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Created September 7, 2019 23:23
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fail logs
yarn run v1.17.3
$ node ./config/test.js --full
tmpdir for backend output: /var/folders/qd/1fl34l356hgg1b0tg8hpcnxr0000gn/T/sourcecred-test-29351l6q4FBhlvd9j
Starting tasks
GO ensure-flow-typing
GO check-stopships
GO check-pretty
GO lint
GO flow
GO unit
GO check-gnu-coreutils
GO backend
PASS check-stopships
PASS ensure-flow-typing
PASS check-gnu-coreutils
PASS flow
PASS backend
GO sharness-full
GO fetchGithubRepoTest
GO fetchGithubOrgTest
PASS fetchGithubOrgTest
PASS fetchGithubRepoTest
PASS check-pretty
PASS unit
FAIL sharness-full
Exit code: 2
Contents of stdout:
*** prove ***
dummy.t ......................................................
expecting success: true
ok 1 - should trivially pass
# passed all 1 test(s)
test_build_static_site.t .....................................
expecting success:
run --help >msg 2>err &&
test_must_be_empty err &&
test_path_is_file msg &&
grep -qF "usage:" msg
ok 1 - should print a help message
expecting success:
test_must_fail run 2>err &&
grep -qF -- "target directory not specified" err
ok 2 - should fail with no target
expecting success:
test_must_fail run --target 2>err &&
grep -qF -- "missing value for --target" err
ok 3 - should fail with missing target value
expecting success:
mkdir one two &&
test_must_fail run --target one --target two 2>err &&
grep -qF -- "--target specified multiple times" err
ok 4 - should fail with multiple targets
expecting success:
printf "important\nstuff" >important_data &&
test_must_fail run --target important_data 2>err &&
grep -qF -- "target is not a directory" err &&
printf "important\nstuff" | test_cmp - important_data
ok 5 - should fail with a file as target
expecting success:
printf "important\nstuff" >important_data &&
test_must_fail run --target important_data/something 2>err &&
grep -q -- "cannot create directory.*Not a directory" err &&
printf "important\nstuff" | test_cmp - important_data
ok 6 - should fail with a target under a file
expecting success:
mkdir important_dir &&
printf "redacted\n" >important_dir/.wallet.dat &&
test_must_fail run --target important_dir 2>err &&
grep -qF -- "target directory is nonempty: important_dir" err &&
printf "redacted\n" | test_cmp - important_dir/.wallet.dat
ok 7 - should fail with a nonempty directory as target
expecting success:
test_must_fail run --target putative_output --project 2>err &&
grep -qF -- "missing value for --project" err &&
printf "redacted\n" | test_cmp - important_dir/.wallet.dat
ok 8 - should fail with missing project value
expecting success:
test_must_fail run --target putative_output --cname 2>err &&
grep -qF -- "missing value for --cname" err &&
printf "redacted\n" | test_cmp - important_dir/.wallet.dat
ok 9 - should fail with missing cname value
expecting success:
test_must_fail run --target putative_output --cname "" 2>err &&
grep -qF -- "empty value for --cname" err &&
printf "redacted\n" | test_cmp - important_dir/.wallet.dat
ok 10 - should fail with empty cname
expecting success:
test_must_fail run --target putative_output \
--cname --cname 2>err &&
grep -qF -- "--cname specified multiple times" err &&
printf "redacted\n" | test_cmp - important_dir/.wallet.dat
ok 11 - should fail with multiple cname values
expecting success:
if [ -n "${unsafe_arg}" ]; then
printf >&2 "fatal: potentially unsafe argument: %s\n" "${arg}" &&
fi &&
run --target build_output/output_TWO_PROJECTS --no-backend --cname --project sourcecred-test/example-git --project sourcecred-test/example-github >out 2>err &&
test_must_fail grep -vF \
-e "Removing contents of build directory: " \
-e "info: loading project" \
-e "DeprecationWarning: Tapable.plugin is deprecated." \
err &&
test_path_is_dir "${output_dir}" &&
test_path_is_dir "${api_dir}" &&
test_set_prereq "${prereq_name}"
not ok 12 - TWO_PROJECTS: should build the site with two projects and a CNAME
# if [ -n "${unsafe_arg}" ]; then
# printf >&2 "fatal: potentially unsafe argument: %s
# " "${arg}" &&
# false
# fi &&
# run --target build_output/output_TWO_PROJECTS --no-backend --cname --project sourcecred-test/example-git --project sourcecred-test/example-github >out 2>err &&
# test_must_fail grep -vF \
# -e "Removing contents of build directory: " \
# -e "info: loading project" \
# -e "DeprecationWarning: Tapable.plugin is deprecated." \
# err &&
# test_path_is_dir "${output_dir}" &&
# test_path_is_dir "${api_dir}" &&
# test_set_prereq "${prereq_name}"
skipping test: TWO_PROJECTS: should have no cache
test_must_fail test_path_is_dir "${api_dir}/cache"
ok 13 # skip TWO_PROJECTS: should have no cache (missing TWO_PROJECTS)
skipping test: TWO_PROJECTS: should have a bundle
js_bundle_path= &&
js_bundle_path_glob="${output_dir}"/static/js/main.*.js &&
for main_js in ${js_bundle_path_glob}; do
if ! [ -e "${main_js}" ]; then
printf >&2 "fatal: no main bundle found\n" &&
return 1
elif [ -n "${js_bundle_path}" ]; then
printf >&2 "fatal: multiple main bundles found:\n" &&
printf >&2 " %s\n" ${js_bundle_path_glob} &&
return 1
ok 14 # skip TWO_PROJECTS: should have a bundle (missing TWO_PROJECTS)
skipping test: TWO_PROJECTS: should have a favicon
test_path_is_file "${output_dir}/favicon.png" &&
file -b --mime-type "${output_dir}/favicon.png" >./favicon_filetype &&
printf "image/png\n" | test_cmp - ./favicon_filetype &&
rm ./favicon_filetype
ok 15 # skip TWO_PROJECTS: should have a favicon (missing TWO_PROJECTS)
skipping test: TWO_PROJECTS: should have a home page and a prototype
