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Created April 15, 2016 20:29
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Electron Troubleshooting App
// git clone the latest `develop` branch of the `firmware` repo
// COMPILE from firmware/modules $
// make clean all PLATFORM_ID=10 APPDIR=~/code/fw-apps/electron-troubleshooting COMPILE_LTO=n DEBUG_BUILD=y -s program-dfu
// NOTE: APPDIR=~/code/fw-apps/electron-troubleshooting can be APP=electron-troubleshooting if that's easier
/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#include "application.h"
#include "cellular_hal.h"
// +UUPING: <retry_num>,<p_size>,<remote_hostname>,<remote_ip>,<ttl>,<rtt>
// +UUPING: 1,32,"","",55,768
// +UUPINGER: <error_code> +UUPINGER: 12
struct MDM_PING {
uint16_t size;
int retry_num;
int p_size;
char remote_hostname[64];
char remote_ip[16];
int ttl;
int rtt;
int error_code;
const char* error_msg;
memset(this, 0, sizeof(*this));
error_code = -1; // default no response
error_msg = getPingError(error_code);
size = sizeof(*this);
const char* getPingError(int err) {
switch(err) {
case 0: return "Success (no error)";
case 1: // "Internal error (ping level)"
case 2: // |
case 3: // |
case 4: // |
case 5: // |
case 6: return "Internal error (ping level)";
case 7: return "Empty remote host";
case 8: return "Cannot resolve host";
case 9: return "Unsupported IP version (RFU)";
case 10: return "Invalid IPv4 address";
case 11: return "Invalid IPv6 address (RFU)";
case 12: return "Remote host too long";
case 13: return "Invalid payload size";
case 14: return "Invalid TTL value";
case 15: return "Invalid timeout value";
case 16: return "Invalid retries number";
case 17: return "PSD or CSD connection not established";
case 100: // "Internal error (ICMP level)"
case 101: // |
case 102: // |
case 103: // |
case 104: // |
case 105: return "Internal error (ICMP level)";
case 106: return "Error creating socket for ICMP";
case 107: return "Error settings socket options for ICMP";
case 108: return "Cannot end ICMP packet";
case 109: return "Read for ICMP packet failed";
case 110: return "Received unexpected ICMP packet";
case 111: // "Internal error (socket level)"
case 112: // |
case 113: // |
case 114: // |
case 115: return "Internal error (socket level)";
case -1: return "No response";
default: return "Error unknown";
typedef struct {
int cid = 0;
int tx_sess_bytes = 0;
int rx_sess_bytes = 0;
int tx_total_bytes = 0;
int rx_total_bytes = 0;
MDM_DATA_USAGE _data_usage;
static inline int _cbUGCNTRD(int type, const char* buf, int len, MDM_DATA_USAGE* data)
if ((type == TYPE_PLUS) && data) {
int a,b,c,d,e;
// +UGCNTRD: 31,2704,1819,2724,1839\r\n
// +UGCNTRD: <cid>,<tx_sess_bytes>,<rx_sess_bytes>,<tx_total_bytes>,<rx_total_bytes>
if (sscanf(buf, "\r\n+UGCNTRD: %d,%d,%d,%d,%d\r\n", &a,&b,&c,&d,&e) == 5) {
data->cid = a;
data->tx_sess_bytes = b;
data->rx_sess_bytes = c;
data->tx_total_bytes = d;
data->rx_total_bytes = e;
return WAIT;
// Prototypes
void checkPingResponse(int ret, MDM_PING& pingResults);
void checkForURCResponse(int ret, int& data, uint32_t timeout_ms);
void processATcommand(void);
void processSerial1(void);
void waitForEnter(void);
void showHelp(void);
void enterCredentials(void);
String readInputString(void);
Serial1DebugOutput debugOutput(9600, ALL_LEVEL);
static inline int _cbCCID(int type, const char* buf, int len, char* ccid)
if ((type == TYPE_PLUS) && ccid) {
if (sscanf(buf, "\r\n+CCID: %[^\r]\r\n", ccid) == 1)
return WAIT;
static inline int _cbPING(int type, const char* buf, int len, MDM_PING* ping)
// +UUPING: <retry_num>,<p_size>,<remote_hostname>,<remote_ip>,<ttl>,<rtt>
// +UUPING: 1,32,"","",55,768
// +UUPINGER: <error_code>
// +UUPINGER: 17
if ((type == TYPE_PLUS) && ping) {
// char line[256];
// strncpy(line, buf, len);
// line[len] = '\0';
// Serial.printf("LINE: %s",line);
int count = 0;
if ( (count = sscanf(buf, "\r\n+UUPING: %d,%d,\"%[^\"]\",\"%[^\"]\",%d,%d\r\n",
