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Created February 19, 2012 21:51
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Play router
1. Delete conf/routes file
2. Put PlayNavigator.scala and Routes.scala in app/ directory
3. Put Application.scala and Todos.scala in app/controllers/ directory
package controllers
// import play.api._
import play.api.mvc._
object Application extends Controller {
def index: Action[_] = Action {
Ok("Applcation.index => " + Routing.index())
def about: Action[_] = Action {
Ok("Application.about => " + Routing.about() + " or " + Routing.api.v2.about())
def show(id: Int): Action[_] = Action {
Ok(" => %s" format (id,
def bar(f: Float, b: Boolean, s: String): Action[_] = Action {
Ok(", %b, %s) => %s" format (f, b, s,,b,s)))
def long(path: String) = Action {
Ok("Application.long(%s)" format path)
def extJson(id: Int) = Action { Ok("Application.extJson(%d)" format id) }
def extXml(id: String) = Action { Ok("Application.extXml(%s)" format id) }
import play.api.libs.iteratee._
def ws = WebSocket.using[String] { request =>
// Log events to the console
val in = Iteratee.foreach[String](println).mapDone { _ =>
// Send a single 'Hello!' message
val out = Enumerator("Hello!")
(in, out)
GET /index
GET /about
POST /foo
GET /show/[Int]
GET /ws
GET /bar/[Float]/[Boolean]/blah/[java.lang.String]
GET /todos
GET /todos/new
POST /todos
GET /todos/[Int]
GET /todos/[Int]/edit
PUT /todos/[Int]
DELETE /todos/[Int]
GET /long/**
GET /ext/[Int].json
GET /ext/[String].xml
GET /api/v1/index
GET /api/v2/about
GET /showalt/[Int]
package navigator
import play.api.mvc._
trait Navigator[Out] {
val navigatorRoutes = new collection.mutable.ListBuffer[Route]
def addRoute[T <: Route](route: T): T = {
navigatorRoutes += route
type In = Array[String]
sealed trait PathElem
case class Static(name: String) extends PathElem {
override def toString = name
case object * extends PathElem
case object ** extends PathElem
sealed trait Method {
def on[T](path: RoutePath[T]): T = path.withMethod(this)
def on(name: String) = RoutePath0(this, Static(name) :: Nil)
val root = RoutePath0(ANY, Nil)
case object ANY extends Method
case object OPTIONS extends Method
case object GET extends Method
case object HEAD extends Method
case object POST extends Method
case object PUT extends Method
case object DELETE extends Method
case object TRACE extends Method
case object CONNECT extends Method
trait BasicRoutePath {
def parts: List[PathElem]
def method: Method
def ext: Option[String]
def variableIndices = parts.zipWithIndex.collect { case (e,i) if e == * => i }
def length = parts.length
override def toString = method.toString + "\t/" + parts.mkString("/") + extString
def extString = { "." + _ } getOrElse ""
sealed trait RoutePath[Self] extends BasicRoutePath {
def withMethod(method: Method): Self
case class RoutePath0(method: Method, parts: List[PathElem], ext: Option[String] = None) extends RoutePath[RoutePath0] {
def /(static: Static) = RoutePath0(method, parts :+ static)
def /(p: PathElem) = RoutePath1(method, parts :+ p)
def to(f0: () => Out) = addRoute(Route0(this.copy(parts = currentNamespace ++ parts), f0))
def withMethod(method: Method) = RoutePath0(method, parts)
def as(ext: String) = RoutePath0(method, parts, Some(ext))
case class RoutePath1(method: Method, parts: List[PathElem], ext: Option[String] = None) extends RoutePath[RoutePath1] {
def /(static: Static) = RoutePath1(method, parts :+ static)
def /(p: PathElem) = RoutePath2(method, parts :+ p)
def to[A : ParamMatcher : Manifest](f1: A => Out) = addRoute(Route1(this.copy(parts = currentNamespace ++ parts), f1))
def withMethod(method: Method) = RoutePath1(method, parts)
def as(ext: String) = RoutePath1(method, parts, Some(ext))
case class RoutePath2(method: Method, parts: List[PathElem], ext: Option[String] = None) extends RoutePath[RoutePath2] {
def /(static: Static) = RoutePath2(method, parts :+ static)
def /(p: *.type) = RoutePath3(method, parts :+ p)
def to[A : ParamMatcher : Manifest, B : ParamMatcher : Manifest](f2: (A, B) => Out) = addRoute(Route2(this.copy(parts = currentNamespace ++ parts), f2))
def withMethod(method: Method) = RoutePath2(method, parts)
def as(ext: String) = RoutePath2(method, parts, Some(ext))
case class RoutePath3(method: Method, parts: List[PathElem], ext: Option[String] = None) extends RoutePath[RoutePath3] {
def /(static: Static) = RoutePath3(method, parts :+ static)
// def /(p: *.type) = RoutePath3(method, parts :+ p)
def to[A : ParamMatcher : Manifest, B : ParamMatcher : Manifest, C : ParamMatcher : Manifest](f3: (A,B,C) => Out) = addRoute(Route3(this.copy(parts = currentNamespace ++ parts), f3))
def withMethod(method: Method) = RoutePath3(method, parts)
def as(ext: String) = RoutePath3(method, parts, Some(ext))
implicit def stringToRoutePath0(name: String) = RoutePath0(ANY, Static(name) :: Nil)
implicit def asterixToRoutePath1(ast: *.type) = RoutePath1(ANY, ast :: Nil)
implicit def stringToStatic(name: String) = Static(name)
trait ParamMatcher[T]{
def unapply(s: String): Option[T]
def silent[T](f: => T) = try { Some(f) } catch { case _ => None }
implicit val IntParamMatcher = new ParamMatcher[Int] { def unapply(s: String) = silent(s.toInt) }
implicit val LongParamMatcher = new ParamMatcher[Long] { def unapply(s: String) = silent(s.toLong) }
implicit val FloatParamMatcher = new ParamMatcher[Float] { def unapply(s: String) = silent(s.toFloat) }
implicit val DoubleParamMatcher = new ParamMatcher[Double] { def unapply(s: String) = silent(s.toDouble) }
implicit val StringParamMatcher = new ParamMatcher[String] { def unapply(s: String) = Some(s) }
implicit val BooleanParamMatcher = new ParamMatcher[Boolean] {
def unapply(s: String) = s match {
case "1" | "true" => Some(true)
case "0" | "false" => Some(false)
case _ => None
object Resolver {
def resolvePath0(parts: List[PathElem], in: In, fun: () => Out): Option[() => Out] = {
if(in.length == parts.length && parts.zipWithIndex.forall {
case (elem, i) => elem match {
case * | ** => true
case Static(name) => name == in(i)
}) Some(fun)
else None
def resolvePath1[A : ParamMatcher](parts: List[PathElem], in: In, fun: A => Out): Option[() => Out] = {
val pm1 = implicitly[ParamMatcher[A]]
(in.headOption, parts) match {
case (Some(first), Static(name) :: rest) if name == first => resolvePath1(rest, in.drop(1), fun)
case (Some(pm1(a)), * :: rest) => resolvePath0(rest, in.drop(1), () => fun(a))
case (Some(first), ** :: rest) => join(in) match {
case pm1(a) => resolvePath0(Nil, Array(), () => fun(a))
case _ => None
case _ => None
def resolvePath2[A : ParamMatcher, B : ParamMatcher](parts: List[PathElem], in: In, fun: (A,B) => Out): Option[() => Out] = {
val pm1 = implicitly[ParamMatcher[A]]
(in.headOption, parts) match {
case (Some(first), Static(name) :: rest) if name == first => resolvePath2(rest, in.drop(1), fun)
case (Some(pm1(a)), * :: rest) => resolvePath1(rest, in.drop(1), (b: B) => fun(a,b))
case (Some(first), ** :: rest) => join(in) match {
case pm1(a) => resolvePath1(Nil, Array(), (b: B) => fun(a,b))
case _ => None
case _ => None
def resolvePath3[A : ParamMatcher, B : ParamMatcher, C : ParamMatcher](parts: List[PathElem], in: In, fun: (A,B,C) => Out): Option[() => Out] = {
val pm1 = implicitly[ParamMatcher[A]]
(in.headOption, parts) match {
case (Some(first), Static(name) :: rest) if name == first => resolvePath3(rest, in.drop(1), fun)
case (Some(pm1(a)), * :: rest) => resolvePath2(rest, in.drop(1), (b: B, c: C) => fun(a,b,c))
case (Some(first), ** :: rest) => join(in) match {
case pm1(a) => resolvePath2(Nil, Array(), (b: B, c: C) => fun(a,b,c))
case _ => None
case _ => None
def join(in: In) = in.mkString("/")
sealed trait Route {
def path: BasicRoutePath
def matches(method: String, parts: Array[String]): Option[() => Out] = {
if(path.method.toString == method) {
path.ext map { ext =>
for {
last <- parts.lastOption
lastSplitted = last.split("\\.")
urlext <- lastSplitted.lastOption
if ext == urlext
matched <- matchPath(parts.dropRight(1) :+ lastSplitted.dropRight(1).mkString("."))
