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Last active February 5, 2018 02:43
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a descriptive experiment making a clojure transducer
(defn collate
"This is a transducer for collecting things that are connected in series. It
will store one previous input. The previous input can then be compared to it's
successor using COMPARES-FN and optionally integrated into a single output
COMPARES-FN must accept 2 arguments, being 2 inputs (which are in order)
COLLATE-FN must accept 2 arguments, being an accumulator and an input
COLLATE-FN is a reducing function. A third arg can be given as the starting
([compares-fn collate-fn]
(collate compares-fn collate-fn nil))
([compares-fn collate-fn accumulator]
(fn [xf]
;; use volatile for performance since this is guaranteed to be on a single
;; thread
(let [prev (volatile! nil)
session (volatile! nil)]
;; a function that abides by the three rules of transducing
;; 1) call xf on init
;; 2) always return the accumulator (result) during a step (though may muck with inputs)
;; 3) call xf when complete
;; init
([] (xf))
;; step
([result input]
(let [prior @prev]
(vreset! prev input)
(if (nil? prior)
;; Here is where we setup an offset of 1 by storing the first thing
;; in prev. We need to do this in order to compare two things. We
;; do nothing for the first line, just return the
;; accumulator (result).
(if (compares-fn prior input)
(if @session
;; add to session
(vreset! session (conj @session input))
;; init session
(vreset! session (conj @session prior input)))
;; do nothing. wait for end of session to emit the whole collated session.
(if @session
(let [sess @session]
(vreset! session nil)
;; emit the whole collated session
(if accumulator
(xf result (reduce collate-fn accumulator sess))
(xf result (reduce collate-fn sess))))
;; this is the normal operation; like a pass though. nothing happens
(xf result prior))))))
;; completion
;; we have reached the end of the list. we need to make up for our
;; offset we setup so we call xf with the last element which didn't get
;; called in the step function above, and then the actual completing
;; function
(if @session
;; the last element satisfies compare-fn
(let [sess @session]
(vreset! session nil)
;; emit the whole collated session
(if accumulator
(xf result (reduce collate-fn accumulator sess))
(xf result (reduce collate-fn sess))))
;; the last element does not satisfy compare-fn so nothing happens
(xf result @prev))
;; required call to completing function
(xf result))))))))
;; Example 1
;; add like numbers if they are connected in series
(into [] (collate = +) [0 1 2 2 1 0 3 3 3 3 0])
;;=> [0 1 4 1 0 12 0]
;; Example 2
;; collect things with :b values that are connected in series
(defn has-b [prev current]
(and (:b prev)
(:b current)))
;; reduce them into an :m value
(defn put-b-on-m [acc el]
(update acc :m conj (:b el) ))
(into [] (collate has-b put-b-on-m {})
[{:a 1} {:b nil} {:b 1} {:b 2} :z {:b 10 :a 5} :z {:b 3} {:b 4}])
;; vvvvvvvv (skipped) vvvvvvvv
;;=> [{:a 1} {:b nil} {:m (1 2)} :z {:b 10, :a 5} :z {:m (3 4)}]
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