)
def factor_using_pollard_rho(n, a, factors):
x = 2
z = 2
y = 2
P = 1
t = 0
if dev_debug:
print("[pollard-rho ({0})] ".format(a), end="", file=sys.stderr)
k = 1
l = 1
while n != 1:
assert a < n
while True:
factor_found = False
while True:
x = ((x * x) % n) + a
P = (P * (z - x)) % n
if k % 32 == 1:
if gcd(P, n) != 1:
factor_found = True
y = x
k -= 1
if k == 0:
if factor_found:
z = x
k = l
l *= 2
for _ in range(k):
x = ((x * x) % n) + a
y = x
while True:
y = ((y * y) % n) + a
t = gcd(z - y, n)
if t != 1:
n //= t # divide by t, before t is overwritten
if not prime_p(t):
if dev_debug:
print("[composite factor--restarting pollard-rho] ",
end="", file=sys.stderr)
t = factor_using_pollard_rho(t, a + 1, factors)
if prime_p(n):
x %= n
z %= n
y %= n
return n
# Use Pollard-rho to compute the prime factors of
# arbitrary-precision T, and put the results in FACTORS.
def factor(t, factors):
if t:
assert t >= 2
t = factor_using_division(t, factors)
if t != 1:
assert t >= 2
if dev_debug:
print("[is number prime?] ", end="", file=sys.stderr)
if prime_p(t):
t = factor_using_pollard_rho(t, 1, factors)
def outputfactors(number):
if number < 1:
print("Error: Number must be > 0", file=sys.stderr)
return ""
# strm = ""
counts = Counter()
factor(number, counts)
if options.print_exponents:
strm = ("{0}^{1}".format(prime, exponent) if exponent >
1 else prime for prime, exponent in sorted(counts.items()))
strm = sorted(counts.elements())
return " ".join(map(str, strm))
# for prime, exponent in sorted(counts.items()):
# for j in range(exponent):
# if strm:
# strm += " × " if options.unicode else " * "
# strm += str(prime)
# if options.print_exponents and exponent > 1:
# if options.unicode:
# strm += outputexponent(exponent)
# else:
# strm += "^" + str(exponent)
# break
# return strm
def integers(token):
n = int(token, options.frombase)
except ValueError:
print("Error: Invalid integer number: {0!r}".format(
token), file=sys.stderr)
return 1
print("{0}: ".format(n), end="")
if dev_debug:
print("[using single-precision arithmetic] ", end="", file=sys.stderr)
return 0
parser = optparse.OptionParser(
version="%prog 1.0", description="Print the prime factors of each specified integer NUMBER. If none are specified on the command line, read them from standard input.")
parser.add_option("--from-base", dest="frombase", type="int",
default=0, help="Input in bases 2 - 36")
# parser.add_option("-u", "--unicode", action="store_true", dest="unicode", help="Unicode")
parser.add_option("--exponents", action="store_true", dest="print_exponents",
help="Print repeated factors in form p^e unless e is 1")
options, args = parser.parse_args()
if options.frombase and not 2 <= options.frombase <= 36:
print("Error: Base must be 2 - 36.", file=sys.stderr)
if args:
for arg in args:
for line in sys.stdin:
for token in line.split():
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