&ping->rtt) ) > 0) {
ping->error_code = 0; // Success code on successful ping response
ping->error_msg = "Success";
else if (sscanf(buf, "\r\n+UUPINGER: %d\r\n", &ping->error_code) == 1) {
ping->error_msg = ping->getPingError(ping->error_code); // Lookup error message based on error_code
return WAIT;
static inline int _cbSTRING(int type, const char* buf, int len, int* data)
if (type == TYPE_UNKNOWN) {
char line[1024+64];
strncpy(line, buf, len);
line[len] = '\0';
String line2 = String(line);
line2.replace("\r\n\r\n", "\r\n");
Serial.printlnf("%s", line2.c_str());
else if (type == TYPE_PLUS) {
char line[1024+64];
if (sscanf(buf, "\r\n%[^\r]\r\n", line) == 1) {
Serial.printlnf("%s", line);
return WAIT;
// 3rd Party SIM credentials
//STARTUP(cellular_credentials_set("broadband", "", "", NULL)); // AT&T
bool debugging_loopback = false;
void process_debug_loopback()
if (debugging_loopback) processSerial1();
else Serial1.flush();
Timer timer(10, process_debug_loopback);
void setup()
Serial.println("Running in SEMI_AUTOMATIC mode, cellular modem is OFF at boot,"
"\r\nnot connected to the cellular network or cloud."
"\r\nSystem RGB LED will typically stay White, until connecting to cloud."
"\r\nConnect a serial to USB adapter on the TX pin to see debugging output."
"\r\nSuggested workflow: o, d, r, p, P, p, C, s, s, z");
/* This function loops forever --------------------------------------------*/
void loop()
static int count = 1;
if (Serial.available() > 0)
char c =;
if (c == 'C') {
Serial.print("Connecting to the cloud: ");
if (waitFor(Particle.connected, 30000)) {
else {
Serial.println("ERROR!\r\nTimed out after 30 seconds!");
else if (c == 'c') {
Serial.print("Disconnecting from the cloud: ");
if (waitFor(Particle.disconnected, 30000)) {
else {
Serial.println("ERROR!\r\nTimed out after 30 seconds!");
else if (c == 'o') {
Serial.print("Turning on the modem: ");
cellular_result_t result = -1;
result = cellular_on(NULL);
if (result) Serial.println("ERROR!\r\nFailure powering on the modem!");
else Serial.println("OK!");
else if (c == 'o') {
Serial.print("Turning off the modem: ");
cellular_result_t result = -1;
result = cellular_off(NULL);
if (result) Serial.println("ERROR!\r\nFailure powering off the modem!");
else Serial.println("OK!");
else if (c == 's') {
Serial.printf("Publishing the \"b\" event name with count \"%d\" data. Look in your logs: ", count);
if (!Particle.publish("b",String(count++))) {
Serial.println("ERROR!\r\nCould not publish. Is the Electron breathing CYAN? Type [C] to connect to the cloud.");
else {
else if (c == 'i') {
Serial.print("Get the SIM card ID (ICCID): ");
char ccid[32] = "";
if ((RESP_OK == Cellular.command(_cbCCID, ccid, 5000, "AT+CCID\r\n"))
&& (strcmp(ccid,"") != 0))
Serial.printlnf("%s\r\n", ccid);
else {
Serial.println("ERROR!\r\nCould not retreive ICCID. Is your SIM card inserted?");
else if (c == 'r') {
//CellularSignal s = Cellular.RSSI();
// Read it directly because we do not have network_ready() true when joining the data connection in this app
Serial.print("Getting signal strength: ");
CellularSignalHal s;
cellular_result_t result = cellular_signal(s, NULL);
int bars = 0;
if (s.rssi < 0) {
if (s.rssi >= -57) bars = 5;
else if (s.rssi > -68) bars = 4;
else if (s.rssi > -80) bars = 3;
else if (s.rssi > -92) bars = 2;
else if (s.rssi > -104) bars = 1;
if (result != 0) {
Serial.println("ERROR!\r\nFailure reading RSSI! Did you turn the modem on? Press [o]");
else {
Serial.printlnf("RSSI: %ddBm, QUAL: %ddB, BARS: %d", s.rssi, s.qual, bars);
else if (c == 'd') {
cellular_result_t result = -1;
Serial.print("Connecting to the cellular network: ");
result = cellular_init(NULL);
if (result) {
Serial.println("ERROR!\r\nFailed modem initialization! Did you turn the modem on? Particle SIM installed?");
else {
result = cellular_register(NULL);
if (result) {
Serial.println("ERROR!\r\nFailed to register to cellular network! Do you have the Particle SIM installed?"
