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Created January 15, 2009 20:29
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Save teamon/47603 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
class Form extends Validation {
private $action;
private $method;
private $name;
private $validation;
private $vMessage;
public $request = array();
public $inputs = array();
private $errors = array();
private $cId;
private $results = array();
private $html = array();
private $js = '';
public function __construct($name = '', $action = '', $method = 'post', $validation = '', $vMessage = ''){
$this -> action = $action;
$this -> name = $name;
$this -> validation = $validation;
$this -> vMessage = $vMessage;
if(trim(strtolower($method)) == "post" || trim(strtolower($method)) == "get"){
$this -> method = trim(strtolower($method));
} else {
$this -> _error("wrong method");
public function add(&$input){
$this -> inputs[$input -> id] = $input;
public function addDatePicker($inputId, $minDate, $maxDate){
$this -> js .= "$('#$inputId').datePicker({startDate:'$minDate', endDate:'$maxDate'});"."\n";
public function validate(){
$request = $this -> getRequest();
$this -> request = $request;
$this -> getRequest();
$errors[] = array();
$count = 0;
foreach ($this -> inputs as $id => $input){
if(isset($request[$this -> name.'_sent']) && !empty($request[$this -> name.'_sent']))
$this -> inputs[$id] -> value = $request[$id];
foreach ($this -> inputs as $id => $input){
if($this -> validateInput($id) == false){
$errors[] = $input;
if(empty($request[$this -> name.'_sent']))
$input -> error = false;
if(!$this -> validateForm()) $count++;
if(empty($request[$this -> name.'_sent'])) return false;
$this -> errors = $errors;
if($count > 0) return false;
return true;
public function validateInput($id){
$this -> cId = $id;
$input =& $this -> inputs[$id];
if($input -> validation){
if(is_Array($input -> validation)){
foreach ($input -> validation as $val){
$input -> jsval .= $this -> _val($val);
} else {
$input -> jsval = $this -> _val($input -> validation);
$input -> jsval = substr($input -> jsval, 0, -1);
if($this -> getResult()){
$this -> results = array();
return true;
$input -> error = true;
$this -> results = array();
return false;
public function validateForm(){
if(!$this -> validation) return true;
list($fname, $params) = explode('|', $this -> validation);
$params = explode(':', $params);
// return call_user_method_array('ValidateAs'.$fname, $this, $params);
return call_user_func_array(array(&$this, 'ValidateAs'.$fname), $params);
private function _val($val){
@list($fname, $param) = explode('|', $val);
// $this -> results[$fname] = call_user_method_array('ValidateAs'.$fname, $this, array($this -> inputs[$this -> cId] -> value, $param));
$this -> results[$fname] = call_user_func_array(array(&$this, 'ValidateAs'.$fname), array($this -> inputs[$this -> cId] -> value, $param));
// return call_user_method('ValidateAs'.$fname.'JS', $this, $param);
return call_user_func(array(&$this, 'ValidateAs'.$fname.'JS'), $param);
private function getResult(){
foreach ($this -> results as $result){
if($result == false) return false;
return true;
private function getJS(){
$rules = '';
$msg = '';
foreach ($this -> inputs as $input){
$rules .= $input -> name.': {'.$input -> jsval.'},'."\n";
$msg .= $input -> name.': "'.$input -> vMessage.'",'."\n";
$rules = substr($rules, 0, -2);
$msg = substr($msg, 0, -2);
$js = '
<script type="text/javascript">
'.$this -> js.'
$("#'.$this -> name.' #form_loader").hide();
$("#'.$this -> name.'")
