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Forked from cameronove/RegEditSuite.psm1
Created May 27, 2022 15:30
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PowerShell module to manage Windows Registry.
2010 Scripting Games PowerShell: Advanced Event 1
Author: Cameron Ove
Date: 4/30/2010
Copyright: NONE :-D
Synopsis of functions:
I really wanted to the ability to provide credentials when contacting remote workstations.
.Net seems limited in that regard. So I used WMI.
In paticular I used the root\default namespace and StdRegProv thus enabing the ability for credentials across the network.
There is quite a number of functions here but the one that will probably be judged is the Set-RegValue. However, there
are a lot of supporting functions here in this suit. For example you could use the Get-RegValue function to create
a report of all workstations on your network if a reg key and value exists. I broke out setting, testing, removing, and getting
reg keys.
So now you have a whole suit of functions to do your registry work either locally, a workstation on your network, a list of workstations
across your network.
Each function will work on it's own and each function can accept computer names from a file:
PS>Get-Content .\networkcomputers.txt |
foreach{Get-RegValue -hive HKLM -path software\ScriptingGuys\2010ScriptingGames -ComputerName $_ -Credential $admin}
That will connect to each computer in the file and report the existance of a value in the registry. You could us Get-ADComputer
and pipe the names of computers in AD to the function as well.
Have fun!
#This function provides a mechanism for the user to confirm a change.
function Get-Answer([string]$Header,[string]$Question){
$yes= ([System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription]"&yes")
$no= ([System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription]"&no")
$selection = [System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription[]]($yes,$no)
return $host.ui.PromptForChoice($Header,$Question,$selection,1)
#Most of the function need the WMI StdRegProv object so I broke out its creation in a seperate function
#It returns the object as well as error info if unable to create the object.
function Get-RegProvider{
Used by by several functions to get a wmi registry provider object to work with keys and values.
This function uses WMI root\defauult namespace and the StdRegProv class. I wanted to use WMI in order
to maintain the ability to use credentials when attaching to workstations over the network.
.Parameter ComputerName
Target workstation. It defaults to localhost '.'
.Parameter Credential
PSCredential object should be passed if not then you will be prompted for credentials. Defaults to $null
so that if you are access local registry you don't have to provide credentials.
Returns a registry object of the registry on the localhost.
PS>Get-RegProvider wrkstation1 $admincreds
If $admincreds is a PSCredential object then this example returns a registry object of the registry on the computer specified
without being prompted for credentials.
[string]$ComputerName = '.',
$Credential = $null
$Result = '' | Select Reg,Result,ErrorReason,ErrorDescription
if($Credential -ne $null){
$Result.Reg = gwmi -Namespace root\default -ComputerName $ComputerName -Credential $Credential -query "select * FROM meta_class WHERE __Class = 'StdRegProv'"
$Result.Result = "SUCCESS"
return $Result
$Result.Reg = $null
$Result.Result = "FAILED"
$Result.ErrorReason = "CONNECTION"
$Result.ErrorDescription = $error[0]
return $Result
$Result.Reg = gwmi -Namespace root\default -ComputerName $ComputerName -query "select * FROM meta_class WHERE __Class = 'StdRegProv'"
$Result.Result = "SUCCESS"
return $Result
$Result.Reg = $null
$Result.Result = "FAILED"
$Result.ErrorReason = "CONNECTION"
$Result.ErrorDescription = $error[0]
return $Result
#Function to test the existance of a registry key
function Test-RegKey{
Used to test the existance of a registry key
If the function cannot connect to the workstation to get the StdRegProv object then it returns 'CANNOT_CONNECT'
If it can connect but it does not find the registry key it returns $false. If it finds the key it returns
$true. If an invalid Hive is specified it returns 'BAD_HIVE'.
.Parameter Hive
Specify the Hive with three or four character acronym. It will retrieve the correct unsigned [int] that represents
the hive specified.