"\r\nTry removing power completely, and re-applying.");
else {
CellularCredentials* savedCreds;
savedCreds = cellular_credentials_get(NULL);
result = cellular_gprs_attach(savedCreds, NULL);
if (result) {
Serial.println("ERROR!\r\nFailed to GPRS attach! Did you activate your Particle SIM?");
else {
else if (c == 'D') {
cellular_result_t result = -1;
enterCredentials(); // first set the credentials
Serial.print("Connecting to the cellular network with 3rd-Party APN: ");
result = cellular_init(NULL);
if (result) {
Serial.println("ERROR!\r\nFailed modem initialization! Did you turn the modem on? Particle SIM installed?");
else {
result = cellular_register(NULL);
if (result) {
Serial.println("ERROR!\r\nFailed to register to cellular network! Do you have the Particle SIM installed?"
"\r\nTry removing power completely, and re-applying.");
else {
CellularCredentials* savedCreds;
//cellular_credentials_set("broadband", "", "", NULL);
savedCreds = cellular_credentials_get(NULL);
result = cellular_gprs_attach(savedCreds, NULL);
if (result) {
Serial.println("ERROR!\r\nFailed to GPRS attach! Did you activate your Particle SIM?");
else {
else if (c == 'd') {
Serial.print("Disconnecting from the cellular network: ");
cellular_result_t result = -1;
result = cellular_gprs_detach(NULL);
if (result) {
Serial.println("ERROR!\r\nFailed to GPRS detach! Was the modem on and connected to the cellular network?");
else {
else if (c == 'x') {
cellular_result_t result = -1;
CellularCredentials* savedCreds;
savedCreds = cellular_credentials_get(NULL);
result = cellular_gprs_attach(savedCreds, NULL);
if (result) {
Serial.println("ERROR!\r\nFailed to GPRS attach! Did you activate your Particle SIM?");
else {
else if (c == 'a') {
else if (c == 'n') {
int data;
Serial.println("Scanning for available networks, could take up to 3 minutes...\r\n");
int ret;
int final_result = false;
Serial.println("\r\n[ AT+COPN ]");
ret = Cellular.command(_cbSTRING, &data, 15000, "AT+COPN\r\n");
Serial.println("[ AT+COPS=? ]");
ret = Cellular.command(_cbSTRING, &data, 3*60000, "AT+COPS=?\r\n");
if (ret == RESP_OK) {
Serial.println("[ AT+COPS=5 ]");
ret = Cellular.command(_cbSTRING, &data, 3*60000, "AT+COPS=5\r\n");
if (ret == RESP_OK) {
final_result = true; // AT+COPN doesn't return OK
if (final_result) {
Serial.println("\r\nScan complete!");
else {
Serial.println("\r\nScan incomplete! Power cycle the modem and try again.");
else if (c == 'P') {
MDM_PING pingResults;
//pingResults.error_code = 1000;
Serial.print("Pinging (Consumes 64 bytes per ping): ");
int ret;
ret = Cellular.command(_cbPING, &pingResults, 5000, "AT+UPING=\"\",1,4,5000,32\r\n");
checkPingResponse(ret, pingResults);
else if (c == 'p') {
MDM_PING pingResults;
// pingResults.error_code = 1000;
Serial.print("Pinging Google DNS (Consumes 240 bytes per ping): ");
int ret;
ret = Cellular.command(_cbPING, &pingResults, 5000, "AT+UPING=\"\",1,4,5000,32\r\n");
checkPingResponse(ret, pingResults);
else if (c == 'z') {
Serial.print("\r\nBattery will still charge in this mode. Press RESET to wake the system back up."