} yield matched
} getOrElse matchPath(parts)
} else {
def args: List[scala.reflect.Manifest[_]]
def matchPath(in: In): Option[() => Out]
def createPath(args: List[String]) = (("", args) /:{
case ((res, x :: xs), *) => (res + "/" + x, xs)
case ((res, xs), e) => (res + "/" + e.toString, xs)
case class Route0(path: RoutePath0, fun: () => Out) extends Route {
def apply() = createPath(Nil)
def matchPath(in: In) = Resolver.resolvePath0(, in, fun)
def args = Nil
case class Route1[A : ParamMatcher : Manifest](path: RoutePath1, fun: A => Out) extends Route {
def apply(a: A) = createPath(a.toString :: Nil)
def matchPath(in: In) = Resolver.resolvePath1(, in, fun)
def args = manifest[A] :: Nil
case class Route2[A : ParamMatcher : Manifest, B : ParamMatcher : Manifest](path: RoutePath2, fun: (A,B) => Out) extends Route {
def apply(a: A, b: B) = createPath(a.toString :: b.toString :: Nil)
def matchPath(in: In) = Resolver.resolvePath2(, in, fun)
def args = manifest[A] :: manifest[B] :: Nil
case class Route3[A : ParamMatcher : Manifest, B : ParamMatcher : Manifest, C : ParamMatcher : Manifest](path: RoutePath3, fun: (A,B,C) => Out) extends Route {
def apply(a: A, b: B, c: C) = createPath(a.toString :: b.toString :: c.toString :: Nil)
def matchPath(in: In) = Resolver.resolvePath3(, in, fun)
def args = List(manifest[A], manifest[B], manifest[C])
lazy val _documentation = { route =>
val (parts, _) = ((List[String](), route.args) /:{
case ((res, x :: xs), *) => (res :+ ("[" + x + "]"), xs)
case ((res, xs), e) => (res :+ e.toString, xs)
(route.path.method.toString, parts.mkString("/", "/", "") + route.path.extString, route.args.mkString("(", ", ", ")"))
trait ResourcesRouting[T] {
val index: Route0
val `new`: Route0
val create: Route0
val show: Route1[T]
val edit: Route1[T]
val update: Route1[T]
val delete: Route1[T]
// namespace
protected val namespaceStack = new collection.mutable.Stack[Static]
def currentNamespace = namespaceStack.toList.reverse
def namespace(path: Static)(f: => Unit) = {
namespaceStack push path
class Namespace(path: Static) extends DelayedInit {
def delayedInit(body: => Unit) = namespace(path)(body)
// resources
def resources[T : ParamMatcher : Manifest](name: String, controller: Resources[T, Out]) = new ResourcesRouting[T] {
val index = GET on name to controller.index _
val `new` = GET on name / "new" to controller.`new` _
val create = POST on name to controller.create _
val show = GET on name / * to _
val edit = GET on name / * / "edit" to controller.edit _
val update = PUT on name / * to controller.update _
val delete = DELETE on name / * to controller.delete _
trait Resources[T, Out] {
def index: Out
def `new`: Out
def create: Out
def show(id: T): Out
def edit(id: T): Out
def update(id: T): Out
def delete(id: T): Out
trait PlayResources[T] extends Resources[T, Handler]
trait PlayNavigator extends Navigator[Handler] {
def documentation = _documentation
def routes = new PartialFunction[RequestHeader, Handler] {
private var _lastHandler: () => Handler = null // this one sucks a lot
def isDefinedAt(req: RequestHeader) = {
// documentation foreach println
val parts = req.path.split("/").dropWhile(_ == ""), parts)).collectFirst { case Some(e) => e } match {
case Some(handler) =>
_lastHandler = handler
case None =>
def apply(req: RequestHeader) = _lastHandler()
import play.core.Router
import navigator.PlayNavigator
trait RoutesDefinition extends Router.Routes with PlayNavigator {
import controllers._
// Basic
val home = GET on root to Application.index _
val index = GET on "index" to Application.index _
val about = GET on "about" to Application.about _
val foo = POST on "foo" to Application.about _
val show = GET on "show" / * to
val ws = GET on "ws" to _
val bar = GET on "bar" / * / * / "blah" / * to
// Catches /long/a/b/c/.../z
var long = GET on "long" / ** to Application.long
// Require extension: /ext/{param}.{ext}
GET on "ext" / * as "json" to Application.extJson
GET on "ext" / * as "xml" to Application.extXml
// REST routes
val todos = resources("todos", Todos)
// Namespace ...
GET on "index" to Application.index _
// ... or with reverse routing support
val api = new Namespace("api"){
val v2 = new Namespace("v2"){
val about = GET on "about" to Application.about _
// and back to top-level namespace
GET on "showalt" / * to
package controllers {
object Routing extends RoutesDefinition
object Routes extends RoutesDefinition
package controllers
import play.api._
import play.api.mvc._
import navigator._
object Todos extends Controller with PlayResources[Int] {
def index = Action { Ok("Todos.index => %s" format Routing.todos.index()) }
def `new` = Action { Ok(" => %s" format Routing.todos.`new`()) }
def create = Action { Ok("Todos.create => %s" format Routing.todos.create()) }
def show(id: Int) = Action { Ok(" => %s" format (id, }
def edit(id: Int) = Action { Ok("Todos.edit(%d) => %s" format (id, Routing.todos.edit(id))) }
def update(id: Int) = Action { Ok("Todos.update(%d) => %s" format (id, Routing.todos.update(id))) }
def delete(id: Int) = Action { Ok("Todos.delete(%d) => %s" format (id, Routing.todos.delete(id))) }
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