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Last active August 29, 2015 14:14
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A quick bit of code to test the size growth for different size limits in t-digest
# Experiments with t-digest in R
standard.size.bound = function(n, q) {
4 * n * q * (1-q)
constant.size.bound = function(n, q) {
root.size.bound = function(n, q) {
n * sqrt(4 * q * (1-q))
abs.size.bound = function(n, q) {
2 * n * min(q, 1-q)
sorted.t.digest = function (points, compression=50, size.bound = standard.size.bound) {
points = sort(points)
n = length(points)
total = 0
i = 1
r = data.frame()
while (i <= n) {
# accumulate a centroid of max size
mean = 0
count = 0
qx = total/n
while (count + 1 <= max(1,,list(n=n, q=qx)) / compression)) {
count = count+1
mean = mean + (points[i]-mean)/count
qx = (total + count/2) / n
i = i+1
total = total + count
r = rbind(r, data.frame(center=c(mean), count=c(count)))
size.growth = data.frame()
sample.size = c(100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000, 10000, 20000, 50000, 100000, 200000, 500000, 1000000)
bounds = c("standard.size.bound", "abs.size.bound", "root.size.bound", "constant.size.bound")
for (j in 1:length(bounds)) {
bound = bounds[j]
for (i in 1:length(sample.size)) {
n = sample.size[i]
x = rnorm(n)
cx = sorted.t.digest(x, size.bound=bound)
size.growth = rbind(size.growth, data.frame(f=bound, n=n, c=dim(cx)[1]))
print(c(n, dim(cx)[1]))
colors = rainbow(3)
colors = c(colors[1],colors[1],colors[2], colors[3])
plot(x=c(), y=c(), xlim=c(1e2,1e6), ylim=c(0,350), log="x", ylab="Centroids", xlab="Points")
for (i in c(1,3,4)) {
lines(c~n, size.growth[unclass(size.growth$f)==i,], col=colors[i], lwd=2, type='b', cex=0.6)
legend(1e2, y=350, legend=c("Standard", "Root", "Constant"), fill=rainbow(3))
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