"\r\nTurning off the cellular modem, and putting processor in deep sleep: ");
cellular_result_t result = -1;
result = cellular_off(NULL);
if (result) Serial.println("ERROR!\r\nFailure powering off the modem!");
else Serial.println("OK!");
else if (c == 'U') {
Serial.println("Read counters of sent or received PSD data!");
if (RESP_OK == Cellular.command(_cbUGCNTRD, &_data_usage, 10000, "AT+UGCNTRD\r\n")) {
Serial.printlnf("CID: %d SESSION TX: %d RX: %d TOTAL TX: %d RX: %d\r\n",
_data_usage.tx_sess_bytes, _data_usage.rx_sess_bytes,
_data_usage.tx_total_bytes, _data_usage.rx_total_bytes);
else if (c == 'u') {
Serial.println("Set/reset counter of sent or received PSD data!");
Cellular.command("AT+UGCNTSET=?\r\n"); // test available limits, see log output
Cellular.command("AT+UGCNTSET=%d,0,0\r\n", _data_usage.cid);
else if (c == 'K') {
Serial.println("Debugging loopback enabled!"
"\r\nBe sure to jumper TX to RX to see Serial1"
"\r\ndebugging output mixed into Serial USB output.");
debugging_loopback = true;
else if (c == 'k') {
Serial.println("Debugging loopback disabled!");
debugging_loopback = false;
else if (c == 'h') {
else {
Serial.println("Bad command!");
while (Serial.available()); // Flush the input buffer
//if (Particle.connected()) Particle.process(); // Required for MANUAL mode
void processSerial1() {
if (Serial1.available() > 0) {
while (Serial1.available()) {
char c =;
void checkPingResponse(int ret, MDM_PING& pingResults) {
if (WAIT == ret) {
Serial.println("ERROR!\r\nNo response from modem, did you turn it on? Press [o]");
if ((RESP_OK == ret) && (pingResults.error_code == 0))
Serial.printlnf("OK!\r\n"/*RN:%d,*/"%d bytes from %s IP:%s TTL:%d RTT:%d ms",
//pingResults.retry_num, // we're only using 1 ping in this app
else {
if (RESP_OK == ret) {
// Send AT to check for URCs that were slow
int tries = 0;
do {
if (tries++ > 20) break;
ret = Cellular.command(_cbPING, &pingResults, 5000, "AT\r\n");
while ((RESP_OK != ret) || (pingResults.error_code != 0));
if ((RESP_OK == ret) && (pingResults.error_code == 0))
Serial.printlnf("OK!\r\n"/*RN:%d,*/"%d bytes from %s IP:%s TTL:%d RTT:%d ms",
//pingResults.retry_num, // we're only using 1 ping in this app
else {
Serial.printlnf("ERROR!\r\nERROR %d : %s", pingResults.error_code, pingResults.error_msg);
if (RESP_ERROR == ret) {
Serial.printlnf("ERROR!\r\nSend ping requests slower, once per 2 seconds or more.");
if (RESP_OK == Cellular.command("AT+CEER\r\n")) {
// do nothing, check logs.
