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Last active December 15, 2015 21:29
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Save tec27/5325966 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
My new iteration on a Windows-based function hooking class, this time templated!
#include <array>
#include <Windows.h>
#include "./types.h"
namespace sbat {
// Type for simpler VirtualProtect -> restore old protection usage.
class ScopedVirtualProtect {
ScopedVirtualProtect(void* address, size_t size, u4 new_protection)
: address_(address),
has_errors_(false) {
has_errors_ = VirtualProtect(address_, size_, new_protection,
reinterpret_cast<PDWORD>(&old_protection_)) == 0;
~ScopedVirtualProtect() {
VirtualProtect(address_, size_, old_protection_, reinterpret_cast<PDWORD>(&old_protection_));
bool has_errors() const {
return has_errors_;
void* address_;
size_t size_;
u4 old_protection_;
bool has_errors_;
// Type for hooking a function at a specific memory location, with methods for replacing and
// restoring the original code. Function pointer type is specified by F, to allow for hooks of
// varying parameter lists.
template<typename F>
class FuncHook {
FuncHook(F func, F hook_func)
: callable_(func),
injected_(false) {
~FuncHook() {
if (injected_) {
bool Inject() {
if (injected_) return false;
ScopedVirtualProtect protect(function_, original_mem_.size(), PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE);
if (protect.has_errors()) return false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < hooked_mem_.size(); i++) {
function_[i] = hooked_mem_[i];
injected_ = true;
return true;
bool Restore() {
if (!injected_) return false;
ScopedVirtualProtect protect(function_, original_mem_.size(), PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE);
if (protect.has_errors()) return false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < original_mem_.size(); i++) {
function_[i] = original_mem_[i];
injected_ = false;
return true;
F callable() const {
return callable_;
void LoadFunctionMemory() {
ScopedVirtualProtect protect(function_, original_mem_.size(), PAGE_EXECUTE_READ);
// get a pointer to the address pointer at the second byte of hooked_mem_ (param for push)
F* ret_target_ptr = reinterpret_cast<F*>(&hooked_mem_[1]);
*ret_target_ptr = hook_func_; // set parameter of push to the address of our hook function
hooked_mem_[0] = 0x68; // push (address provided through hookFunc)
hooked_mem_[5] = 0xc3; // return
for (size_t i = 0; i < original_mem_.size(); i++) {
original_mem_[i] = function_[i];
F callable_;
F hook_func_;
byte* function_;
std::array<byte,6> original_mem_;
std::array<byte,6> hooked_mem_;
bool injected_;
} // namespace sbat
#include "FuncHook.h"
#include "ods.h"
FuncHook::FuncHook() {
funcMemory = NULL;
injected = false;
int i;
for(i = 0; i < 6; i++)
origMem[i] = newMem[i] = 0;
FuncHook::FuncHook(FuncPtr func, FuncPtr hookFunc) {
funcMemory = NULL;
injected = false;
int i;
for(i = 0; i < 6; i++)
origMem[i] = newMem[i] = 0;
setup(func, hookFunc);
void FuncHook::setup(FuncPtr func, FuncPtr hookFunc) {
if(funcMemory != NULL) {// this hook has been setup before
if(call == func)
return; // same function, just leave it in place
else {
injected = false;
call = func;
funcMemory = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *>(func);
unsigned char *hookFuncMem = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *>(hookFunc);
DWORD oldProtect;
if(VirtualProtect(funcMemory, 6, PAGE_EXECUTE_READ, &oldProtect) == FALSE) return;
unsigned char **newMemAddrPtr = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char **>(&newMem[1]); // get a pointer to the address pointer at the second byte of newMem (param for push)
*newMemAddrPtr = hookFuncMem; // set parameter of push to the address of our hookfunc
newMem[0] = 0x68; // push (address provided through hookFunc)
newMem[5] = 0xc3; // return
for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
origMem[i] = funcMemory[i];
//ods("OrigMem at 0x%08x: %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x", call, origMem[0], origMem[1], origMem[2], origMem[3], origMem[4], origMem[5]);
VirtualProtect(funcMemory, 6, oldProtect, &oldProtect);
bool FuncHook::inject() {
DWORD oldProtect;
if(VirtualProtect(funcMemory, 6, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, &oldProtect) == FALSE) return false;
// ods("Redirecting function at 0x%08x to 0x%08x", call, *(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char **>(&newMem[1])));
for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
funcMemory[i] = newMem[i];
injected = true;
if(VirtualProtect(funcMemory, 6, oldProtect, &oldProtect) == FALSE) return false;
FlushInstructionCache(GetCurrentProcess(), funcMemory, 6);
for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
if(funcMemory[i] != newMem[i])
ods("inject() failure for 0x%08x at byte %d", call, i);
return true;
bool FuncHook::restore() {
DWORD oldProtect;
if(VirtualProtect(funcMemory, 6, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, &oldProtect) == FALSE) return false;
for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
funcMemory[i] = origMem[i];
injected = false;
if(VirtualProtect(funcMemory, 6, oldProtect, &oldProtect) == FALSE) return false;
FlushInstructionCache(GetCurrentProcess(), funcMemory, 6);
for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
if(funcMemory[i] != origMem[i])
ods("inject() failure for 0x%08x at byte %d", call, i);
return true;
#ifndef FUNCHOOK_H
#define FUNCHOOK_H
#include <windows.h>
#define VTABLE_OFFSET(pClass, nFuncIndex) (reinterpret_cast<FuncPtr>(((reinterpret_cast<void ***>(pClass))[0])[nFuncIndex]))
typedef void *(*FuncPtr)();
struct FuncHook {
unsigned char * funcMemory;
unsigned char origMem[6];
unsigned char newMem[6];
FuncPtr call;
bool injected;
FuncHook(FuncPtr func, FuncPtr hookFunc);
void setup(FuncPtr func, FuncPtr hookFunc);
bool inject();
bool restore();
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