test_path_is_file "${output_dir}/index.html" &&
grep -qF "<script src=" "${output_dir}/index.html" &&
test_path_is_file "${output_dir}/prototype/index.html" &&
grep -qF "<script src=" "${output_dir}/prototype/index.html"
ok 16 # skip TWO_PROJECTS: should have a home page and a prototype (missing TWO_PROJECTS)
skipping test: TWO_PROJECTS: should have a discord-invite with redirect
file="${output_dir}/discord-invite/index.html" &&
test_path_is_file "${file}" &&
test_must_fail grep -qF "<script src=" "${file}" &&
url="" &&
needle="<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"0;url=$url\" />" &&
grep -qxF "${needle}" "${file}"
ok 17 # skip TWO_PROJECTS: should have a discord-invite with redirect (missing TWO_PROJECTS)
skipping test: TWO_PROJECTS: should have project ids loaded into env
grep -F "PROJECT_IDS" out &&
grep -xF "PROJECT_IDS: [\"sourcecred-test/example-git\",\"sourcecred-test/example-github\"]" out
ok 18 # skip TWO_PROJECTS: should have project ids loaded into env (missing TWO_PROJECTS)
skipping test: TWO_PROJECTS: should have data for the two projects
# encoded ids for sourcecred-test/example-git and sourcecred-test/example-github
for id in c291cmNlY3JlZC10ZXN0L2V4YW1wbGUtZ2l0aHVi c291cmNlY3JlZC10ZXN0L2V4YW1wbGUtZ2l0; do
test -s "${api_dir}/projects/${id}/cred.json" &&
test -s "${api_dir}/projects/${id}/graph.json" ||
ok 19 # skip TWO_PROJECTS: should have data for the two projects (missing TWO_PROJECTS)
skipping test: TWO_PROJECTS: should have a correct CNAME record
test_path_is_file "${output_dir}/CNAME" &&
printf "" | test_cmp - "${output_dir}/CNAME"
ok 20 # skip TWO_PROJECTS: should have a correct CNAME record (missing TWO_PROJECTS)
skipping test: NO_PROJECTS: should have a favicon
test_path_is_file "${output_dir}/favicon.png" &&
file -b --mime-type "${output_dir}/favicon.png" >./favicon_filetype &&
printf "image/png\n" | test_cmp - ./favicon_filetype &&
rm ./favicon_filetype
ok 21 # skip NO_PROJECTS: should have a favicon (missing NO_PROJECTS)
skipping test: NO_PROJECTS: should have a home page and a prototype
test_path_is_file "${output_dir}/index.html" &&
grep -qF "<script src=" "${output_dir}/index.html" &&
test_path_is_file "${output_dir}/prototype/index.html" &&
grep -qF "<script src=" "${output_dir}/prototype/index.html"
ok 22 # skip NO_PROJECTS: should have a home page and a prototype (missing NO_PROJECTS)
skipping test: NO_PROJECTS: should have a discord-invite with redirect
file="${output_dir}/discord-invite/index.html" &&
test_path_is_file "${file}" &&
test_must_fail grep -qF "<script src=" "${file}" &&
url="" &&
needle="<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"0;url=$url\" />" &&
grep -qxF "${needle}" "${file}"
ok 23 # skip NO_PROJECTS: should have a discord-invite with redirect (missing NO_PROJECTS)
skipping test: NO_REPOS: should have empty list of project ids loaded into env
grep -F "PROJECT_IDS" out &&
grep -xF "PROJECT_IDS: []" out
ok 24 # skip NO_REPOS: should have empty list of project ids loaded into env (missing NO_PROJECTS)
skipping test: NO_REPOS: should not have repository data
for id in c291cmNlY3JlZC9leGFtcGxlLWdpdA== c291cmNlY3JlZC9leGFtcGxlLWdpdGh1Yg==; do
for file in graph.json cred.json; do
test_must_fail test -f "${api_dir}/projects/${id}/${file}" || return
ok 25 # skip NO_REPOS: should not have repository data (missing NO_REPOS)
skipping test: NO_REPOS: should have no CNAME record
test_must_fail test -e "${output_dir}/CNAME"
ok 26 # skip NO_REPOS: should have no CNAME record (missing NO_REPOS)
# failed 1 among 26 test(s)
Dubious, test returned 1 (wstat 256, 0x100)
Failed 1/26 subtests
(less 14 skipped subtests: 11 okay)
test_cli_scores.t ............................................
expecting success:
toplevel="$(git -C "$(dirname "$0")" rev-parse --show-toplevel)" &&
snapshot_directory="${toplevel}/sharness/__snapshots__/" &&
SOURCECRED_DIRECTORY="${snapshot_directory}/example-github-load" &&
snapshot_file="${snapshot_directory}/example-github-scores.json" &&
if [ -z "${SOURCECRED_BIN}" ]; then
printf >&2 "warn: missing environment variable SOURCECRED_BIN\n" &&
printf >&2 "warn: using repository bin directory as fallback\n" &&
export SOURCECRED_BIN="${toplevel}/bin"
fi &&
export NODE_PATH="${toplevel}/node_modules${NODE_PATH:+:${NODE_PATH}}" &&
test_set_prereq SETUP
ok 1 - environment and Node linking setup
expecting success:
test_must_fail run_without_validation scores &&
grep -q "no project ID provided" err &&
grep -q "sourcecred help scores" err
ok 2 - should print help message when called without args
expecting success:
run help scores &&
grep -q "usage: sourcecred scores PROJECT_ID" out
ok 3 - help should print usage info
expecting success:
run scores --help &&
grep -q "usage: sourcecred scores PROJECT_ID" out
ok 4 - --help should print usage info
expecting success:
test_must_fail run_without_validation scores sourcecred/sourcecred torvalds/linux &&
grep -q "fatal: multiple project IDs provided" err
ok 5 - should fail for multiple projects
expecting success:
test_must_fail run_without_validation scores torvalds/linux &&
grep -q "fatal: project torvalds/linux not loaded" err
ok 6 - should fail for unloaded project
skipping test: should update the snapshot
run scores sourcecred-test/example-github &&
mv out "${snapshot_file}"
ok 7 # skip should update the snapshot (missing UPDATE_SNAPSHOT of SETUP,UPDATE_SNAPSHOT)
expecting success:
run scores sourcecred-test/example-github &&
diff -u out ${snapshot_file}
ok 8 - should be identical to the snapshot
# passed all 8 test(s)
test_js_tests_have_top_level_describe_block_with_filename.t ..