rules: {'.$rules.'},
messages: {'.$msg.'},
success: "valid",
event: "blur",
submitHandler: function(form){
$("#'.$this -> name.' input[@type=submit]").hide();
$("#'.$this -> name.' input[@type=image]").hide();
$("#'.$this -> name.' #form_loader").show();
return $js;
public function show(){
foreach ($this -> inputs as $id => $input){
$this -> html[$id] = $input -> show();
$this -> html['form_start'] = $this -> getFormStart().$this -> getJS();
$this -> html['form_end'] = $this -> getFormEnd();
return $this -> html;
private function getRequest(){
if($this -> method == "post"){
return $_POST;
} else {
return $_GET;
public function getErrors(){
return $this -> errors;
private function getFormStart(){
return '<form action="'.$this -> action.'" method="'.$this -> method.'" id="'.$this -> name.'" enctype="multipart/form-data">';
private function getFormEnd(){
return '<div><input type="hidden" name="'.$this -> name.'_sent" value="1" /></div> </form>';
private function _error($text){
echo $text;
abstract class Validation {
protected function ValidateAsNotEmpty($value, $param){
if($value != "" && $value !== 0 && strlen($value) >= $param) return true;
return false;
protected function ValidateAsNotEmptyJS($param){
return "required: true, minLength: $param,";
return "required: true,";
protected function ValidateAsEmail($value){
if(!preg_match('|^[_a-z0-9.-]*[a-z0-9]@[_a-z0-9.-]*[a-z0-9].[a-z]{2,3}$|e', $value)) return false;
return true;
protected function ValidateAsEmailJS(){
return 'required: true, email: true,';
protected function ValidateAsSameAs($value, $param){
if($value == $this -> inputs[$param] -> value) return true;
return false;
protected function ValidateAsSameAsJS($param){
return "equalTo: '#$param' ,";
protected function ValidateAsUniqueEmail($value, $param){
if(!$value) return false;
db::query("SELECT * FROM ".DB_PREFIX."customers WHERE email=#", $value);
if(db::numRows() == 0) return true;
return false;
protected function ValidateAsUniqueEmailJS($param){
return '';
protected function ValidateAsDate($value, $param){
if(preg_match("#^[0-9][0-9]/[0-9][0-9]/[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]$#", $value)){
$param = explode(':', $param);
$d = explode('/', $value);
$s = explode('/', $param[0]);
$f = explode('/', $param[1]);
$date = mktime(0, 0, 0, $d[1], $d[0], $d[2]);
$min = mktime(0, 0, 0, $s[1], $s[0], $s[2]);
$max = mktime(0, 0, 0, $f[1], $f[0], $f[2]);
if($date > $max || $date < $min) return false;
return true;
return false;
protected function ValidateAsDateJS($param){
return "required: true, date: true ,";
protected function ValidateAsRangeLength($value, $param){
$param = explode(':', $param);
if(strlen($value) < $param[0] || strlen($value) > $param[1]) return false;
return true;
protected function ValidateAsRangeLengthJS($param){
$param = explode(':', $param);
return 'required: true, rangeLength:['.$param[0].','.$param[1].'],';
protected function ValidateAsLogIn($p1, $p2){
$email = $this -> inputs[$p1] -> value;
$password = $this -> inputs[$p2] -> value;
if(!$email) return false;
db::query("SELECT * FROM ".DB_PREFIX."customers WHERE email=#", $email);
$row = db::fetch();
if($row['password'] == sha1($password)){
session::register($row['id'], $row['email'], $row['type']);
return true;
} else {
return false;
abstract class Input {
public $class = '';
public $disabled = '';
public $id = '';
public $name = '';
public $size = '';
public $style = '';
public $value = '';
public $readonly = '';
public $label = '';
public $validation = '';
public $vMessage = ' ';
public $jsval = '';
public $error = false;
public function __construct($options, $validation = '', $vMessage = ''){
if($options['name'] && !isset($options['id']) && empty($options['id']))
$options['id'] = $options['name'];
if($options['id'] && !$options['name'])
$options['name'] = $options['id'];
$this -> parseOptions($options);
} else {
$this -> id = $options;
$this -> name = $options;
$this -> vMessage = "Field $this->name not valid";
} else {
$this -> vMessage = $vMessage;
// $this -> vMessage = '<img src=\"templates/img/error.png\" />';
$this -> validation = $validation;
protected function parseOptions($options){
foreach ($options as $key => $value){
if(isset($this -> $key)){
$this -> $key = $value;
} else {
$this -> _error("unknown variable $key");
protected function getLoader(){
return '<img id="form_loader" src="'.SITE_URL.IMG_DIR.'loader.gif" />';
protected function parseValidation($validation){
foreach ($validation as $v){
} else {