void checkForURCResponse(int ret, int& data, uint32_t timeout_ms) {
if (WAIT == ret) {
Serial.println("ERROR!\r\nNo response from modem, did you turn it on? Press [o]");
if (RESP_OK == ret) {
// Send AT to check for URCs that were slow
uint32_t tries = 0;
do {
if (tries++ > (timeout_ms/500)) break;
ret = Cellular.command(_cbSTRING, &data, 5000, "AT\r\n");
while (RESP_OK != ret);
if (RESP_ERROR == ret) {
Serial.printlnf("ERROR!\r\nWhile checking for URC Response.");
if (RESP_OK == Cellular.command("AT+CEER\r\n")) {
// do nothing, check logs.
void processATcommand() {
static bool once = false;
if (!once) {
once = true;
Serial.println("Please be careful with AT commands. BACKSPACE and"
"\r\nESCAPE keys can be used to cancel and modify commands.");
Serial.print("Enter an AT command: ");
int done = false;
String cmd = "";
while (!done) {
if (Serial.available() > 0) {
char c =;
if (c == '\r') {
if(cmd != "") {
if (RESP_OK == Cellular.command("%s\r\n", cmd.c_str())) {
Serial.printlnf("%s :command request sent!", cmd.c_str());
else {
Serial.printlnf("%s :command request was not recognized by the modem!", cmd.c_str());
cmd = "";
done = true;
else if (c == 27) { // ESC
if (cmd.length() > 0) {
for (uint32_t x=0; x<cmd.length(); x++) {
for (uint32_t x=0; x<cmd.length(); x++) {
Serial.print(' ');
for (uint32_t x=0; x<cmd.length(); x++) {
Serial.println("command aborted!");
cmd = "";
done = true;
else if ((c == 8 || c == 127)) { // BACKSPACE
if (cmd.length() > 0) {
cmd.remove(cmd.length()-1, 1);
Serial.print("\b \b");
else {
cmd += c;
String readInputString() {
bool done = false;
String cmd = "";
while (!done) {
if (Serial.available() > 0) {
char c =;
if (c == '\r') {
done = true;
else if (c == 27) { // ESC
if (cmd.length() > 0) {
for (uint32_t x=0; x<cmd.length(); x++) {
for (uint32_t x=0; x<cmd.length(); x++) {
Serial.print(' ');
for (uint32_t x=0; x<cmd.length(); x++) {
cmd = "";
done = true;
else if ((c == 8 || c == 127)) { // BACKSPACE
if (cmd.length() > 0) {
cmd.remove(cmd.length()-1, 1);
Serial.print("\b \b");
else {
cmd += c;
} // while (!done)
return cmd;
void enterCredentials() {
static bool once = false;
if (!once) {
once = true;
Serial.println("You will be prompted to enter your APN, USERNAME and PASSWORD."
"\r\nMost 3rd-Party SIMs don't require USERNAME and PASSWORD so just"
"\r\npress ENTER on those to set them as empty values."
"\r\nPressing ENTER on all 3 will restore Particle's APN.\r\n");
Serial.print("APN: ");
APN = readInputString();
Serial.print("USERNAME: ");
USERNAME = readInputString();
Serial.print("PASSWORD: ");
PASSWORD = readInputString();
cellular_result_t result = cellular_credentials_set(APN.c_str(), USERNAME.c_str(), PASSWORD.c_str(), NULL);
if (result) {
Serial.println("\r\nERROR! Credentials Not Set!");
} else {
Serial.println("\r\nCredentials Set!");
void waitForEnter() {
while (!Serial.available()) {
Serial.print("Press ENTER\r"); // prints in place over and over
while (Serial.available()); // Flush the input buffer
void showHelp() {
Serial.println("\r\nPress a key to run a command:"
"\r\n[o] turn the cellular modem ON"
"\r\n[d|D] cellular data connection (Particle SIM|3rd Party SIM)"
"\r\n[n] scan the cellular network for operators"
"\r\n[r] get the RSSI and QUAL values"
"\r\n[P|p] send ping to|Google DNS"
"\r\n[C|c] to connect|disconnect the cloud"
"\r\n[s] publish a \"b\" event name and \"count++\" data"
"\r\n[i] read the SIM ICCID"
"\r\n[z] turn off the cellular modem, and go to deep sleep"
"\r\n[K|k] enable|disable Serial1 debugging loopback"
"\r\n[h] show this help menu\r\n");
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