expecting success:
root="$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)" &&
(cd "${root}/src" && git ls-files -z "*.test.js") >test_files_z &&
tr "\0" "\n" <test_files_z >test_files &&
test_set_prereq SETUP
ok 1 - setup
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("analysis/nodeScore", () => {
ok 2 - test file: analysis/nodeScore.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("analysis/pagerankNodeDecomposition", () => {
ok 3 - test file: analysis/pagerankNodeDecomposition.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("src/analysis/timeline/distributionToCred", () => {
ok 4 - test file: analysis/timeline/distributionToCred.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("src/analysis/timeline/filterTimelineCred", () => {
ok 5 - test file: analysis/timeline/filterTimelineCred.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("src/analysis/timeline/interval", () => {
ok 6 - test file: analysis/timeline/interval.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("src/analysis/timeline/timelineCred", () => {
ok 7 - test file: analysis/timeline/timelineCred.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("src/analysis/timeline/timelinePagerank", () => {
ok 8 - test file: analysis/timeline/timelinePagerank.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("src/analysis/weightEvaluator", () => {
ok 9 - test file: analysis/weightEvaluator.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("analysis/weights", () => {
ok 10 - test file: analysis/weights.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("analysis/weightsToEdgeEvaluator", () => {
ok 11 - test file: analysis/weightsToEdgeEvaluator.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("api/load", () => {
ok 12 - test file: api/load.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("cli/clear", () => {
ok 13 - test file: cli/clear.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("cli/command", () => {
ok 14 - test file: cli/command.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("cli/common", () => {
ok 15 - test file: cli/common.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("cli/help", () => {
ok 16 - test file: cli/help.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("cli/load", () => {
ok 17 - test file: cli/load.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("cli/main", () => {
ok 18 - test file: cli/main.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("cli/sourcecred", () => {
ok 19 - test file: cli/sourcecred.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("cli/testUtil", () => {
ok 20 - test file: cli/testUtil.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("core/address", () => {
ok 21 - test file: core/address.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("core/attribution/distribution", () => {
ok 22 - test file: core/attribution/distribution.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("core/attribution/graphToMarkovChain", () => {
ok 23 - test file: core/attribution/graphToMarkovChain.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("core/attribution/markovChain", () => {
ok 24 - test file: core/attribution/markovChain.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("core/attribution/nodeDistribution", () => {
ok 25 - test file: core/attribution/nodeDistribution.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("core/graph", () => {
ok 26 - test file: core/graph.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("core/pagerankGraph", () => {
ok 27 - test file: core/pagerankGraph.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("core/project", () => {
ok 28 - test file: core/project.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("core/project_io", () => {
ok 29 - test file: core/project_io.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("core/repoId", () => {
ok 30 - test file: core/repoId.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("core/repoIdRegistry", () => {
ok 31 - test file: core/repoIdRegistry.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("core/trie", () => {
ok 32 - test file: core/trie.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("core/version", () => {
ok 33 - test file: core/version.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("explorer/legacy/App", () => {
ok 34 - test file: explorer/legacy/App.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("explorer/legacy/pagerankTable/Aggregation", () => {
ok 35 - test file: explorer/legacy/pagerankTable/Aggregation.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("explorer/legacy/pagerankTable/Connection", () => {
ok 36 - test file: explorer/legacy/pagerankTable/Connection.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("explorer/legacy/pagerankTable/Node", () => {
ok 37 - test file: explorer/legacy/pagerankTable/Node.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("explorer/legacy/pagerankTable/Table", () => {
ok 38 - test file: explorer/legacy/pagerankTable/Table.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("explorer/legacy/pagerankTable/TableRow", () => {
ok 39 - test file: explorer/legacy/pagerankTable/TableRow.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("explorer/legacy/pagerankTable/aggregate", () => {
ok 40 - test file: explorer/legacy/pagerankTable/aggregate.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("explorer/legacy/state", () => {
ok 41 - test file: explorer/legacy/state.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("explorer/weights/EdgeTypeConfig", () => {
ok 42 - test file: explorer/weights/EdgeTypeConfig.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("explorer/weights/NodeTypeConfig", () => {
ok 43 - test file: explorer/weights/NodeTypeConfig.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("explorer/weights/WeightSlider", () => {
ok 44 - test file: explorer/weights/WeightSlider.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("graphql/generateFlowTypes", () => {
ok 45 - test file: graphql/generateFlowTypes.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("graphql/mirror", () => {
ok 46 - test file: graphql/mirror.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("graphql/queries", () => {
ok 47 - test file: graphql/queries.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("graphql/schema", () => {
ok 48 - test file: graphql/schema.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("homepage/routeData", () => {
ok 49 - test file: homepage/routeData.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("plugins/discourse/createGraph", () => {
ok 50 - test file: plugins/discourse/createGraph.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("plugins/discourse/fetch", () => {
ok 51 - test file: plugins/discourse/fetch.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("plugins/discourse/mirror", () => {
ok 52 - test file: plugins/discourse/mirror.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe.skip("plugins/git/createGraph", () => {
ok 53 - test file: plugins/git/createGraph.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("plugins/git/edges", () => {
ok 54 - test file: plugins/git/edges.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("plugins/git/example/exampleRepo", () => {
ok 55 - test file: plugins/git/example/exampleRepo.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("plugins/git/loadRepository", () => {
ok 56 - test file: plugins/git/loadRepository.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("plugins/git/nodes", () => {
ok 57 - test file: plugins/git/nodes.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("plugins/git/render", () => {
ok 58 - test file: plugins/git/render.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("plugins/github/createGraph", () => {
ok 59 - test file: plugins/github/createGraph.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("plugins/github/edges", () => {
ok 60 - test file: plugins/github/edges.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("plugins/github/fetchGithubRepo", () => {
ok 61 - test file: plugins/github/fetchGithubRepo.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("src/plugins/github/githubGitGateway", () => {
ok 62 - test file: plugins/github/githubGitGateway.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("plugins/github/graphqlTypes", () => {
ok 63 - test file: plugins/github/graphqlTypes.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("plugins/github/nodes", () => {
ok 64 - test file: plugins/github/nodes.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("plugins/github/parseMarkdown", () => {
ok 65 - test file: plugins/github/parseMarkdown.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("plugins/github/parseReferences", () => {
ok 66 - test file: plugins/github/parseReferences.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("plugins/github/relationalView", () => {
ok 67 - test file: plugins/github/relationalView.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("plugins/github/render", () => {
ok 68 - test file: plugins/github/render.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("plugins/github/schema", () => {
ok 69 - test file: plugins/github/schema.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("plugins/github/specToProject", () => {
ok 70 - test file: plugins/github/specToProject.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("plugins/github/urlIdParse", () => {
ok 71 - test file: plugins/github/urlIdParse.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("util/compat", () => {
ok 72 - test file: util/compat.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("util/dedent", () => {
ok 73 - test file: util/dedent.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("util/map", () => {
ok 74 - test file: util/map.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("util/null", () => {
ok 75 - test file: util/null.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("util/pathNormalize", () => {
ok 76 - test file: util/pathNormalize.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("util/taskReporter", () => {
ok 77 - test file: util/taskReporter.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("webutil/Link", () => {
ok 78 - test file: webutil/Link.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("webutil/assets", () => {
ok 79 - test file: webutil/assets.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("webutil/checkedLocalStore", () => {
ok 80 - test file: webutil/checkedLocalStore.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("webutil/createRelativeHistory", () => {
ok 81 - test file: webutil/createRelativeHistory.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("webutil/memoryLocalStore", () => {
ok 82 - test file: webutil/memoryLocalStore.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("webutil/withAssets", () => {
ok 83 - test file: webutil/withAssets.test.js
# passed all 83 test(s)
test_load_example_github.t ...................................
