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Last active July 27, 2016 11:12
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Basic Graph Generator for iMoodJournal csv data.
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use Parse::CSV;
use File::BOM qw( open_bom );
use Date::Parse;
use Chart::Gnuplot;
use Statistics::LineFit;
use Data::Dumper;
# iMoodJournal.csv starts with a BOM marker.
my $filehandle;
open_bom($filehandle, $ARGV[0], ':utf8'),
my $journal = Parse::CSV->new(
handle => $filehandle,
names => 1,
csv_attr => {
sep_char => ',',
quote_char => '"',
binary => 1,
my @timestamps;
my @levels;
while ( my $entry = $journal->fetch ) {
my $datetime = "$entry->{Date} $entry->{Hour}:$entry->{Minute}";
my $timestamp = str2time($datetime);
push( @timestamps, $timestamp );
push( @levels, $entry->{Level} );
# Create the chart object
my $chart = Chart::Gnuplot->new(
output => 'mood.png',
ylabel => 'Mood Level',
xlabel => 'Date / Time',
bg => "white",
timeaxis => "x", # declare that x-axis uses time format
imagesize => '3, 1.7',
yrange => [0, 10],
grid => "on",
grid => {
color => "black",
width => 1,
xlines => 1,
# Data set object
my $points = Chart::Gnuplot::DataSet->new(
xdata => \@timestamps,
ydata => \@levels,
style => 'points',
pointsize => '1.3',
timefmt => '%s', # input time format
my $bezier = Chart::Gnuplot::DataSet->new(
xdata => \@timestamps,
ydata => \@levels,
style => 'lines',
linetype => 'solid',
color => 'blue',
smooth => 'bezier',
width => '2',
timefmt => '%s', # input time format
my $csplines = Chart::Gnuplot::DataSet->new(
xdata => \@timestamps,
ydata => \@levels,
style => 'lines',
linetype => 'solid',
color => 'green',
smooth => 'csplines',
width => '2',
timefmt => '%s', # input time format
my $lineFit = Statistics::LineFit->new();
$lineFit->setData (\@timestamps, \@levels) or die "Invalid data";
my @predictedYs = $lineFit->predictedYs();
my $fit = Chart::Gnuplot::DataSet->new(
xdata => \@timestamps,
ydata => \@predictedYs,
style => 'lines',
linetype => 'solid',
color => 'magenta',
width => '2',
timefmt => '%s', # input time format
# Plot the graph
$chart->plot2d($points, $bezier, $csplines, $fit);
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