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Last active August 29, 2015 14:12
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This R script shows just how hard even trivial k-means clustering can be (with Lloyd's algorithm) by generating trivially clusterable data and then failing.
# picking the corners of the hyper cube at random usually gives us a good selection
d = 0
while (d == 0) {
centers = matrix(runif(10*10)>0.5, ncol=10) + 0
# but occasionally we get a duplicate row that is easily detected
d = det(centers)
# start x out by selecting clusters
x = data.frame(n = ceiling(runif(10000,1e-10,10)))
for (i in 1:10) {
# then put in the coordinate of each column with a bit of noise
x = cbind(x, centers[x$n,i] + rnorm(dim(x)[1], 0, 1e-3))
names(x) = c("n", paste("V", 1:10, sep=""))
# then cluster and plot. Ideally, all counts will be nearly equal.
fail = 0
success = 0
counts = rep(0,100)
for (i in 1:100) {
k = kmeans(x[,2:11], centers=10, nstart=1)
cnt = colSums(table(k$cluster, x$n) > 0)
counts[i] = max(cnt)
if (any(cnt > 1)) {
fail = fail + 1
} else {
success = success + 1
print(list(fail = fail, success = success))
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