expecting success:
toplevel="$(git -C "$(dirname "$0")" rev-parse --show-toplevel)" &&
snapshot_directory="${toplevel}/sharness/__snapshots__/example-github-load" &&
if [ -z "${SOURCECRED_BIN}" ]; then
printf >&2 "warn: missing environment variable SOURCECRED_BIN\n" &&
printf >&2 "warn: using repository bin directory as fallback\n" &&
export SOURCECRED_BIN="${toplevel}/bin"
fi &&
export NODE_PATH="${toplevel}/node_modules${NODE_PATH:+:${NODE_PATH}}" &&
test_set_prereq SETUP
ok 1 - environment and Node linking setup
expecting success:
load sourcecred-test/example-github &&
rm -rf cache &&
test_set_prereq LOADED_GITHUB
GO load-sourcecred-test/example-github
GO github/sourcecred-test/example-github
DONE github/sourcecred-test/example-github: 4s
GO compute-cred
DONE compute-cred: 68ms
DONE load-sourcecred-test/example-github: 4s
ok 2 - should load sourcecred-test/example-github
skipping test: should update the snapshot
rm -rf "$snapshot_directory" &&
cp -r . "$snapshot_directory"
ok 3 # skip should update the snapshot (missing UPDATE_SNAPSHOT of LOADED_GITHUB,UPDATE_SNAPSHOT)
expecting success:
diff -qr . "$snapshot_directory"
ok 4 - should be identical to the snapshot
# passed all 4 test(s)
test_no_raw_anchor_elements.t ................................
expecting success:
test_must_fail git grep -nF "</a>" \
":/src/*.js" \
":(exclude,top)*/__snapshots__/*" \
":(exclude,top)*/snapshots/*" \
":(exclude,top)src/webutil/Link.js" \
ok 1 - application components must use <Link> instead of <a>
# passed all 1 test(s)
Test Summary Report
test_build_static_site.t (Wstat: 256 Tests: 26 Failed: 1)
Failed test: 12
Non-zero exit status: 1
Files=6, Tests=123, 11 wallclock secs ( 0.09 usr 0.02 sys + 2.04 cusr 1.08 csys = 3.23 CPU)
Result: FAIL
Contents of stderr:
make: *** [prove] Error 1
error Command failed with exit code 2.
PASS lint
Full results
PASS ensure-flow-typing
PASS check-stopships
PASS check-pretty
PASS lint
PASS flow
Contents of stdout:
No errors!
PASS unit
Contents of stderr:
PASS src/plugins/discourse/mirror.test.js
PASS src/plugins/git/example/exampleRepo.test.js
PASS src/core/pagerankGraph.test.js
PASS src/plugins/github/relationalView.test.js
PASS src/plugins/git/render.test.js
PASS src/cli/load.test.js
PASS src/plugins/github/render.test.js
PASS src/cli/main.test.js
PASS src/cli/help.test.js
PASS src/plugins/github/graphqlTypes.test.js
fatal: bad object 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
fatal: Needed a single revision
PASS src/plugins/git/loadRepository.test.js (5.232s)
PASS src/plugins/discourse/fetch.test.js
PASS src/plugins/github/nodes.test.js
PASS src/plugins/discourse/createGraph.test.js
PASS src/plugins/github/createGraph.test.js
PASS src/core/address.test.js
PASS src/analysis/timeline/interval.test.js
PASS src/plugins/github/parseReferences.test.js
PASS src/plugins/github/urlIdParse.test.js
PASS src/analysis/timeline/timelineCred.test.js
PASS src/cli/sourcecred.test.js
PASS src/analysis/weightsToEdgeEvaluator.test.js
PASS src/analysis/pagerankNodeDecomposition.test.js
PASS src/plugins/github/parseMarkdown.test.js
PASS src/plugins/github/edges.test.js
PASS src/analysis/timeline/timelinePagerank.test.js
PASS src/core/repoIdRegistry.test.js
PASS src/plugins/github/githubGitGateway.test.js
PASS src/plugins/git/nodes.test.js
PASS src/plugins/github/specToProject.test.js
PASS src/analysis/nodeScore.test.js
PASS src/cli/testUtil.test.js
PASS src/cli/command.test.js
PASS src/analysis/weightEvaluator.test.js
PASS src/cli/common.test.js
PASS src/analysis/weights.test.js
PASS src/plugins/git/edges.test.js
PASS src/plugins/github/schema.test.js
PASS src/analysis/timeline/distributionToCred.test.js
PASS src/cli/clear.test.js
PASS src/webutil/createRelativeHistory.test.js
PASS src/api/load.test.js
PASS src/explorer/legacy/pagerankTable/Connection.test.js
PASS src/explorer/legacy/pagerankTable/Node.test.js
PASS src/explorer/legacy/state.test.js
PASS src/explorer/legacy/pagerankTable/Table.test.js
PASS src/explorer/legacy/App.test.js
PASS src/webutil/Link.test.js
PASS src/explorer/legacy/pagerankTable/TableRow.test.js
PASS src/graphql/generateFlowTypes.test.js
PASS src/explorer/weights/EdgeTypeConfig.test.js
PASS src/explorer/legacy/pagerankTable/Aggregation.test.js
PASS src/core/graph.test.js
PASS src/analysis/timeline/filterTimelineCred.test.js
PASS src/explorer/weights/NodeTypeConfig.test.js
PASS src/explorer/weights/WeightSlider.test.js
PASS src/util/map.test.js
PASS src/util/null.test.js
PASS src/core/attribution/markovChain.test.js
PASS src/graphql/mirror.test.js (6.786s)
PASS src/explorer/legacy/pagerankTable/aggregate.test.js
PASS src/core/project_io.test.js
PASS src/webutil/assets.test.js
PASS src/core/repoId.test.js
PASS src/graphql/schema.test.js
PASS src/core/trie.test.js
PASS src/util/taskReporter.test.js
PASS src/core/attribution/graphToMarkovChain.test.js
PASS src/util/pathNormalize.test.js
PASS src/webutil/withAssets.test.js
PASS src/core/version.test.js
PASS src/plugins/github/fetchGithubRepo.test.js
PASS src/webutil/memoryLocalStore.test.js
PASS src/core/attribution/nodeDistribution.test.js
PASS src/graphql/queries.test.js
PASS src/core/attribution/distribution.test.js
PASS src/webutil/checkedLocalStore.test.js
PASS src/homepage/routeData.test.js
PASS src/util/dedent.test.js
PASS src/util/compat.test.js
PASS src/core/project.test.js
Test Suites: 1 skipped, 81 passed, 81 of 82 total
Tests: 3 skipped, 1550 passed, 1553 total
Snapshots: 159 passed, 159 total
Time: 20.043s
Ran all test suites.