$this -> validation = $validation;
protected function getCommonHtml(){
$html = '';
$class = 'class';
if($this -> $class)
$html .= ' class="'.$this -> $class.'"';
if($this -> disabled)
$html .= ' disabled="'.$this -> disabled.'"';
if($this -> id)
$html .= ' id="'.$this -> id.'"';
if($this -> name)
$html .= ' name="'.$this -> name.'"';
if($this -> style)
$html .= ' style="'.$this -> style.'"';
if($this -> readonly)
$html .= ' readonly="'.$this -> readonly.'"';
return $html;
protected function showError(){
if($this -> error){
return '<label class="error"></label>';
// return '<label for="'.$this -> name.'" class="error">'.$this -> vMessage.'</label>';
} else {
// return '<label class="error valid"></label>';
protected function _error($text){
echo $text;
class inputCheckbox extends Input {
public function show(){
$class = 'class';
if(!$this -> $class)
$class = ' class="checkbox"';
if(!$this -> value)
$this -> value = '1';
$c = ' checked="checked"';
$html = '<input '.$class.$c.' type="checkbox"';
$html .= $this -> getCommonHtml();
$html .= ' value="'.$this -> value.'"';
$html .= ' />';
$html .= $this -> showError();
return $html;
class inputFile extends Input {
public function show(){
$class = 'class';
if(!$this -> $class){
$class = ' class="file"';
$html = '<input '.$class.' type="file"';
$html .= $this -> getCommonHtml();
$html .= ' value="'.$this -> value.'"';
$html .= ' />';
$html .= $this -> showError();
return $html;
class inputHidden extends Input {
public function show(){
$class = 'class';
if(!$this -> $class){
$class = ' class="hidden"';
$html = '<input '.$class.' type="hidden"';
$html .= $this -> getCommonHtml();
$html .= ' value="'.$this -> value.'"';
$html .= ' />';
$html .= $this -> showError();
return $html;
class inputImage extends Input {
private $src;
public function __construct($options, $validation = array()){
$o = array();
$this -> src = $options;
$o['name'] = 'submit';
$o['id'] = 'submit';
} else {
$o = $options;
$this -> src = $o['src'];
parent::__construct($o, $validation);
public function show(){
$class = 'class';
if(!$this -> $class){
$class = ' class="image"';
$html = '<input '.$class.' type="image"';
$html .= $this -> getCommonHtml();
$html .= ' src="'.$this -> src.'"';
$html .= ' />';
$html .= $this -> getLoader();
$html .= $this -> showError();
return $html;
class inputPassword extends Input {
public function show(){
$class = 'class';
if(!$this -> $class){
$class = ' class="password"';
$html = '<input '.$class.' type="password"';
$html .= $this -> getCommonHtml();
$html .= ' value="'.$this -> value.'"';
$html .= ' />';
$html .= $this -> showError();
return $html;
class inputRadio extends Input {
public function show(){
$class = 'class';
if(!$this -> $class){
$class = ' class="radio"';
$html = '<input '.$class.' type="radio"';
$html .= $this -> getCommonHtml();
$html .= ' value="'.$this -> value.'"';
$html .= ' />';
$html .= $this -> showError();
return $html;
class inputSubmit extends Input {
public function __construct($options, $validation = array()){
$o = array();
$o['value'] = $options;
$o['name'] = 'submit';
$o['id'] = 'submit';
} else {
$o = $options;
parent::__construct($o, $validation);
public function show(){
$class = 'class';
if(!$this -> $class){
$class = ' class="submit"';
$html = '<input '.$class.' type="submit"';
$html .= $this -> getCommonHtml();
$html .= ' value="'.$this -> value.'"';
$html .= ' />';
return $html;
class inputText extends Input {
public function show(){
$class = 'class';
if(!$this -> $class){
$class = ' class="text"';
$html = '<input '.$class.' type="text"';
$html .= $this -> getCommonHtml();
$html .= ' value="'.$this -> value.'"';
$html .= ' />';
$html .= $this -> showError();
return $html;
class Select extends Input {
public $fields = array();
public $selected = '';
public function show(){
$html = '<select';
$html .= $this -> getCommonHtml();
$html .= ' >';
foreach ($this -> fields as $value => $name) {
if($value == 0) $value ='';
if($this -> selected == $value || $this -> value == $value) $selected = ' selected="selected"';
else $selected = '';
$html .= '<option value="'.$value.'" '.$selected.' >'.$name.'</option>';
$html .= '</select>';
$html .= $this -> showError();
return $html;
class Textarea extends Input {
public function show(){
$html = '<textarea';
$html .= $this -> getCommonHtml();
$html .= ' >';
$html .= $this -> value;
$html .= '</textarea>';
$html .= $this -> showError();
return $html;
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