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Created September 10, 2017 21:59
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  • babel
  • babel-cli
  • babel-core
  • babel-jest
  • babel-loader
  • babel-plugin-lodash
  • babel-preset-es2015
  • babel-preset-react
  • babel-preset-stage-1
  • babel-runtime
  • cross-env
  • css-loader
  • enzyme
  • eslint
  • eslint-config-netlify
  • eslint-import-resolver-webpack
  • exports-loader
  • extract-text-webpack-plugin
  • file-loader
  • gotrue-js
  • identity-obj-proxy
  • imports-loader
  • jest
  • jest-cli
  • lint-staged
  • node-sass
  • npm-check
  • postcss-cssnext
  • postcss-import
  • postcss-loader
  • react-addons-test-utils
  • sass-loader
  • style-loader
  • stylefmt
  • stylelint
  • stylelint-config-css-modules
  • stylelint-config-standard
  • stylelint-declaration-block-order
  • stylelint-declaration-use-variable
  • url-loader
  • webpack
  • webpack-dev-server
  • webpack-merge
  • webpack-postcss-tools


  • @kadira/storybook
  • autoprefixer
  • babel-plugin-transform-builtin-extend
  • classnames
  • dateformat
  • deep-equal
  • fuzzy
  • history
  • immutability-helper
  • immutable
  • js-base64
  • js-yaml
  • json-loader
  • jwt-decode
  • localforage
  • lodash
  • material-design-icons
  • mdast-util-definitions
  • mdast-util-to-string
  • moment
  • node-sass
  • normalize.css
  • preliminaries
  • preliminaries-parser-toml
  • preliminaries-parser-yaml
  • prismjs
  • react
  • react-addons-css-transition-group
  • react-autosuggest
  • react-datetime
  • react-dom
  • react-frame-component
  • react-hot-loader
  • react-immutable-proptypes
  • react-lazy-load
  • react-portal
  • react-pure-render
  • react-redux
  • react-router
  • react-router-redux
  • react-sidebar
  • react-simple-dnd
  • react-sortable
  • react-split-pane
  • react-textarea-autosize
  • react-toolbox
  • react-topbar-progress-indicator
  • react-waypoint
  • redux
  • redux-notifications
  • redux-optimist
  • redux-thunk
  • rehype-parse
  • rehype-remark
  • rehype-stringify
  • remark-parse
  • remark-rehype
  • remark-stringify
  • semaphore
  • slate
  • slate-edit-list
  • slate-edit-table
  • slate-soft-break
  • slug
  • unified
  • unist-builder
  • unist-util-visit-parents
  • uuid
  • whatwg-fetch
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