PASS check-gnu-coreutils
PASS backend
Contents of stdout:
Hash: 70858edfc2309a35df46
Version: webpack 4.39.2
Time: 8475ms
Built at: 09/08/2019 1:22:40 AM
Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
createExampleRepo.js 21.8 KiB createExampleRepo [emitted] createExampleRepo
fetchAndPrintGithubOrg.js 135 KiB fetchAndPrintGithubOrg [emitted] fetchAndPrintGithubOrg
fetchAndPrintGithubRepo.js 132 KiB fetchAndPrintGithubRepo [emitted] fetchAndPrintGithubRepo
generateGithubGraphqlFlowTypes.js 24.9 KiB generateGithubGraphqlFlowTypes [emitted] generateGithubGraphqlFlowTypes
sourcecred.js 406 KiB sourcecred [emitted] sourcecred
Entrypoint sourcecred = sourcecred.js
Entrypoint generateGithubGraphqlFlowTypes = generateGithubGraphqlFlowTypes.js
Entrypoint fetchAndPrintGithubRepo = fetchAndPrintGithubRepo.js
Entrypoint fetchAndPrintGithubOrg = fetchAndPrintGithubOrg.js
Entrypoint createExampleRepo = createExampleRepo.js
[./src/cli/command.js] 242 bytes {sourcecred} [built]
[./src/cli/main.js] 482 bytes {sourcecred} [built]
[./src/cli/sourcecred.js] 735 bytes {sourcecred} [built]
[./src/core/repoId.js] 858 bytes {sourcecred} {fetchAndPrintGithubRepo} {fetchAndPrintGithubOrg} [built]
[./src/plugins/git/bin/createExampleRepo.js] 1.13 KiB {createExampleRepo} [built]
[./src/plugins/git/example/exampleRepo.js] 3.66 KiB {createExampleRepo} [built]
[./src/plugins/github/bin/fetchAndPrintGithubOrg.js] 1.17 KiB {fetchAndPrintGithubOrg} [built]
[./src/plugins/github/bin/fetchAndPrintGithubRepo.js] 1.21 KiB {fetchAndPrintGithubRepo} [built]
[./src/plugins/github/bin/generateGraphqlFlowTypes.js] 115 bytes {generateGithubGraphqlFlowTypes} [built]
[./src/plugins/github/fetchGithubOrg.js] 2.36 KiB {sourcecred} {fetchAndPrintGithubOrg} [built]
[./src/plugins/github/fetchGithubRepo.js] 6.26 KiB {sourcecred} {fetchAndPrintGithubRepo} {fetchAndPrintGithubOrg} [built]
[./src/plugins/github/generateGraphqlFlowTypes.js] 1.26 KiB {generateGithubGraphqlFlowTypes} [built]
[./src/tools/entry.js] 509 bytes {sourcecred} [built]
[./src/util/null.js] 3.1 KiB {sourcecred} {fetchAndPrintGithubRepo} {fetchAndPrintGithubOrg} {createExampleRepo} [built]
[fs] external "fs" 42 bytes {createExampleRepo} [built]
+ 76 hidden modules
Contents of stderr:
Removing contents of build directory: /var/folders/qd/1fl34l356hgg1b0tg8hpcnxr0000gn/T/sourcecred-test-29351l6q4FBhlvd9j
(node:29369) DeprecationWarning: Tapable.plugin is deprecated. Use new API on `.hooks` instead
FAIL sharness-full
Exit code: 2
Contents of stdout:
*** prove ***
dummy.t ......................................................
expecting success: true
ok 1 - should trivially pass
# passed all 1 test(s)
test_build_static_site.t .....................................
expecting success:
run --help >msg 2>err &&
test_must_be_empty err &&
test_path_is_file msg &&
grep -qF "usage:" msg
ok 1 - should print a help message
expecting success:
test_must_fail run 2>err &&
grep -qF -- "target directory not specified" err
ok 2 - should fail with no target
expecting success:
test_must_fail run --target 2>err &&
grep -qF -- "missing value for --target" err
ok 3 - should fail with missing target value
expecting success:
mkdir one two &&
test_must_fail run --target one --target two 2>err &&
grep -qF -- "--target specified multiple times" err
ok 4 - should fail with multiple targets
expecting success:
printf "important\nstuff" >important_data &&
test_must_fail run --target important_data 2>err &&
grep -qF -- "target is not a directory" err &&
printf "important\nstuff" | test_cmp - important_data
ok 5 - should fail with a file as target
expecting success:
printf "important\nstuff" >important_data &&
test_must_fail run --target important_data/something 2>err &&
grep -q -- "cannot create directory.*Not a directory" err &&
printf "important\nstuff" | test_cmp - important_data
ok 6 - should fail with a target under a file
expecting success:
mkdir important_dir &&
printf "redacted\n" >important_dir/.wallet.dat &&
test_must_fail run --target important_dir 2>err &&
grep -qF -- "target directory is nonempty: important_dir" err &&
printf "redacted\n" | test_cmp - important_dir/.wallet.dat
ok 7 - should fail with a nonempty directory as target
expecting success:
test_must_fail run --target putative_output --project 2>err &&
grep -qF -- "missing value for --project" err &&
printf "redacted\n" | test_cmp - important_dir/.wallet.dat
ok 8 - should fail with missing project value
expecting success:
test_must_fail run --target putative_output --cname 2>err &&
grep -qF -- "missing value for --cname" err &&
printf "redacted\n" | test_cmp - important_dir/.wallet.dat
ok 9 - should fail with missing cname value
expecting success:
test_must_fail run --target putative_output --cname "" 2>err &&
grep -qF -- "empty value for --cname" err &&
printf "redacted\n" | test_cmp - important_dir/.wallet.dat
ok 10 - should fail with empty cname
expecting success:
test_must_fail run --target putative_output \
--cname --cname 2>err &&
grep -qF -- "--cname specified multiple times" err &&
printf "redacted\n" | test_cmp - important_dir/.wallet.dat
ok 11 - should fail with multiple cname values
expecting success:
if [ -n "${unsafe_arg}" ]; then
printf >&2 "fatal: potentially unsafe argument: %s\n" "${arg}" &&
fi &&
run --target build_output/output_TWO_PROJECTS --no-backend --cname --project sourcecred-test/example-git --project sourcecred-test/example-github >out 2>err &&
test_must_fail grep -vF \
-e "Removing contents of build directory: " \
-e "info: loading project" \
-e "DeprecationWarning: Tapable.plugin is deprecated." \
err &&
test_path_is_dir "${output_dir}" &&
test_path_is_dir "${api_dir}" &&
test_set_prereq "${prereq_name}"
not ok 12 - TWO_PROJECTS: should build the site with two projects and a CNAME
# if [ -n "${unsafe_arg}" ]; then
# printf >&2 "fatal: potentially unsafe argument: %s
# " "${arg}" &&
# false
# fi &&
# run --target build_output/output_TWO_PROJECTS --no-backend --cname --project sourcecred-test/example-git --project sourcecred-test/example-github >out 2>err &&
# test_must_fail grep -vF \
# -e "Removing contents of build directory: " \
# -e "info: loading project" \
# -e "DeprecationWarning: Tapable.plugin is deprecated." \
# err &&
# test_path_is_dir "${output_dir}" &&
# test_path_is_dir "${api_dir}" &&
# test_set_prereq "${prereq_name}"
skipping test: TWO_PROJECTS: should have no cache
test_must_fail test_path_is_dir "${api_dir}/cache"
ok 13 # skip TWO_PROJECTS: should have no cache (missing TWO_PROJECTS)
skipping test: TWO_PROJECTS: should have a bundle
js_bundle_path= &&
js_bundle_path_glob="${output_dir}"/static/js/main.*.js &&
for main_js in ${js_bundle_path_glob}; do
if ! [ -e "${main_js}" ]; then
printf >&2 "fatal: no main bundle found\n" &&
return 1
elif [ -n "${js_bundle_path}" ]; then
printf >&2 "fatal: multiple main bundles found:\n" &&
printf >&2 " %s\n" ${js_bundle_path_glob} &&
return 1
ok 14 # skip TWO_PROJECTS: should have a bundle (missing TWO_PROJECTS)
skipping test: TWO_PROJECTS: should have a favicon
test_path_is_file "${output_dir}/favicon.png" &&
file -b --mime-type "${output_dir}/favicon.png" >./favicon_filetype &&
printf "image/png\n" | test_cmp - ./favicon_filetype &&
rm ./favicon_filetype
ok 15 # skip TWO_PROJECTS: should have a favicon (missing TWO_PROJECTS)
skipping test: TWO_PROJECTS: should have a home page and a prototype
test_path_is_file "${output_dir}/index.html" &&
grep -qF "<script src=" "${output_dir}/index.html" &&
test_path_is_file "${output_dir}/prototype/index.html" &&
grep -qF "<script src=" "${output_dir}/prototype/index.html"
ok 16 # skip TWO_PROJECTS: should have a home page and a prototype (missing TWO_PROJECTS)
skipping test: TWO_PROJECTS: should have a discord-invite with redirect
file="${output_dir}/discord-invite/index.html" &&
test_path_is_file "${file}" &&
test_must_fail grep -qF "<script src=" "${file}" &&
url="" &&
needle="<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"0;url=$url\" />" &&
grep -qxF "${needle}" "${file}"
ok 17 # skip TWO_PROJECTS: should have a discord-invite with redirect (missing TWO_PROJECTS)
skipping test: TWO_PROJECTS: should have project ids loaded into env
grep -F "PROJECT_IDS" out &&
grep -xF "PROJECT_IDS: [\"sourcecred-test/example-git\",\"sourcecred-test/example-github\"]" out
ok 18 # skip TWO_PROJECTS: should have project ids loaded into env (missing TWO_PROJECTS)
skipping test: TWO_PROJECTS: should have data for the two projects
# encoded ids for sourcecred-test/example-git and sourcecred-test/example-github
for id in c291cmNlY3JlZC10ZXN0L2V4YW1wbGUtZ2l0aHVi c291cmNlY3JlZC10ZXN0L2V4YW1wbGUtZ2l0; do
test -s "${api_dir}/projects/${id}/cred.json" &&
test -s "${api_dir}/projects/${id}/graph.json" ||
ok 19 # skip TWO_PROJECTS: should have data for the two projects (missing TWO_PROJECTS)
skipping test: TWO_PROJECTS: should have a correct CNAME record
test_path_is_file "${output_dir}/CNAME" &&
printf "" | test_cmp - "${output_dir}/CNAME"
ok 20 # skip TWO_PROJECTS: should have a correct CNAME record (missing TWO_PROJECTS)
skipping test: NO_PROJECTS: should have a favicon
test_path_is_file "${output_dir}/favicon.png" &&
file -b --mime-type "${output_dir}/favicon.png" >./favicon_filetype &&
printf "image/png\n" | test_cmp - ./favicon_filetype &&
rm ./favicon_filetype
ok 21 # skip NO_PROJECTS: should have a favicon (missing NO_PROJECTS)
skipping test: NO_PROJECTS: should have a home page and a prototype
test_path_is_file "${output_dir}/index.html" &&
grep -qF "<script src=" "${output_dir}/index.html" &&
test_path_is_file "${output_dir}/prototype/index.html" &&
grep -qF "<script src=" "${output_dir}/prototype/index.html"
ok 22 # skip NO_PROJECTS: should have a home page and a prototype (missing NO_PROJECTS)
skipping test: NO_PROJECTS: should have a discord-invite with redirect
file="${output_dir}/discord-invite/index.html" &&
test_path_is_file "${file}" &&
test_must_fail grep -qF "<script src=" "${file}" &&
url="" &&
needle="<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"0;url=$url\" />" &&
grep -qxF "${needle}" "${file}"
ok 23 # skip NO_PROJECTS: should have a discord-invite with redirect (missing NO_PROJECTS)
skipping test: NO_REPOS: should have empty list of project ids loaded into env
grep -F "PROJECT_IDS" out &&
grep -xF "PROJECT_IDS: []" out
ok 24 # skip NO_REPOS: should have empty list of project ids loaded into env (missing NO_PROJECTS)
skipping test: NO_REPOS: should not have repository data
for id in c291cmNlY3JlZC9leGFtcGxlLWdpdA== c291cmNlY3JlZC9leGFtcGxlLWdpdGh1Yg==; do
for file in graph.json cred.json; do
test_must_fail test -f "${api_dir}/projects/${id}/${file}" || return
ok 25 # skip NO_REPOS: should not have repository data (missing NO_REPOS)
skipping test: NO_REPOS: should have no CNAME record
test_must_fail test -e "${output_dir}/CNAME"
ok 26 # skip NO_REPOS: should have no CNAME record (missing NO_REPOS)
# failed 1 among 26 test(s)
Dubious, test returned 1 (wstat 256, 0x100)
Failed 1/26 subtests
(less 14 skipped subtests: 11 okay)
test_cli_scores.t ............................................