.Parameter Path
The path in the registry from the hive root.
.Parameter ComputerName
Target workstation. It defaults to localhost '.'
.Parameter Credential
PSCredential object should be passed if not then you will be prompted for credentials. Defaults to $null
so that if you are access local registry you don't have to provide credentials.
PS>Test-RegKey -Hive HKLM -Path Software\ScriptingGuys\2010ScriptingGames
Connects to local registry and returns $true if it finds key and $false if not.
PS>Test-RegKey -Hive HKCU -path Software\ScriptingGuys\2010ScriptingGames -ComputerName wrkstation1 -Credential $admincreds
Will probably return an error because when connecting to a remote workstation the HKCU is of the user specified by the Credential
object. You would need to use HKU and specify the <SID> of the current user as the beginning of the path
in order to set that test for that key for the user that is logged into the machine.
[string]$ComputerName = '.',
$Credential = $null
switch ($hive){
"HKCR" {$root = [uint32]'0x80000000'} #HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT
"HKCU" {$root = [uint32]'0x80000001'} #HKEY_CURRENT_USER
"HKLM" {$root = [uint32]'0x80000002'} #HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
"HKU" {$root = [uint32]'0x80000003'} #HKEY_USERS
"HKCC" {$root = [uint32]'0x80000005'} #HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG
Default {return "BAD_HIVE"}
$Result = Get-RegProvider -ComputerName $ComputerName -Credential $Credential
if($Result.Result -eq 'Success'){
$reg = $Result.Reg
$CheckKey = ($reg.enumkey($root,$path)).ReturnValue
if($CheckKey -eq 0){
return $True
return $False
#Function to create a registry key
function Set-RegKey{
Used to create a registry key
If the function cannot connect to the workstation to get the StdRegProv object then it returns 'CANNOT_CONNECT'
If it can connect but it does not create the registry key it returns $false. If it creates the key it returns
$true. If an invalid Hive is specified it returns 'BAD_HIVE'.
.Parameter Hive
Specify the Hive with three or four character acronym. It will retrieve the correct unsigned [int] that represents
the hive specified.
.Parameter Path
The path in the registry from the hive root.
.Parameter ComputerName
Target workstation. It defaults to localhost '.'
.Parameter Credential
PSCredential object should be passed if not then you will be prompted for credentials. Defaults to $null
so that if you are access local registry you don't have to provide credentials.
PS>Set-RegKey -Hive HKLM -Path Software\ScriptingGuys\2010ScriptingGames
Connects to local registry and returns $true if it creates the key and $false if not.
PS>Set-RegKey -Hive HKCU -path Software\ScriptingGuys\2010ScriptingGames -ComputerName wrkstation1 -Credential $admincreds
Will connect to the remote workstation with the credentials provided and create the key in the specified path and hive.
[string]$ComputerName = '.',
$Credential = $null
switch ($hive){
"HKCR" {$root = [uint32]'0x80000000'} #HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT
"HKCU" {$root = [uint32]'0x80000001'} #HKEY_CURRENT_USER
"HKLM" {$root = [uint32]'0x80000002'} #HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
"HKU" {$root = [uint32]'0x80000003'} #HKEY_USERS
"HKCC" {$root = [uint32]'0x80000005'} #HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG
Default {return "BAD_HIVE"}
$Result = Get-RegProvider -ComputerName $ComputerName -Credential $Credential
if($Result.Result -eq 'Success'){
$reg = $Result.Reg
$CheckKey = ($reg.CreateKey($root,$path)).ReturnValue
if($CheckKey -eq 0){
return $True
return $False
#Function to remove a registry key
function Remove-RegKey{
Used to remove a registry key
If the function cannot connect to the workstation to get the StdRegProv object then it returns 'CANNOT_CONNECT'
If it can connect but it does not remove the registry key it returns $false. If it removes the key it returns
$true. If an invalid Hive is specified it returns 'BAD_HIVE'.
