I hereby claim:
- I am techiedesu on github.
- I am techiedesu (https://keybase.io/techiedesu) on keybase.
- I have a public key ASBWLCzFiHn_mvFU76yfUNO-dV1hOcdobHLf9K_1yuGsCwo
To claim this, I am signing this object:
open System | |
open Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder | |
open Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting | |
open Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection | |
open Microsoft.FSharp.Core | |
open Microsoft.OpenApi.Models | |
open Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.SwaggerGen | |
type Child = { Text: string } | |
type Parent = { Child: Child option } |
module FSharp.CliWrap.Cli | |
open System.IO | |
type CliCommand = CliWrap.Command | |
type CliPipeSource = CliWrap.PipeSource | |
let wrap target = | |
CliWrap.Cli.Wrap(target) |
{ | |
"telemetry.enableTelemetry": false, | |
"workbench.colorTheme": "Monokai Dimmed", | |
"git.autofetch": true, | |
"editor.renderWhitespace": "all", | |
"explorer.confirmDragAndDrop": false, | |
"workbench.startupEditor": "newUntitledFile", | |
"workbench.editor.tabSizing": "shrink", | |
"workbench.editor.enablePreview": false, | |
"window.zoomLevel": 0, |
I hereby claim:
To claim this, I am signing this object: