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Created April 15, 2016 21:58
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// Function definition. This creats a function called reverseString
// which accepts one parameter.
function reverseString(inputString) {
var outputString = "";
for(var i = inputString.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var currentChar = inputString[i];
outputString += currentChar;
return outputString;
// You can call functions from within functions.
function isThisAPalindome(inputString) {
var reversed = reverseString(inputString);
return inputString === reversed;
// Lets test our function
console.log(isThisAPalindome("hello")); // false
console.log(isThisAPalindome("bob")); // true
console.log(isThisAPalindome("boB")); // false
console.log(isThisAPalindome("racecar")); //true
// A function without a return statement returns undefined
function returnsNothing() {
var x = 50;
var x = returnsNothing();
// Store a function in a variable.
// This is what makes people say JavaScript has "first class functions."
var yFunction = returnsNothing;
console.log(yFunction); // Prints that yFunction is a "function"
console.log(yFunction()); // Calls yFunction, which is returnsNothing, prints undefined
// addN returns an "anonymous function"
function addN(n){
// This anonymous function contains a "closure".
// The variable n is "closed over" or saved in the function that gets returned
return function(x) {
return x + n;
var addSeven = addN(7); // Here, addSeven is the anonymous function but "closes over" n where n=7
var addNine = addN(9); // Here, addNine is the anonymous function but "closes over" n where n=9
console.log(addSeven); // Function
console.log(addNine); // Function
console.log(addSeven(8)); // 15
console.log(addNine(1)); // 10
// This function takes a function as a parameter, then calls the passed in function.
// When a function is passed as a parameter, it is often refered to as a "callback"
function callThisCallback(callbackFunction) {
return callbackFunction();
// This function takes a callback, and a parameter to pass to that callback.
// Above we just call the function with nothing
function callbackWithParam(callbackFunction, inputToCallback){
return callbackFunction(inputToCallback);
// These two lines do the same thing.
// Both ultimately call the function "addSeven" without passing a parameter.
// They both compute 7 + undefined, which is NaN (Not a Number)
// These both also do the same thing, call addSeven but with a parameter of 7
// meaning they do 7+7 = 14
console.log(callbackWithParam(addSeven, 7));
// Finally, this is called the "self envoking function syntax"
// An anonymous function is created, then immediately envoked
// In this case we are passing "one" as parameter, but because the function
// expects two parameters this self envoking function prints
// one, undefined
(function(parameter, two) {
console.log(parameter) // "one"
console.log(two) // undefined
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