.Parameter Hive
Specify the Hive with three or four character acronym. It will retrieve the correct unsigned [int] that represents
the hive specified.
.Parameter Path
The path in the registry from the hive root.
.Parameter ComputerName
Target workstation. It defaults to localhost '.'
.Parameter Credential
PSCredential object should be passed if not then you will be prompted for credentials. Defaults to $null
so that if you are access local registry you don't have to provide credentials.
PS>Remove-RegKey -Hive HKLM -Path Software\ScriptingGuys\2010ScriptingGames
Connects to local registry and returns $true if it removes the key and $false if not.
PS>Remove-RegKey -Hive HKCU -path Software\ScriptingGuys\2010ScriptingGames -ComputerName wrkstation1 -Credential $admincreds
Will connect to the remote workstation with the credentials provided and remove the key in the specified path and hive.
[string]$ComputerName = '.',
$Credential = $null
switch ($hive){
"HKCR" {$root = [uint32]'0x80000000'} #HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT
"HKCU" {$root = [uint32]'0x80000001'} #HKEY_CURRENT_USER
"HKLM" {$root = [uint32]'0x80000002'} #HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
"HKU" {$root = [uint32]'0x80000003'} #HKEY_USERS
"HKCC" {$root = [uint32]'0x80000005'} #HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG
Default {return "BAD_HIVE"}
$Result = Get-RegProvider -ComputerName $ComputerName -Credential $Credential
if($Result.Result -eq 'Success'){
$reg = $Result.Reg
$CheckKey = ($reg.DeleteKey($root,$path)).ReturnValue
if($CheckKey -eq 0){
return $True
return $False
#Function to test if you have permisson to access a registry key
function Test-RegAccess{
Used to test if you have permission to access a registry key
If the function cannot connect to the workstation to get the StdRegProv object then it returns 'CANNOT_CONNECT'
If it can connect but it can't check access to the registry key it returns $false. If it can check access to the
key it returns $true. If an invalid Hive is specified it returns 'BAD_HIVE'.
.Parameter Hive
Specify the Hive with three or four character acronym. It will retrieve the correct unsigned [int] that represents
the hive specified.
.Parameter Path
The path in the registry from the hive root.
.Parameter ComputerName
Target workstation. It defaults to localhost '.'
.Parameter Credential
PSCredential object should be passed if not then you will be prompted for credentials. Defaults to $null
so that if you are access local registry you don't have to provide credentials.
PS>Test-RegAccess -Hive HKLM -Path Software\ScriptingGuys\2010ScriptingGames
Connects to local registry and returns $true if you have permission to access the key and $false if not.
PS>Test-RegAccess -Hive HKCU -path Software\ScriptingGuys\2010ScriptingGames -ComputerName wrkstation1 -Credential $admincreds
Will connect to the remote workstation with the credentials provided and test access to the key in the specified path and hive.
[string]$ComputerName = '.',
$Credential = $null
switch ($hive){
"HKCR" {$root = [uint32]'0x80000000'} #HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT
"HKCU" {$root = [uint32]'0x80000001'} #HKEY_CURRENT_USER
"HKLM" {$root = [uint32]'0x80000002'} #HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
"HKU" {$root = [uint32]'0x80000003'} #HKEY_USERS
"HKCC" {$root = [uint32]'0x80000005'} #HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG
Default {return "BAD_HIVE"}
$Result = Get-RegProvider -ComputerName $ComputerName -Credential $Credential
if($Result.Result -eq 'Success'){
$reg = $Result.Reg
$CheckKey = ($reg.CheckAccess($root,$path)).ReturnValue
if($CheckKey -eq 0){
return $True
return $False
function Remove-RegValue{
Used to delete a ValueName under the specified key.
If the function cannot connect to the workstation to get the StdRegProv object then it returns 'CANNOT_CONNECT'
If it can connect but it can't remove the valuename returns $false. If it can remove the valuename
it returns $true. If an invalid Hive is specified it returns 'BAD_HIVE'.