expecting success:
toplevel="$(git -C "$(dirname "$0")" rev-parse --show-toplevel)" &&
snapshot_directory="${toplevel}/sharness/__snapshots__/" &&
SOURCECRED_DIRECTORY="${snapshot_directory}/example-github-load" &&
snapshot_file="${snapshot_directory}/example-github-scores.json" &&
if [ -z "${SOURCECRED_BIN}" ]; then
printf >&2 "warn: missing environment variable SOURCECRED_BIN\n" &&
printf >&2 "warn: using repository bin directory as fallback\n" &&
export SOURCECRED_BIN="${toplevel}/bin"
fi &&
export NODE_PATH="${toplevel}/node_modules${NODE_PATH:+:${NODE_PATH}}" &&
test_set_prereq SETUP
ok 1 - environment and Node linking setup
expecting success:
test_must_fail run_without_validation scores &&
grep -q "no project ID provided" err &&
grep -q "sourcecred help scores" err
ok 2 - should print help message when called without args
expecting success:
run help scores &&
grep -q "usage: sourcecred scores PROJECT_ID" out
ok 3 - help should print usage info
expecting success:
run scores --help &&
grep -q "usage: sourcecred scores PROJECT_ID" out
ok 4 - --help should print usage info
expecting success:
test_must_fail run_without_validation scores sourcecred/sourcecred torvalds/linux &&
grep -q "fatal: multiple project IDs provided" err
ok 5 - should fail for multiple projects
expecting success:
test_must_fail run_without_validation scores torvalds/linux &&
grep -q "fatal: project torvalds/linux not loaded" err
ok 6 - should fail for unloaded project
skipping test: should update the snapshot
run scores sourcecred-test/example-github &&
mv out "${snapshot_file}"
ok 7 # skip should update the snapshot (missing UPDATE_SNAPSHOT of SETUP,UPDATE_SNAPSHOT)
expecting success:
run scores sourcecred-test/example-github &&
diff -u out ${snapshot_file}
ok 8 - should be identical to the snapshot
# passed all 8 test(s)
test_js_tests_have_top_level_describe_block_with_filename.t ..
expecting success:
root="$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)" &&
(cd "${root}/src" && git ls-files -z "*.test.js") >test_files_z &&
tr "\0" "\n" <test_files_z >test_files &&
test_set_prereq SETUP
ok 1 - setup
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("analysis/nodeScore", () => {
ok 2 - test file: analysis/nodeScore.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("analysis/pagerankNodeDecomposition", () => {
ok 3 - test file: analysis/pagerankNodeDecomposition.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("src/analysis/timeline/distributionToCred", () => {
ok 4 - test file: analysis/timeline/distributionToCred.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("src/analysis/timeline/filterTimelineCred", () => {
ok 5 - test file: analysis/timeline/filterTimelineCred.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("src/analysis/timeline/interval", () => {
ok 6 - test file: analysis/timeline/interval.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("src/analysis/timeline/timelineCred", () => {
ok 7 - test file: analysis/timeline/timelineCred.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("src/analysis/timeline/timelinePagerank", () => {
ok 8 - test file: analysis/timeline/timelinePagerank.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("src/analysis/weightEvaluator", () => {
ok 9 - test file: analysis/weightEvaluator.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("analysis/weights", () => {
ok 10 - test file: analysis/weights.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("analysis/weightsToEdgeEvaluator", () => {
ok 11 - test file: analysis/weightsToEdgeEvaluator.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("api/load", () => {
ok 12 - test file: api/load.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("cli/clear", () => {
ok 13 - test file: cli/clear.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("cli/command", () => {
ok 14 - test file: cli/command.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("cli/common", () => {
ok 15 - test file: cli/common.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("cli/help", () => {
ok 16 - test file: cli/help.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("cli/load", () => {
ok 17 - test file: cli/load.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("cli/main", () => {
ok 18 - test file: cli/main.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("cli/sourcecred", () => {
ok 19 - test file: cli/sourcecred.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("cli/testUtil", () => {
ok 20 - test file: cli/testUtil.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("core/address", () => {
ok 21 - test file: core/address.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("core/attribution/distribution", () => {
ok 22 - test file: core/attribution/distribution.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("core/attribution/graphToMarkovChain", () => {
ok 23 - test file: core/attribution/graphToMarkovChain.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("core/attribution/markovChain", () => {
ok 24 - test file: core/attribution/markovChain.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("core/attribution/nodeDistribution", () => {
ok 25 - test file: core/attribution/nodeDistribution.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("core/graph", () => {
ok 26 - test file: core/graph.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("core/pagerankGraph", () => {
ok 27 - test file: core/pagerankGraph.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("core/project", () => {
ok 28 - test file: core/project.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("core/project_io", () => {
ok 29 - test file: core/project_io.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("core/repoId", () => {
ok 30 - test file: core/repoId.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("core/repoIdRegistry", () => {
ok 31 - test file: core/repoIdRegistry.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("core/trie", () => {
ok 32 - test file: core/trie.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("core/version", () => {
ok 33 - test file: core/version.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("explorer/legacy/App", () => {
ok 34 - test file: explorer/legacy/App.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("explorer/legacy/pagerankTable/Aggregation", () => {
ok 35 - test file: explorer/legacy/pagerankTable/Aggregation.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("explorer/legacy/pagerankTable/Connection", () => {
ok 36 - test file: explorer/legacy/pagerankTable/Connection.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("explorer/legacy/pagerankTable/Node", () => {
ok 37 - test file: explorer/legacy/pagerankTable/Node.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("explorer/legacy/pagerankTable/Table", () => {
ok 38 - test file: explorer/legacy/pagerankTable/Table.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("explorer/legacy/pagerankTable/TableRow", () => {
ok 39 - test file: explorer/legacy/pagerankTable/TableRow.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("explorer/legacy/pagerankTable/aggregate", () => {
ok 40 - test file: explorer/legacy/pagerankTable/aggregate.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("explorer/legacy/state", () => {
ok 41 - test file: explorer/legacy/state.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("explorer/weights/EdgeTypeConfig", () => {
ok 42 - test file: explorer/weights/EdgeTypeConfig.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("explorer/weights/NodeTypeConfig", () => {
