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Last active September 16, 2018 15:38
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Attempt two at an ecs api. This time encoding as much data in the type system as possible via associated types
#![feature(const_fn, const_type_id)]
mod macros {
macro_rules! foreach_permutation {
($action:ident!(), $type:ident) => {
($action:ident!(), $type_lead:ident, $($type:ident),*) => {
$action!($type_lead, $($type),*);
foreach_permutation!($action!(), $($type),*);
mod slice {
use std::slice;
pub fn empty<'a, T: 'a>() -> &'a [T] {
unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts(0x1 as *const T, 0) }
pub fn empty_mut<'a, T: 'a>() -> &'a mut [T] {
unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts_mut(0x1 as *mut T, 0) }
mod component {
use slice;
use id::ComponentId;
pub trait Component : Sized + 'static {
const ID: ComponentId = ComponentId::of::<Self>();
pub trait ComponentData<'a> : Sized {
type IterData;
type IterItem;
type IterDataMut;
type IterItemMut;
fn empty() -> Self::IterData;
fn empty_mut() -> Self::IterDataMut;
macro_rules! impl_component_data {
($($type:ident),*) => {
impl<'data, $($type),*> ComponentData<'data> for ($($type),*)
where $($type: 'data + Component),*
type IterData = ($(&'data [$type]),*);
type IterItem = ($(&'data $type),*);
type IterDataMut = ($(&'data mut [$type]),*);
type IterItemMut = ($(&'data mut $type),*);
fn empty() -> Self::IterData {
fn empty_mut() -> Self::IterDataMut {
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M//,
//N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
pub mod id {
use std::any::TypeId;
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
pub struct ComponentId{
id: TypeId
impl ComponentId {
pub const fn of<T: ?Sized + 'static>() -> ComponentId {
ComponentId {
id: TypeId::of::<T>()
pub mod iter {
use component::*;
pub struct ReadIter<'data, T: ComponentData<'data>> {
data: T::IterData,
index: usize
impl<'data, T> ReadIter<'data, T>
where T: ComponentData<'data>
pub fn new(data: T::IterData) -> Self {
ReadIter {
data: data,
index: 0
impl<'data, T> Iterator for ReadIter<'data, T>
where T: ComponentData<'data>
type Item = T::IterItem;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
pub struct WriteIter<'data, T: ComponentData<'data>> {
data: T::IterDataMut,
index: usize
impl<'data, T> WriteIter<'data, T>
where T: ComponentData<'data>
pub fn new(data: T::IterDataMut) -> Self {
WriteIter {
data: data,
index: 0
impl<'data, T> Iterator for WriteIter<'data, T>
where T: ComponentData<'data>
type Item = T::IterItemMut;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
mod storage {
use component::*;
use component::id::ComponentId;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::marker::PhantomData;
trait Array { }
struct ComponentArray<T> { marker: PhantomData<T> }
impl<T> Array for ComponentArray<T> {}
// Context for locating components in storage and getting their reference
pub struct ComponentStorage {
components: HashMap<ComponentId, Box<Array>>
impl ComponentStorage {
pub fn new() -> Self {
ComponentStorage {
components: HashMap::new()
pub fn add<T: Component>(&mut self) {
self.components.insert(T::ID, Box::new(ComponentArray::<T> { marker: PhantomData }));
pub fn find<'a, T: Component>(&self) -> Option<&'a [T]> {
if let Some(storage) = self.components.get(&T::ID) {
else {
pub fn find_mut<'a, T: Component>(&self) -> Option<&'a mut [T]> {
mod system {
use std::marker::PhantomData;
use storage::ComponentStorage;
use component::ComponentData;
use component::iter::{ReadIter, WriteIter};
pub struct SystemContext<'ctx, TReads, TWrites> {
storage: &'ctx ComponentStorage,
read_marker: PhantomData<TReads>,
write_marker: PhantomData<TWrites>
impl<'ctx, 'a, TReads, TWrites> SystemContext<'ctx, TReads, TWrites>
where TReads: ComponentData<'a>,
TWrites: ComponentData<'a>
pub fn new(storage: &'ctx ComponentStorage) -> Self {
SystemContext {
storage: storage,
read_marker: PhantomData,
write_marker: PhantomData
pub fn reads(&self) -> ReadIter<'a, TReads> {
// TODO: - Figure out a way to query all the necessary components, return a 0 length iterator on failure
// - Construct the iterator
// - Verify lifetimes
pub fn writes(&self) -> WriteIter<'a, TWrites> {
// TODO: - Figure out a way to query all the necessary components, return a 0 length iterator on failure
// - Construct the iterator
// - Verify lifetimes
// - Enforce mutability constraints, preferrably at compile time
pub trait System<'a> {
type Reads: ComponentData<'a>;
type Writes: ComponentData<'a>;
fn run<'ctx>(&self, context: &SystemContext<'ctx, Self::Reads, Self::Writes>);
fn create_context<'ctx>(&self, storage: &'ctx ComponentStorage) -> SystemContext<'ctx, Self::Reads, Self::Writes> {
mod test_components {
use component::Component;
pub struct Position {
pub x: f32,
pub y: f32,
pub z: f32
impl Component for Position {}
pub struct Rotation {
pub x: f32,
pub y: f32,
pub z: f32,
pub w: f32
impl Component for Rotation {}
pub struct Velocity {
pub x: f32,
pub y: f32,
pub z: f32
impl Component for Velocity {}
pub struct AngularVelocity {
pub x: f32,
pub y: f32,
pub z: f32
impl Component for AngularVelocity {}
use storage::*;
use component::*;
use system::*;
use test_components::*;
struct Sys;
impl<'a> System<'a> for Sys {
type Reads = (Velocity, AngularVelocity);
type Writes = (Position, Rotation);
fn run<'ctx>(&self, context: &SystemContext<'ctx, Self::Reads, Self::Writes>) {
// Standard read
for (vel, ang_vel) in context.reads() {
println!("{:?}", vel);
// Standard write
for (pos, rot) in context.writes() {
pos.x += 1.0;
// Read only over writes
for (pos, rot) in context.writes() {
println!("{:?}", pos);
// INVALID: Mutation of reads
for (vel, ang_vel) in context.reads() {
vel.x += 1.0;
fn main() {
let mut storage = ComponentStorage::new();
let sys = Sys {};
let context = sys.create_context(&storage);;
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