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Created May 14, 2013 19:42
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node watch.js
//Simply run your headless jasmine specs in parallel to your daily coffeescript work
//Usage: node watch.js
var sys = require('sys');
var exec = require('child_process').exec;
var watch = require('watch')
function puts(error, stdout, stderr) {
if(stdout!=undefined){sys.puts(stdout);} if(error!=undefined){sys.puts(error);} if(stderr!=undefined){sys.puts(stderr);} }
function headlessJasmineSpecRunner(){ exec("jasmine-headless-webkit -c -j spec/jasmine.yml", puts); }
watch.createMonitor('./',function (monitor) {
monitor.files['./'] // Stat object for my zshrc.
monitor.on("changed", function (f, curr, prev) {
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