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Created July 8, 2016 03:07
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// Get the user's choice
var userChoice = prompt("Rock, paper, or scissors?");
userChoice = userChoice.toLowerCase();
// Get the computer's choice
var computerChoice = Math.random();
// Teach the computer how to guess rock, paper, or scissors
if(computerChoice < .33) {
computerChoice = "rock";
else if(computerChoice < .66) {
computerChoice = "paper";
else {
computerChoice = "scissors";
// Compare their choices and tell the user the result
if(computerChoice === userChoice) {
alert("its a tie! you both chose " + userChoice);
else {
if(userChoice === "rock") {
if(computerChoice === "scissors") {
alert("The user wins! Rock beats scissors");
else if(computerChoice === "paper") {
alert("The User Loses! paper beats rock");
else if(userChoice === "scissors") {
if(computerChoice === "rock") {
alert("The user loses! rock beats scissors");
else if(computerChoice === "paper") {
alert("The User Wins! scissors beats paper");
else if(userChoice === "paper") {
if(computerChoice === "scissors") {
alert("The user loses! scissorz beats paper");
else if(computerChoice === "rock") {
alert("The User Wins! paper beats rock");
else {
alert("the user made an invalid choice");
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