.Parameter Hive
Specify the Hive with three or four character acronym. It will retrieve the correct unsigned [int] that represents
the hive specified.
.Parameter Path
The path in the registry from the hive root.
.Parameter ValueName
The name of the value you want to delete in the specified registry key.
.Parameter ComputerName
Target workstation. It defaults to localhost '.'
.Parameter Credential
PSCredential object should be passed if not then you will be prompted for credentials. Defaults to $null
so that if you are access local registry you don't have to provide credentials.
PS>Remove-RegValue -Hive HKLM -Path Software\ScriptingGuys\2010ScriptingGames -ValueName LastUpdated
Connects to local registry and returns $true if it deleted the valuename and $false if not.
PS>Remove-RegValue -Hive HKCU -path Software\ScriptingGuys\2010ScriptingGames -ValueName LastUpdate -ComputerName wrkstation1 -Credential $admincreds
Will connect to the remote workstation with the credentials provided and remove the valuename in the specified path and hive.
[string]$ComputerName = '.',
$Credential = $null
switch ($hive){
"HKCR" {$root = [uint32]'0x80000000'} #HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT
"HKCU" {$root = [uint32]'0x80000001'} #HKEY_CURRENT_USER
"HKLM" {$root = [uint32]'0x80000002'} #HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
"HKU" {$root = [uint32]'0x80000003'} #HKEY_USERS
"HKCC" {$root = [uint32]'0x80000005'} #HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG
Default {return "BAD_HIVE"}
$Result = Get-RegProvider -ComputerName $ComputerName -Credential $Credential
if($Result.Result -eq 'Success'){
$reg = $Result.Reg
$CheckKey = ($reg.DeleteValue($root,$path,$ValueName)).ReturnValue
if($CheckKey -eq 0){
return $True
return $False
function Get-RegValue{
Used to retrieve a value from the registry.
This function uses an System.Object to keep track of the informations it retrieves. It returns that object when it is finished.
The object will keep track of detailed errors as it tries to contact workstations to assess its registry.
You could subsequently sort the output and get computers that were successful or ones that you value wasn't found to
take additionl actions on. For example if it reports that the value is not found you could pipe the object to the set-regvalue
function to have it create the key and value.
.Parameter Hive
Specify the Hive with three or four character acronym. It will retrieve the correct unsigned [int] that represents
the hive specified.
.Parameter Path
The path in the registry from the hive root.
.Parameter ValueName
The name of the valuename you want find in the specified registry key.
.Parameter ComputerName
Target workstation. It defaults to localhost '.'
.Parameter Credential
PSCredential object should be passed if not then you will be prompted for credentials. Defaults to $null
so that if you are access local registry you don't have to provide credentials.
PS>Get-RegValue -Hive HKLM -Path Software\ScriptingGuys\2010ScriptingGames -ValueName LastUpdated
Connects to local registry and returns detailed information about the value and/or errors that occurred in the processs
of retrieving the informaiton
PS>Remove-RegValue -Hive HKCU -path Software\ScriptingGuys\2010ScriptingGames -ComputerName wrkstation1 -Credential $admincreds
Will connect to the remote workstation with the credentials provided and returns detailed information about the value and/or errors
that occurred in the processs of retrieving the informaiton in the specified path and hive.
$Credential = $null,
$ComputerName = '.'
$RegEntry = '' | select ComputerName,Hive,Subkey,ValueName,ValueType,Data,Result,ErrorReason,ErrorDescription
$RegEntry.ComputerName = $computername
$RegEntry.Hive = $Hive.ToUpper()
$RegEntry.SubKey = $Path
$RegEntry.ValueName = $ValueName
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
$ValueTypes = @{
switch ($hive){
"HKCR" {$root = [uint32]'0x80000000'} #HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT
"HKCU" {$root = [uint32]'0x80000001'} #HKEY_CURRENT_USER
"HKLM" {$root = [uint32]'0x80000002'} #HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
"HKU" {$root = [uint32]'0x80000003'} #HKEY_USERS
"HKCC" {$root = [uint32]'0x80000005'} #HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG
Default { $RegEntry.Result = "FAILED"
$RegEntry.ErrorReason = "BAD_HIVE"
$RegEntry.ErrorDescription = "Hive NOT Specified Correctly"
Return $RegEntry}
$Result = Get-RegProvider $RegEntry.ComputerName $Credential
if($Result.Result -eq "SUCCESS"){
$reg = $Result.reg
$RegEntry.Result = $Result.Result
$RegEntry.ErrorReason = $Result.ErrorReason
$RegEntry.ErrorDescription = $Result.Description
return $RegEntry
if($RegEntry.ComputerName -eq '.'){$RegEntry.ComputerName = $reg.__SERVER}
if(($reg.CheckAccess($root,$path)).bGranted -eq $True){
$RegNames = ($reg.enumvalues($root,$path)).sNames
$RegTypes = ($reg.enumvalues($root,$path)).Types
$RegEntry.Result = "FAILED"
$RegEntry.ErrorReason = "PERMISSION_DENIED"
$RegEntry.ErrorDescription = "Access to SubKey is denied: $path"
return $RegEntry
$RegEntry.Result = "FAILED"
$RegEntry.ErrorReason = "SEE_DESCRIPTION"
$RegEntry.ErrorDescription = $error[0]
return $RegEntry
$exists = $RegNames | ?{$_ -eq $ValueName}
if(-not $exists){
$RegEntry.Result = "FAILED"
$RegEntry.ErrorReason = "NOT_FOUND"
$RegEntry.ErrorDescription = "Registry value name was not found on workstation.`nPlease check your path and try again.`nIf path is correct then the Value is not present; please create it."
return $RegEntry
for($i=0;$i -lt $RegNames.count;$i++){
$ValuesToTypes += @{$RegNames[$i] = $ValueTypes.[string]$RegTypes[$i]} #taking advantage of hash tables to get dynamic information
$RegEntry.ValueType = $ValuesToTypes.$ValueName #again taking advantage of hash tables for dynamic information
switch ($ValuesToTypes.$ValueName){
"REG_SZ" {
$RegEntry.Data = ($reg.GetStringValue($root,$path,$ValueName)).sValue
$RegEntry.Result = "SUCCESS"
$RegEntry.Data = ($reg.GetExpandedStringValue($root,$path,$ValueName)).sValue
$RegEntry.Result = "SUCCESS"
$RegEntry.Data = ($reg.GetBinaryValue($root,$path,$ValueName)).uValue
if($RegEntry.Data[0] -eq $Null){$RegEntry.Data = $Null}
$RegEntry.Result = "SUCCESS"
$RegEntry.Data = ($reg.GetDWORDValue($root,$path,$ValueName)).uValue
$RegEntry.Result = "SUCCESS"
$RegEntry.Data = ($reg.GetMultiStringValue($root,$path,$ValueName)).sValue
if($RegEntry.Data[0] -eq $Null){$RegEntry.Data = $Null}
$RegEntry.Result = "SUCCESS"
$RegEntry.Data = ($reg.GetQWORDValue($root,$path,$ValueName)).uValue
$RegEntry.Result = "SUCCESS"
return $RegEntry
function Set-RegValue{
Used to create a value from the registry.
This function will create a value of specified name and type in the specified registry key. You need to specify the hive, path of the key, the valuename, the valuetype,
and the actual value. You can also specify the remote workstation and credentials to use when connecting.
.Parameter Hive
Specify the Hive with three or four character acronym. It will retrieve the correct unsigned [int] that represents
the hive specified.
.Parameter Path
The path in the registry from the hive root.
.Parameter ValueName
The name of the valuename you want find in the specified registry key.
.Parameter ValueType
There are six types of data you can create in the registry. Each of the values above is associcated to a numeric type i.e. REG_SZ is type 1 and REG_QWORD is type 11.
There are several different types that need to be provided in order the the set-regvalue to work. For example REG_DWORD takes a value of type [uint32]. So the functions
tries to prevent you from specifying a string for DWORD and a UINT32 for a string value by asking you to supply the type of registry entry you want to create.
.Parameter ComputerName
Target workstation. It defaults to localhost '.'
.Parameter Credential
PSCredential object should be passed if not then you will be prompted for credentials. Defaults to $null
so that if you are access local registry you don't have to provide credentials.
PS>Set-RegValue -Hive HKCU -Path software\scriptingguys\2010ScriptingGames -ValueName LastUpdated -ValueType REG_SZ -Value ((get-date).tostring())
Connects to local registry and creates a valuename with the specified data in the specified key and hive.
PS>Set-RegValue -Hive HKCU -Path software\scriptingguys\2010ScriptingGames -ValueName LastUpdated -ValueType REG_SZ -Value ((get-date).tostring()) -ComputerName wrkstation1 -Credential $admin
Will connect to the remote workstation with the credentials provided and create a valuename with the specified data in the specified key and hive.
[string]$ComputerName = '.',
$Credential = $null
switch ($hive){
"HKCR" {$root = [uint32]'0x80000000'} #HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT
"HKCU" {$root = [uint32]'0x80000001'} #HKEY_CURRENT_USER
"HKLM" {$root = [uint32]'0x80000002'} #HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
"HKU" {$root = [uint32]'0x80000003'} #HKEY_USERS
"HKCC" {$root = [uint32]'0x80000005'} #HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG
Default {return "BAD_HIVE"}
$result = Test-RegKey $hive $path -ComputerName $Computername -Credential $Credential
if($result -eq $false){
$answer = Get-Answer "Registry Change!!!" "The registry key you specified does not exist. Would you like to create it?"
if($answer -eq 0){
$SetResult = Set-RegKey $hive $path -ComputerName $ComputerName -Credential $Credential
}elseif($result -ne $True){return $result}
$Result = Get-RegProvider -ComputerName $ComputerName -Credential $Credential
if($Result.Result -eq 'Success'){
$reg = $Result.Reg
switch ($ValueType){
"REG_SZ" {if($Value -isnot [string]){
return "BAD_VALUE"
$Result = ($reg.setStringValue($root,$path,$ValueName,$Value)).ReturnValue
if($Result -eq 0){
return $True
return $False
"REG_EXPAND_SZ" {if($Value -isnot [string]){
return "BAD_VALUE"
$Result = ($reg.SetExpandedStringValue($root,$path,$ValueName,$Value)).ReturnValue
if($Result -eq 0){
return $True
return $False
"REG_BINARY" {if($Value -isnot [byte[]]){
return "BAD_VALUE"
$Result = ($reg.SetBinaryValue($root,$path,$ValueName,$Value)).ReturnValue
if($Result -eq 0){
return $True
return $False
"REG_DWORD" {if($Value -isnot [uint32] -and $Value -isnot [int]){
return "BAD_VALUE"
$Result = ($reg.SetDWORDValue($root,$path,$ValueName,$Value)).ReturnValue
if($Result -eq 0){
return $True
return $False
"REG_MULTI_SZ" {if($Value -isnot [string[]]){
return "BAD_VALUE"
$Result = ($reg.SetMultiStringValue($root,$path,$ValueName,$Value)).ReturnValue
if($Result -eq 0){
return $True
return $False
"REG_QWORD" {if($Value -isnot [uint64]){
return "BAD_VALUE"
$Result = ($reg.SetQWORDValue($root,$path,$ValueName,$Value)).ReturnValue
if($Result -eq 0){
return $True
return $False
Default {return "BAD_VALUE_TYPE"}
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