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Created October 8, 2013 09:11
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Save tdunning/6881908 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Quick benchmark for different ways to compute distance between points on the globe.
package com.mapr.bench;
import org.apache.commons.math3.util.FastMath;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Test;
public class Distance {
double timeHaversinFast(int reps) {
double sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < reps; i++) {
double x = 0.2 * i / reps;
sum += haversinFast(32.1, 0.0, 32.1, x);
return sum;
double timeHaversin(int reps) {
double sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < reps; i++) {
double x = 0.2 * i / reps;
sum += haversin(32.1, 0, 32.1, x);
return sum;
double timeDot(int reps) {
double sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < reps; i++) {
double x = 0.2 * i / reps;
sum += dist(32.1, 0, 32.1, x);
return sum;
public void testTrig() {
for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
double x = 0.05 * i / 10000;
Assert.assertTrue(Math.abs(polyAcos(x) - Math.acos(x)) < 1e-7);
long t0 = System.nanoTime();
double sum1 = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
double x = 0.2 * i / 10000;
sum1 += dist(32.1, 0, 32.1, x);
long t1 = System.nanoTime();
long t2 = System.nanoTime();
// System.out.printf("%.5f\t%.5f\n%.1f\t%.1f\n", sum1, sum2, (t1 - t0) / 10000.0, (t2 - t1) / 10000.0);
double dist(double lat1, double long1, double lat2, double long2) {
lat1 *= TO_RADIANS;
long1 *= TO_RADIANS;
lat2 *= TO_RADIANS;
long2 *= TO_RADIANS;
// double x1 = 0;
double y1 = FastMath.cos(lat1);
double z1 = FastMath.sin(lat1);
double q2 = FastMath.cos(lat2);
// double x2 = FastMath.sin(long1 - long2) * q2;
double y2 = FastMath.cos(long1 - long2) * q2;
double z2 = FastMath.sin(lat2);
return polyAcos(FastMath.sqrt(y1 * y2 + z1 * z2)) * TO_KILOMETERS;
double polyAsin(double x) {
double z = x * x;
return x *
(z * (z * (z * (z * (z * (z * (1288287 * z +
1600830) + 2063880) + 2802800) + 4118400) + 6918912) + 15375360) + 92252160) / 92252160;
double polyAcos(double x) {
double z = x * x;
// return (x * (z * (z * (z * (z * (z * (-800415 * z - 1031940) - 1401400) - 2059200) - 3459456) - 7687680) - 46126080) + 23063040 * Math.PI / 46126080);
return (x * (z * (z * (z * (z * (z * (z * (-1288287.0 * z -
1600830.0) - 2063880.0) - 2802800.0) - 4118400.0) - 6918912.0) - 15375360.0) - 92252160.0) + 46126080.0 * Math.PI) / 92252160.0;
* Returns the distance between two points in decimal degrees.
* @param lat1 Latitude of the first point.
* @param lon1 Longitude of the first point.
* @param lat2 Latitude of the second point.
* @param lon2 Longitude of the second point.
* @return distance in kilometers.
public static double haversin(double lat1, double lon1, double lat2, double lon2) {
double x1 = lat1 * TO_RADIANS;
double x2 = lat2 * TO_RADIANS;
double h1 = (1 - Math.cos(x1 - x2)) / 2;
double h2 = (1 - Math.cos((lon1 - lon2) * TO_RADIANS)) / 2;
double h = h1 + Math.cos(x1) * Math.cos(x2) * h2;
return TO_KILOMETERS * 2 * Math.asin(Math.min(1, Math.sqrt(h)));
* Returns the distance between two points in decimal degrees.
* @param lat1 Latitude of the first point.
* @param lon1 Longitude of the first point.
* @param lat2 Latitude of the second point.
* @param lon2 Longitude of the second point.
* @return distance in kilometers.
public static double haversinFast(double lat1, double lon1, double lat2, double lon2) {
double x1 = lat1 * TO_RADIANS;
double x2 = lat2 * TO_RADIANS;
double h1 = (1 - cos(x1 - x2)) / 2;
double h2 = (1 - cos((lon1 - lon2) * TO_RADIANS)) / 2;
double h = h1 + cos(x1) * cos(x2) * h2;
return TO_KILOMETERS * 2 * asin(Math.min(1, Math.sqrt(h)));
* Returns the trigonometric cosine of an angle.
* <p/>
* Error is around 1E-15.
* <p/>
* Special cases:
* <ul>
* <li>If the argument is {@code NaN} or an infinity, then the result is {@code NaN}.
* </ul>
* @param a an angle, in radians.
* @return the cosine of the argument.
* @see Math#cos(double)
public static double cos(double a) {
if (a < 0.0) {
a = -a;
return Math.cos(a);
// index: possibly outside tables range.
int index = (int) (a * SIN_COS_INDEXER + 0.5);
double delta = (a - index * SIN_COS_DELTA_HI) - index * SIN_COS_DELTA_LO;
// Making sure index is within tables range.