ok 43 - test file: explorer/weights/NodeTypeConfig.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("explorer/weights/WeightSlider", () => {
ok 44 - test file: explorer/weights/WeightSlider.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("graphql/generateFlowTypes", () => {
ok 45 - test file: graphql/generateFlowTypes.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("graphql/mirror", () => {
ok 46 - test file: graphql/mirror.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("graphql/queries", () => {
ok 47 - test file: graphql/queries.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("graphql/schema", () => {
ok 48 - test file: graphql/schema.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("homepage/routeData", () => {
ok 49 - test file: homepage/routeData.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("plugins/discourse/createGraph", () => {
ok 50 - test file: plugins/discourse/createGraph.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("plugins/discourse/fetch", () => {
ok 51 - test file: plugins/discourse/fetch.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("plugins/discourse/mirror", () => {
ok 52 - test file: plugins/discourse/mirror.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe.skip("plugins/git/createGraph", () => {
ok 53 - test file: plugins/git/createGraph.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("plugins/git/edges", () => {
ok 54 - test file: plugins/git/edges.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("plugins/git/example/exampleRepo", () => {
ok 55 - test file: plugins/git/example/exampleRepo.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("plugins/git/loadRepository", () => {
ok 56 - test file: plugins/git/loadRepository.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("plugins/git/nodes", () => {
ok 57 - test file: plugins/git/nodes.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("plugins/git/render", () => {
ok 58 - test file: plugins/git/render.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("plugins/github/createGraph", () => {
ok 59 - test file: plugins/github/createGraph.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("plugins/github/edges", () => {
ok 60 - test file: plugins/github/edges.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("plugins/github/fetchGithubRepo", () => {
ok 61 - test file: plugins/github/fetchGithubRepo.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("src/plugins/github/githubGitGateway", () => {
ok 62 - test file: plugins/github/githubGitGateway.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("plugins/github/graphqlTypes", () => {
ok 63 - test file: plugins/github/graphqlTypes.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("plugins/github/nodes", () => {
ok 64 - test file: plugins/github/nodes.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("plugins/github/parseMarkdown", () => {
ok 65 - test file: plugins/github/parseMarkdown.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("plugins/github/parseReferences", () => {
ok 66 - test file: plugins/github/parseReferences.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("plugins/github/relationalView", () => {
ok 67 - test file: plugins/github/relationalView.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("plugins/github/render", () => {
ok 68 - test file: plugins/github/render.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("plugins/github/schema", () => {
ok 69 - test file: plugins/github/schema.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("plugins/github/specToProject", () => {
ok 70 - test file: plugins/github/specToProject.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("plugins/github/urlIdParse", () => {
ok 71 - test file: plugins/github/urlIdParse.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("util/compat", () => {
ok 72 - test file: util/compat.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("util/dedent", () => {
ok 73 - test file: util/dedent.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("util/map", () => {
ok 74 - test file: util/map.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("util/null", () => {
ok 75 - test file: util/null.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("util/pathNormalize", () => {
ok 76 - test file: util/pathNormalize.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("util/taskReporter", () => {
ok 77 - test file: util/taskReporter.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("webutil/Link", () => {
ok 78 - test file: webutil/Link.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("webutil/assets", () => {
ok 79 - test file: webutil/assets.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("webutil/checkedLocalStore", () => {
ok 80 - test file: webutil/checkedLocalStore.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("webutil/createRelativeHistory", () => {
ok 81 - test file: webutil/createRelativeHistory.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("webutil/memoryLocalStore", () => {
ok 82 - test file: webutil/memoryLocalStore.test.js
expecting success:
grep "^describe\(\.skip\)\?(" -- "${root}/src/${filename}" >describes &&
grep -F -- "${filename%.test.js}" describes
describe("webutil/withAssets", () => {
ok 83 - test file: webutil/withAssets.test.js
# passed all 83 test(s)
test_load_example_github.t ...................................
expecting success:
toplevel="$(git -C "$(dirname "$0")" rev-parse --show-toplevel)" &&
snapshot_directory="${toplevel}/sharness/__snapshots__/example-github-load" &&
if [ -z "${SOURCECRED_BIN}" ]; then
printf >&2 "warn: missing environment variable SOURCECRED_BIN\n" &&
printf >&2 "warn: using repository bin directory as fallback\n" &&
export SOURCECRED_BIN="${toplevel}/bin"
fi &&
export NODE_PATH="${toplevel}/node_modules${NODE_PATH:+:${NODE_PATH}}" &&
test_set_prereq SETUP
ok 1 - environment and Node linking setup
expecting success:
load sourcecred-test/example-github &&
rm -rf cache &&
test_set_prereq LOADED_GITHUB
GO load-sourcecred-test/example-github
GO github/sourcecred-test/example-github
DONE github/sourcecred-test/example-github: 4s
GO compute-cred
DONE compute-cred: 68ms
DONE load-sourcecred-test/example-github: 4s
ok 2 - should load sourcecred-test/example-github
skipping test: should update the snapshot
rm -rf "$snapshot_directory" &&
cp -r . "$snapshot_directory"
ok 3 # skip should update the snapshot (missing UPDATE_SNAPSHOT of LOADED_GITHUB,UPDATE_SNAPSHOT)
expecting success:
diff -qr . "$snapshot_directory"
ok 4 - should be identical to the snapshot
# passed all 4 test(s)
test_no_raw_anchor_elements.t ................................
expecting success:
test_must_fail git grep -nF "</a>" \
":/src/*.js" \
":(exclude,top)*/__snapshots__/*" \
":(exclude,top)*/snapshots/*" \
":(exclude,top)src/webutil/Link.js" \
ok 1 - application components must use <Link> instead of <a>
# passed all 1 test(s)
Test Summary Report
test_build_static_site.t (Wstat: 256 Tests: 26 Failed: 1)
Failed test: 12
Non-zero exit status: 1
Files=6, Tests=123, 11 wallclock secs ( 0.09 usr 0.02 sys + 2.04 cusr 1.08 csys = 3.23 CPU)
Result: FAIL
Contents of stderr:
make: *** [prove] Error 1
error Command failed with exit code 2.
PASS fetchGithubRepoTest
PASS fetchGithubOrgTest
Failed tasks:
- sharness-full
Final result: FAILURE
info Visit for documentation about this command.
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