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Last active August 29, 2015 14:12
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Fix Year Timestamps in Logstash


Ingesting last year's syslog loglines will use this year's year since syslog format doesn't have a year in it (SYSLOGTIMESTAMP %{MONTH} +%{MONTHDAY} %{TIME}). I'm reading in the syslog lines from the file input and am still playing around with ES config, so I'm constantly DELETEing indexes, so I need to keep re-importing. This isn't a production-style solution.

Extra Info

I'm currently processing the timestamp pulled out with the syslog pattern using the date filter

    date {
        match => [ "timestamp", "MMM dd HH:mm:ss",
                                "MMM  d HH:mm:ss"]
        timezone => "Etc/UTC"

Hack Solution

If the @timestamp field is > now, subtract 1 year from it. Our syslog is always in Etc/UTC so I just blindly reassign it to -00:00.

# encoding: utf-8
require "logstash/filters/base"
require "logstash/namespace"
# This filter looks at the date, and if it's in the future, subtracts a year
# This assumes that your datetimes are already in UTC and just assigns them
# that way, ignoring your timezone in the @timestamp
# @TODO: Respect Timestamps
# The config looks like this:
# filter {
# fixyear { }
# }
class LogStash::Filters::FixYear < LogStash::Filters::Base
config_name "fixyear"
milestone 1
def initialize(config = {})
# @threadsafe = false
end # def initialize
def register
# @cache =
end # def register
def filter(event)
return unless filter?(event)
return if event['@timestamp'].nil?
if event['@timestamp'] >
year = event['@timestamp'].strftime('%Y').to_i - 1
datestring = event['@timestamp'].strftime("#{year}-%m-%dT%T-00:00")
event['@timestamp'] = Time.strptime(datestring, '%FT%T%:z')
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