// Last value of each table is the same than first, so we ignore it (tabs size minus one) for modulo.
index &= (SIN_COS_TABS_SIZE - 2); // index % (SIN_COS_TABS_SIZE-1)
double indexCos = cosTab[index];
double indexSin = sinTab[index];
return indexCos + delta * (-indexSin + delta * (-indexCos * ONE_DIV_F2 + delta * (indexSin * ONE_DIV_F3 + delta * indexCos * ONE_DIV_F4)));
* Returns the arc sine of a value.
* <p/>
* The returned angle is in the range <i>-pi</i>/2 through <i>pi</i>/2.
* Error is around 1E-7.
* <p/>
* Special cases:
* <ul>
* <li>If the argument is {@code NaN} or its absolute value is greater than 1, then the result is {@code NaN}.
* </ul>
* @param a the value whose arc sine is to be returned.
* @return arc sine of the argument
* @see Math#asin(double)
// because asin(-x) = -asin(x), asin(x) only needs to be computed on [0,1].
// ---> we only have to compute asin(x) on [0,1].
// For values not close to +-1, we use look-up tables;
// for values near +-1, we use code derived from fdlibm.
public static double asin(double a) {
boolean negateResult;
if (a < 0.0) {
a = -a;
negateResult = true;
} else {
negateResult = false;
int index = (int) (a * ASIN_INDEXER + 0.5);
double delta = a - index * ASIN_DELTA;
double result = asinTab[index] + delta * (asinDer1DivF1Tab[index] + delta * (asinDer2DivF2Tab[index] + delta * (asinDer3DivF3Tab[index] + delta * asinDer4DivF4Tab[index])));
return negateResult ? -result : result;
} else { // value > ASIN_MAX_VALUE_FOR_TABS, or value is NaN
// This part is derived from fdlibm.
if (a < 1.0) {
double t = (1.0 - a) * 0.5;
double p = t * (ASIN_PS0 + t * (ASIN_PS1 + t * (ASIN_PS2 + t * (ASIN_PS3 + t * (ASIN_PS4 + t * ASIN_PS5)))));
double q = 1.0 + t * (ASIN_QS1 + t * (ASIN_QS2 + t * (ASIN_QS3 + t * ASIN_QS4)));
double s = Math.sqrt(t);
double z = s + s * (p / q);
double result = ASIN_PIO2_HI - ((z + z) - ASIN_PIO2_LO);
return negateResult ? -result : result;
} else { // value >= 1.0, or value is NaN
if (a == 1.0) {
return negateResult ? -Math.PI / 2 : Math.PI / 2;
} else {
return Double.NaN;
// haversin
private static final double TO_RADIANS = Math.PI / 180D;
private static final double TO_KILOMETERS = 6371.0087714D;
// cos/asin
private static final double ONE_DIV_F2 = 1 / 2.0;
private static final double ONE_DIV_F3 = 1 / 6.0;
private static final double ONE_DIV_F4 = 1 / 24.0;
private static final double PIO2_HI = Double.longBitsToDouble(0x3FF921FB54400000L); // 1.57079632673412561417e+00 first 33 bits of pi/2
private static final double PIO2_LO = Double.longBitsToDouble(0x3DD0B4611A626331L); // 6.07710050650619224932e-11 pi/2 - PIO2_HI
private static final double TWOPI_HI = 4 * PIO2_HI;
private static final double TWOPI_LO = 4 * PIO2_LO;
private static final int SIN_COS_TABS_SIZE = (1 << 11) + 1;
private static final double SIN_COS_DELTA_HI = TWOPI_HI / (SIN_COS_TABS_SIZE - 1);
private static final double SIN_COS_DELTA_LO = TWOPI_LO / (SIN_COS_TABS_SIZE - 1);
private static final double SIN_COS_INDEXER = 1 / (SIN_COS_DELTA_HI + SIN_COS_DELTA_LO);
private static final double[] sinTab = new double[SIN_COS_TABS_SIZE];
private static final double[] cosTab = new double[SIN_COS_TABS_SIZE];
// Max abs value for fast modulo, above which we use regular angle normalization.
// This value must be < (Integer.MAX_VALUE / SIN_COS_INDEXER), to stay in range of int type.
// The higher it is, the higher the error, but also the faster it is for lower values.
// If you set it to ((Integer.MAX_VALUE / SIN_COS_INDEXER) * 0.99), worse accuracy on double range is about 1e-10.
static final double SIN_COS_MAX_VALUE_FOR_INT_MODULO = ((Integer.MAX_VALUE >> 9) / SIN_COS_INDEXER) * 0.99;
// Supposed to be >= sin(77.2deg), as fdlibm code is supposed to work with values > 0.975,
// but seems to work well enough as long as value >= sin(25deg).
private static final double ASIN_MAX_VALUE_FOR_TABS = StrictMath.sin(Math.toRadians(73.0));
private static final int ASIN_TABS_SIZE = (1 << 13) + 1;
private static final double ASIN_DELTA = ASIN_MAX_VALUE_FOR_TABS / (ASIN_TABS_SIZE - 1);
private static final double ASIN_INDEXER = 1 / ASIN_DELTA;
private static final double[] asinTab = new double[ASIN_TABS_SIZE];
private static final double[] asinDer1DivF1Tab = new double[ASIN_TABS_SIZE];
private static final double[] asinDer2DivF2Tab = new double[ASIN_TABS_SIZE];
private static final double[] asinDer3DivF3Tab = new double[ASIN_TABS_SIZE];
private static final double[] asinDer4DivF4Tab = new double[ASIN_TABS_SIZE];
private static final double ASIN_PIO2_HI = Double.longBitsToDouble(0x3FF921FB54442D18L); // 1.57079632679489655800e+00
private static final double ASIN_PIO2_LO = Double.longBitsToDouble(0x3C91A62633145C07L); // 6.12323399573676603587e-17
private static final double ASIN_PS0 = Double.longBitsToDouble(0x3fc5555555555555L); // 1.66666666666666657415e-01
private static final double ASIN_PS1 = Double.longBitsToDouble(0xbfd4d61203eb6f7dL); // -3.25565818622400915405e-01
private static final double ASIN_PS2 = Double.longBitsToDouble(0x3fc9c1550e884455L); // 2.01212532134862925881e-01
private static final double ASIN_PS3 = Double.longBitsToDouble(0xbfa48228b5688f3bL); // -4.00555345006794114027e-02
private static final double ASIN_PS4 = Double.longBitsToDouble(0x3f49efe07501b288L); // 7.91534994289814532176e-04
private static final double ASIN_PS5 = Double.longBitsToDouble(0x3f023de10dfdf709L); // 3.47933107596021167570e-05
private static final double ASIN_QS1 = Double.longBitsToDouble(0xc0033a271c8a2d4bL); // -2.40339491173441421878e+00
private static final double ASIN_QS2 = Double.longBitsToDouble(0x40002ae59c598ac8L); // 2.02094576023350569471e+00
private static final double ASIN_QS3 = Double.longBitsToDouble(0xbfe6066c1b8d0159L); // -6.88283971605453293030e-01
private static final double ASIN_QS4 = Double.longBitsToDouble(0x3fb3b8c5b12e9282L); // 7.70381505559019352791e-02
/** Initializes look-up tables. */
static {
// sin and cos
final int SIN_COS_PI_INDEX = (SIN_COS_TABS_SIZE - 1) / 2;
final int SIN_COS_PI_MUL_0_5_INDEX = SIN_COS_PI_INDEX / 2;
final int SIN_COS_PI_MUL_1_5_INDEX = 3 * SIN_COS_PI_INDEX / 2;
for (int i = 0; i < SIN_COS_TABS_SIZE; i++) {
// angle: in [0,2*PI].
double angle = i * SIN_COS_DELTA_HI + i * SIN_COS_DELTA_LO;
double sinAngle = StrictMath.sin(angle);
double cosAngle = StrictMath.cos(angle);
// For indexes corresponding to null cosine or sine, we make sure the value is zero
// and not an epsilon. This allows for a much better accuracy for results close to zero.
if (i == SIN_COS_PI_INDEX) {
sinAngle = 0.0;
} else if (i == SIN_COS_PI_MUL_2_INDEX) {
sinAngle = 0.0;
} else if (i == SIN_COS_PI_MUL_0_5_INDEX) {
cosAngle = 0.0;
} else if (i == SIN_COS_PI_MUL_1_5_INDEX) {
cosAngle = 0.0;
sinTab[i] = sinAngle;
cosTab[i] = cosAngle;
// asin
for (int i = 0; i < ASIN_TABS_SIZE; i++) {
double x = i * ASIN_DELTA;
asinTab[i] = StrictMath.asin(x);
double oneMinusXSqInv = 1.0 / (1 - x * x);
double oneMinusXSqInv0_5 = StrictMath.sqrt(oneMinusXSqInv);
double oneMinusXSqInv1_5 = oneMinusXSqInv0_5 * oneMinusXSqInv;
double oneMinusXSqInv2_5 = oneMinusXSqInv1_5 * oneMinusXSqInv;
double oneMinusXSqInv3_5 = oneMinusXSqInv2_5 * oneMinusXSqInv;
asinDer1DivF1Tab[i] = oneMinusXSqInv0_5;
asinDer2DivF2Tab[i] = (x * oneMinusXSqInv1_5) * ONE_DIV_F2;
asinDer3DivF3Tab[i] = ((1 + 2 * x * x) * oneMinusXSqInv2_5) * ONE_DIV_F3;
asinDer4DivF4Tab[i] = ((5 + 2 * x * (2 + x * (5 - 2 * x))) * oneMinusXSqInv3_5) * ONE_DIV_F4;
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dsmiley commented Oct 8, 2013

Awesome! I was already thinking of doing a Caliper benchmark after seeing the claims made on the JIRA.

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